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Everything posted by babyhouseman

  1. We're having color with last week and his tie dye shirt.
  2. He never learned to read. Must have been unrecognized learning disabilities.
  3. Hi everyone. Snow last weekend and possible snow this weekend in place that hardly gets snow. In the South, we eat snow cream. Probably not on the diet.
  4. I don't think Kate posts on SM anymore. I've seen recent(the last few years) videos of Mady and Kate on SM. I always thought Mady stayed close to her because she had money even though I don't know how much money K has left. There's just so much dysfunction in Mady's parental relationships somebody could write a book on it.
  5. I remember Goodman saying sitcom work is nice because you don't have to travel all over the place like for movies. As they get older, it must be nice to have something like that.
  6. What an episode. I think my mouth was dropped open for most of the show. I've known women with intellectual disabilities, and in an ideal world, everybody with these problems would have many supportive family members and access to suitable education and jobs. It can be hard on the family members helping the people with IDs. Somebody mentioned Hello Dolly in chat. I think we can also say Good Golly Miss Dolly!
  7. Well, good night. Maybe they'll have a part 2 and a wedding. I can't wait to see the wedding attire.
  8. Yes, Dolly,, Dr. Now will give you weight loss surgery for doing laundry.
  9. At this rate, when Dolly reaches her goal, Dr. Now won't be alive to give her WL surgery.
  10. Mom doesn't like Phillip? She doesn't want a deaf man with a turtle backpack?
  11. Wow, we get to see her do laundry. Her mom at a safe distance: Is she going to bite?
  12. Who is she going to be dating when we come back from commercial?
  13. Now we got Phillip from the homeless shelter. She can pick 'em.
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