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Everything posted by stan4

  1. Speaking of good writing, your post was very nicely done. I only kept this part to quote because I disagree that it would have killed her dream to have the world. It reminds me immediately of a friend of mine I had in residency (Bob) who strapped his baby boy on his back and went to Nepal or surfed in Australia or just took that kid wherever the wind blew him. My friend had no resources besides the brain in his head and a whole lot of gumption (I met him when he was older, his son was an older teenager, and Bob had become a physician). Rory has the might of the Gilmore dollars behind her. A baby wasn't going to slow her roll if she wanted to do anything. Oh, and Chris was never a father figure. Rory had zero respect for the guy (can't blame her).
  2. My biggest beefs with Lorelai is consistent with my biggest beefs with people in general. I don't like people who don't think the rules apply to them. And I don't like people who belittle/jeer at what is important to others just because it's not important to them. Finally, I find hypocrites to be absolutely maddening. She is all three in spades.
  3. Yeah. All this driving back and forth from Harford to Yale or Yale to Hartford like it takes no time at all is poppycock. Let's forget that student parking at any big university is never easy to get to. But then add a 45 minute drive (in the best conditions). You want me to believe that Rory would drive all the way to Hartford from Yale to have a cocktail with her grandparents and then just up and leave and go back to Yale to take Logan out for graduation? ON A FRIDAY EVENING?! I can't get anywhere Friday starting about 3pm until close to 8 bc traffic is nonsense right before the weekend starts. Not to mention now we're supposed to believe she's going to Yale and working in Stamford (another hour-away type town)? I'm sensitive to this tripe bc of all the commuting I have to do all over the DFW metroplex. And we have multiple north-south and east-west choices. Unlike in CT. And it's still a nightmare to go 10 miles the wrong time of day. Let alone FORTY miles.
  4. No, you are right. No matter what, why did L care? And even if she cared, highly inappropriate to voice it. Half my extended and 1/4 of my immediate family (not to mention many friends) = lawyers, but I still feel comfortable saying you'd be nuts to get involved with one. This post is genius.
  5. Well. I didn't like Nicole, either. I never got what Luke saw in her.
  6. Speaking of sunrise...when Dean and Rory were caught at Patty's, it was 5:30am. In the winter. Why was the sun up?
  7. Goes back to how characters just turn into caricatures so much for people like ASP.
  8. They got in a "little accident" and each broke something. As someone who does trauma for a living, MVA is the clear implication.
  9. Luke told her on the phone message. Why ask again?
  10. Yup. My wife is in the DAR. I nitpicked this in revival.
  11. Ok, Emily. Are you over paella bc it's been overdone or are you charmed and excited by it? Also, no time before June 3 to have dinner with Luke? Wrong. In fact, Yale graduation ceremonies in 2006 were in MAY. Same night you are setting up Chris and Emily's roommate's daughter and eating the much maligned paella.
  12. Nope. Just watched the Valentine episode at MV. Luke is a dick.
  13. That was the deposit, which I assumed was $5k. Makes more sense and is in line with my experience. Ok, another writer nitpick: Well... Many, many times, some character says, "Well..." and is interrupted by the other character they are talking with. Multiple characters. Which is annoying, bc the timing and inflection of these *wells* are usually terrible. And most people don't speak the same. But apparently everyone in GG world starts of explanations with "Well..." It's really bad. The timing is almost always off. Like you can tell it's a scripted word instead of an interrupted thought.
  14. Kiss and Tell...Luke yells about the lack of tip. Season 5 Luke gives a speech about how she didn't need to tip the whole time bc he was the proprietor.
  15. Dumb anvil question. They are made of steel/iron = $ scrap; melt and reuse for other things.
  16. It bothers me when people who act like this on tv get their way, bc it makes real people think you're heroic or doing the right thing to storm into hospitals demanding tests. No. Just no.
  17. Nope. Just like Max x 2...few months down the road and she's bored and sniffing around again. Aw, maybe he was great. Maybe I moved too fast. Maybe Anna is out of the picture. Maybe my daughter is leaving and I don't have sh** else to do. Blah blah *insert selfish Lorelai reason here*.
  18. He may not have known. But in *her* mind, they were. Of course it was stupid and dtamatic and nebulous. That is Lorelai Gilmore.
  19. I don't know that I agree that there is some agreed-upon code on your behavior once you've broken up with someone. I think Lorelai was wrong to sleep with Christopher, but not because of anything to do with Luke. They were broken up. The Luke part was irrelevant. She shouldn't have slept with him bc a. gross, b. learn to deal with your emotions in a healthy way, c. it's not fair to use Chris, knowing the way he feels, d. consider what this does with Rory's relationship with him, e. ew, etc. Luke said he was ok with eloping when they were at MV. You know, Sookie said to Lorelai a whole thing about promising to marry someone being as big a commitment as actual marrying them (when she was berating her about setting a date). I don't agree with that, per se, but I really don't understand AT ALL why June 3 had to be postponed or why Luke was being so ridiculous.
  20. Maybe he's as tired of the recent spate of incompetents on lately. We thought we must have made it up in our heads (my wife and I), so we started watching episodes from other years (you can find them on youtube). Yeeaaaaaah. Bad folk, easy questions lately. Good time to get on and play! The exam is coming up.
  21. Yeah. "All in" but bails at the first sign of conflict.
  22. "No matter how much you might like a girl, don't give her your best shirt. You'll never get it back." -Your best shirt, Those Who Dig Great song.
  23. This is where I agree with Mitchum and that stupid revival. Rory is a very intelligent and competent person. What she is NOT is someone who takes initiative. She is not a go-getter. She takes direction well and works well within a structured environment. She does not do well in nebulous situations or where she has to demonstrate gumption. This is why, IMO, she has so few friends (something discussed earlier in the thread). She accepts the friends that drop into her life. If the friends choose to stay, they are there. But putting herself out there, risking failure, carving out her own path...that is not a Rory thing to do. Which is why she may have idolized Christiane Amanpour, but she was never going to be her.
  24. Errr...no...he left because he wanted to be more than friends. He liked her. She liked Logan. No more Duck Soup. I don't get all the Marty love. Maybe it's my own bad experiences with guys who pretended to be my friend but bailed as soon as they realized they weren't getting in my pants.
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