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Everything posted by babyhouseman

  1. Hello. It might snow here tomorrow. Being the South, we'll be excited with an inch and have snow cream which is not on the diet.
  2. Lola must be dealing with her wigs or angry parents telling her they don't want letters from their fat children.
  3. My mother's sister always calls during her TV shows. The sister is an extrovert who hates being shut in by the pandemic.
  4. I remember one patient who was funny. One who thought she could sing.
  5. Weebles wobble but they don't fall down. Cindy reminds me of the witch weeble I had.
  6. Nobody listens to me. We've been listening to you whine for almost an hour and a half.
  7. We have another toilet breaker. I guess 666, sign of the devil.
  8. How to find a hunky fireman, gain 600 pounds. I bet Cosmo won't tell you that.
  9. She said she'd better not get worse. Honey, you ain't go far to go to hit rock bottom.
  10. How will she get there? Sexy men with an ambulance? Cattle train?
  11. Baby rabies crazy must run in the family. Her mother Ashley had an abortion and then had a mental breakdown. She stole Victor's sperm. She said a blanket was her baby. Then the mess with Adam and the baby switch.
  12. Well, now she's Carrie from Sex and the City and the hubby is Mr. Big. Cornhole sounds dirty. Well, I guess that's it. Good bye.
  13. I read too much celebrity gossip, and they say she is eager to please on her knees. I don't know if Flay is one of her men. If his office was in a car, Paradise by the Dashboard Lights. Or if he want to sabotage their diets, Cheeseburger with Paradise.
  14. They won't let him wear his Ugly Beards Club shirt.
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