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I wouldn’t let my kids watch this show because I think it’s too violent. I also think some of the language is a bit much at times. Plus, the show has made references to threesomes etc, so I don’t know how appropriate it is for kids tbh. That said, the network, producers, and cast have always promoted this show as being for “the whole family”. I do think that’s why the show doesn’t have more sexuality in it. Americans have long been more opposed to sexuality and nudity than violence. Beyond that, I also think the show runners have made the show less sexual overtime. ...this is also why I will be watching Eric like a hawk for the Ralph/Sue romance build-up.
I also think people need to keep in mind that under AJK there was always a huge turnover in the writers room. He fired almost all of the season 1 writers going into season 2. He fired nearly all of the season 2 writers going into season 3. He fired nearly all of the season 3 writers going into season 4. In fact, of the current writing team only one writer from season 3 remains: Lauren Certo. In the history of this show, this is the longest period of time for a group of writers to be with the show. Under Todd and then Eric, the writing team has been stable and that’s when the romance really went down. Outside of Lauren, I tend to think these writers can’t really write romance on a consistent basis. They haven’t proven me wrong thus far. Even the sexiest scene we have gotten (the deleted burnt toast scene) was written by guest writers. It’s the show runner who holds the key to the amount of romance, but I do think the writing staff (outside of Lauren) may not be all that comfortable with it. At least two of the writers were formally Nickelodeon writers. As far as it being the actors, I would reject that idea. For one, actors don’t have that level of control. It couldn’t be an explicit scene because it’s network tv. Plus, after watching how comfortable Grant and Candice were in that deleted scene, I truly don’t see what the hold up would be on their end. I guarantee the script didn’t call for all of the things that took place in that scene. Most of the physical touching that is done on the show is due to what Grant and Candice add on their own because according to them, the scripts don’t give direction about that.
I’m sorry, but I really don’t agree with this. Look at the episodes where Berlanti created the stories for Flash. Very romantic for WA. Some of the few times Berlanti has spoken about Flash has been in relation to WA and their romance. It was Greg who said Iris needed to have a bigger role on the show in 2B and season 3. He was the one who is credited for pushing for Barry and Iris to get married. Beyond Greg, it was the network who told Todd to give WA a kid. At the 100th episode party, the CW president and the WB president mentioned only Candice for being such a change of force in the comic medium. They were the only two to publicly congratulate Candice for winning a Saturn. Not too mention that in the Arrowverse and the CW at large, romance remains an important aspect of those shows. It’s the CW, they love romance and it shows on other programming. At SDCC roundtables, when Eric talked about his creative direction for the show he said (voluntarily) that he was doing everything he wanted to do on the show in the first 8 episodes as a show runner that he couldn’t do as a writer. He even made a statement about those eps having his fingerprint on them. That they were close to his heart. He said the network gave him zero pushback. Eric also said that was given two mandates (by Greg): more heart, less spectacle, and to hire a black female writer for the show. He gave some excuses around why he couldn’t hire a black female writer at that moment, but that he would be looking to make that change in the coming months. I still have yet to see a black female writer on the show. There’s more heart on the show for the men, but women have been by and large ignored in the run up to Crisis. Iris, Cecile, Caitlin, Kamila, and Allegra have yet to have a POV about Crisis. Frost had one when she thought she was dying, but not since. Contrast that with the men on the show and it’s night and day. I still think there are issues with the men’s POV, but there’s been an attempt to address the pain of men. Also, Eric has misrepresented this season for Iris and WA from the start. Iris’ journalism was said to be “on fire” in 6A, and that didn’t happen. Iris’ natural hair was supposed to show a “new side of the character” and she was offscreen the whole time. WA were supposed to spend “every moment together that they could” leading up to Crisis, and they never spent any time alone. While AJK was a pig, he did like romance. Todd and Eric might on some level, but they prefer to placate fanboys who hate Iris and WA. That’s not a Greg or network call. That’s clearly a show runner call. In Eric’s (and to an extent Todd) case they would talk differently in interviews about how important romance is for the show but they don’t show anything on the actual show. They seem to know that the appetite is there, but won’t deliver on it week to week.
I think it has already passed. I believe their anniversary was on November 28th or something close to it.
This! I don’t understand the writing of this show. It’s stupid. There, I said it. Barry as dark flash nearly killed his wife twice and that was never addressed. It would be natural for Iris to feel timid around Barry after that happened. I would imagine that Barry would feel guilt for putting Iris in that position. But, nothing. As always. We have time to have Caity Frost talk to each other on screen for no reason, but no time to discuss the fact that Iris is set to lose her entire family within 6 months. This show is not grounded at all, and it seems to be going in the worst direction. I’m not sure that it can be turned around. Another thing that’s random to me: has anyone else noticed this increase of male on female violence this year? In previous seasons, it would mostly be same sex fighting. But, this season we have had both Iris and Caitlin choked by men. It’s a disturbing trend that I hope ends very soon.
I think it was mostly just the Holiday traveling. I was traveling on Tuesday and the airports were packed. I think this should have been the week off tbh.
There has never been a sex scene on this show, so I do agree with Candice. That said, this show has become so chaste over the years that it’s ridiculous. There’s only one reason for it, and I hate it. Trust that I am watching very closely to this Ralph/Sue relationship to see how TPTB will handle it in comparison to WestAllen. Sadly, I’m anticipating differences.
I don't think that happens either based on set pics. I do think A Flash will die, but not The Flash that we know. A play on words IMO. Likely, one of the "many wonderful guest stars" we have heard about.
I totally agree that it would be an odd plot point on it's own. But, given the fact that both of have talked about wanting children in the future ("the new Nora" as described in the premiere) it makes little sense that they haven't once discussed the fact that it can't happen if Barry dies in Crisis. I'm not even talking about them trying for a baby. Just showing some concern about not being able to have kids. However, the writers seem to want to ignore any feelings Iris (and to an extent Barry) may have about Barry dying so I think that's why it hasn't been addressed. It's kinda like when Barry and Iris went on vacation and didn't even comment on how it could be their last vacation. Just nothing from them and I don't get it. It's not even that they know it's going to be stopped. Nothing has been done to stop Crisis from coming on their end. Just preparing.
I see what you are saying, and I don't think I was really clear. It makes no sense to prep the team for doing...exactly what they do now. They already save the city every week, so why do we need to do this? Plus, the majority of season 4 was about prepping Ralph to become a hero already. I can see the value of prepping KF since she's never been trained she just joined the team for no reason. On another note, there was an easy way to make Cynthia's death relate back to Crisis and the show just didn't do it. She was a collector so she could have been on Earth-2 when it was destroyed or something. Even that would have helped from my perspective. Also, I could be wrong, but it seems like Barry is helping Ralph find Sue which is related to him being a detective not being the Elongated Man. IDK, I just find all of these decisions to be strange. I kinda wish the show had gone the Supergirl route and just ignored Crisis while dealing with Bloodwork. Then, 6.06/ 6.07 would essentially be the end of 6.01 and 6.02. I think it would have been more impactful.
I don't feel like we knew much about Cynthia, but I did love them together. They had amazing chemistry, which is more than what I can say about Cisco and Kamilla. Cynthia was her own person and she challenged Cisco which I loved. Something about Cisco and Kamilla isn't working for me, but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe she's just *too* perfect? It wasn't lost on me that Kamilla only served as Cisco's emotional support during this episode and nothing else. I hope we get to know more about her as an individual, which may make them a stronger couple as we get to know them more.
Eric has made several statements that haven't added up to anything at this point. I'm not sure that he's a trustworthy source at this point because he's not straightforward about his plans. Plus, Eric and his team have managed to kill all of the Crisis momentum by focusing on random plots like the Cisco episode and this Ralph episode which appear to both be completely disconnected from Crisis. It honestly takes talent to suck the life out of a storyline that has been teased since the pilot. I really hope 6.07 and 6.08 put this show back on track. For the record, I'm glad Cisco had his episode, and while I don't care about Ralph getting one, I seriously doubt the competence of this writing team due to the timing of these episodes. Both should have occurred in 6B.
Yes, it’s coming from a set pic of Iris and Amunet that was posted by both Candice and Katee!
I recently saw some pics of Danielle and she's pretty far along. I would guess that she's at least 5 months. She's probably due around the end of March, so I doubt she will be filming till the end of the season and flight travel becomes difficult in the final trimester. In the past, Danielle was mentioned that she has a fear of flying, so I do wonder how much she'll want to travel back and forth at the end of her pregnancy. That said, depending on how much time she would like to take off, she may be able to return in July. I guess we will see!
I mean, you know why lol. They want anything Iris has, even if it may not make sense story-wise. I do think there will be some interaction, but not as much as Iris-Amunet will have in the episode. I am really looking forward to this journalism story actually taking place!!