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I really loved this show. I'll probably go back and watch it again, which I never do except for very few shows. I think the reason I loved it is because it was mainly about cheering. My problem with shows like Dance Moms and the like is that it's a terribly interesting topic -- these kids who are so focused and driven from such a young age -- but inevitably TPTB think all we want is drama, drama, drama. It was so awesome to just be in their world and see what their lives are like on a daily basis. I felt like the personal stories were chosen because there were "sob story" elements that are more interesting, but it wasn't overdone and felt more inspirational and informative than exploitive.
If you have AT&T, there's five episodes of Cheerleader Generation on their Watch TV app.
Re the Kimberly Mays story, I would be really curious to know what the Mays thought when their ill child was suddenly healed. How was that explained to them? That's the part that makes me wonder if they were aware of the switch.
I was so wishing they would have asked Mark this question. And what kind of narcissist sets this train wreck in motion and then shamelessly appears on a national TV show to hawk his impending book? And what the hell is a writing coach or whoever that lady was? Is that the new term for "ghost writer"? Seems like they were just trying to generate publisher interest. Yuck.
I thought the same thing. It was so awkward without it and one of the best parts of the song. I though Katy Perry was wondering too because when they cut to her, she had a look on her face like, "Did they mess up?"
To me, that's sort of the method behind the madness. If they can't handle the sleep deprivation and stress at this point when they're relatively fresh and rested, then they probably won't make it for the long haul. I think Idol is as much a mental competition as it is a singing competition.
I cannot imagine that child wasn't killed fairly soon after she was taken. The most likely scenario to me is that a local pedophile or one on vacation spotted Maddie and stalked her. It wouldn't take long to figure out the pattern of the kids being left alone. He swooped in and snatched her, did what he intended, and then killed her. I'm sorry to be so grim, but it would be incredibly easy to get rid of a 3-year-old's body. Even if she was taken with no intention of killing her, with the worldwide coverage the case gained, she would either have to be in a basement somewhere or killed pretty soon after she was taken to avoid detection. I thought it was an interesting point by one of the policemen that publicizing the information about her eye was almost certainly signing Maddie's death warrant. But I'm sure it's agonizingly hard to know the right thing to do in that situation.
Oh, gawd, y'all, I did it! I made it through five episodes of the Katy Perry show and the search to find the best singers among trauma survivors. Anyone remember the old TWOP where you had to read the last 15 pages of a thread before posting in it? That's what watching the auditions is like. You just slog on through so you know the basics. Unfortunately, like many others, I can't quit this show, but I do think if there's another season, I will just skip the auditions and pick up during Hollywood Week. I really will not have missed a thing, and I think I'll enjoy the show a lot more.
I admit I haven't read all the responses, but I watched this on Hulu, and I was curious how the winner was chosen from the final 3. I don't recall seeing anything about that in the Hulu version. I know during the regular shows the audience voted and then the panel had the final say, but that didn't seem to be the case here.
Anyone watching Abducted in Plain Sight on Netflix? I got rid of my cable, so I haven't been here much. Hope we can discuss Netflix shows.
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I've resisted Netflix for ages. Don't know why. Old dog/new trick. Anyway, one thing I've noticed about binge-watching shows is that some things become very annoying and repetitive. I guess that's why they have a "skip intro" option. I wish I could skip all the coming to the door, greeting each other stuff. It feels like it takes up way too much of the show.
Have to agree with this. Just this morning, I threw out a dress my daughter has had for a few years and is just worn out. It is so "her," and there are a lot of memories attached to it, but do I really need to keep it in my attic in a box for the next 50 years? No. So thanking it for its service and its memories made tossing it much easier.
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