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  1. I don't know that it was the Empire that wiped out the Night Sisters. I always thought it was Dooku pitching a fit about Ventress and Savage Oppress (however it's spelled) and he unleashed his attack dog Grievous. Either way, it was definitely traumatic. But also, it always felt like the Night Sisters had a chip on their shoulders anyway. At this point I'd take it. But maybe also Tales of Cody?
  2. Hahaha, I love that episode. "I want to see my father. Now now now!" Oh wait. I'm confusing Rascals with the Capt Picard Day of Disaster (I think?) Ooops. Picard kids and my mind goes to young Picard.
  3. But also, when Echo says to Emerie that Omega released the Zillo she asks how he knows that. And he answers that it's what he would do--create a distraction, divide the opposing forces, and make an opening. And it worked. So it's also how well all of her brothers trained her. And while I have some philosophical issues with child soldiering (which the Clones are) it's still rewarding that her brothers see their training in action. And it could be argued that at least Omega had a family that was training her instead of cold and distant Kaminoans and paid bounty hunters that the Clones had.
  4. Yeah, didn't really care that much about Morgan. I mean, the animation was great, liked a peek at another clan from Dathomir, and Grievous and the droids were terrifying. But I think I understood Morgan better before these episodes. And who knew that it was Morgan that designed the TIE Defenders. And it will all come to naught, thanks to Ezra and Sabine. Hahahaha. I remembered Rukh? Ruckh? from Rebels too. He looked way better here. And still glad that On the other hand, I really liked Barriss's story. She wasn't sure about the Inquisitors, figured out real quick that it was not for her at all, and was able to actually become the Jedi/Force user she wanted to be. If she was angry at the Jedi for making her become a soldier and turning away from the Light, she was able to finally become who she wanted to be--a healer, someone who defends life. And truly, I think Ahsoka would understand. Vader? No. Ahsoka, who she really betrayed, yes. She gets it. The only thing that makes me sad is that Ahsoka still has to fight and Barriss got to put that aside. On an aesthetic note, I hated the shiny hair. Brought to mind Rebels. Ugh. Please stop with the shiny hair. Otherwise the animation was absolutely beautiful. Can we get Tales of the Clones now?
  5. Maybe it hints that we'll see her in Ahsoka helping Hera. She knows Hera, I'm assuming that's how she knows about pilots being needed. Tbh, she's wasted as a pilot. Luthen in Andor would have so much more use for her. She escaped Tantiss TWICE. She was trained by some of the best to infiltrate behind enemy lines. While being a pilot is important, she is so much more than a pilot.
  6. Here's a what if scenario: What if Hemlock hadn't chatted with Rampart? And Echo took 10 seconds to say "Not asking you to fight Rampart, you can find a shuttle". Would Rampart had just gone to the shuttle with the other clones who weren't able to fight? Or would he have still gone after Nala Se? I tend to think that we were shown that he would still have gone to try to get the information given how he still liked being an Imperial and even bragged about how he only looks out for himself. But I also think hearing Hemlock boast about his importance really spurred him on, too.
  7. Oh, and circling back to Tech because he is still my favorite, he stayed dead. I may have been looking for hints all season that he was coming back but no. He stayed dead. But like me the show and his family he was never forgotten. He was still with them during the final mission. Omega still kept him close. And as much as I wanted Hemlock to get eaten by the Zillo beast, I'm so glad Omega's and Tech's brothers were able to kill him. And this was an end for the Bad Batch. This was their last mission. No more being a soldier. So as much as I wanted to see Cody and Rex etc it was truly their story and it was satisfying. I guess the showrunners learned from the complaints about the Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett.
  8. Yeah, that was one way to subvert expectations. That one operative with the goggle like eyes--if that was Tech I'm glad he died. He wouldn't have wanted to be used like that. If it wasn't, and it was just a random look, that's fine too. Interesting that during the initial torture processing Hunter's hand started to shake. Poor Crosshair. But he made the shot both at the ship and at the binders. Speaking of shots, the images of the Zillo Beast opening it's eyes and emerging from the water. AMAZING! This animation has improved so much, it's so beautiful. Hahahaha, bye Rampart. You idiot. You could have gotten out but, as you said, you only look out for yourself. On the one hand, it was a good end to the series. On the other hand, there is only Tales of the Empire and then that's it for animation (that we know of). I know Andor is coming and so is Ahsoka, but I really loved Clone Wars and Bad Batch and I'm sad that it's finished. But I guess it's better to leave me wanting more than getting tired of it.
  9. I think Batcher and AZ were left on Pabu. And I bet Crosshair is missing her right now.
  10. I had heard some speculation that Omega would release the Zillo Beast. I had a laugh out loud moment when she came upon it. Yay!! I mean I hope she releases it because it would tickle me heartily. I'm glad that Emerie trusts Echo. I think he will trust her, especially since she's mentioning children. Even so, I want him to open all the cells and just bark out an order and watch the Clones take over. It would be awesome. I never saw Crosshair as self-serving. You, Rampart? Absolutely. Not Crosshair. Crosshiar really believed in being a good soldier. He explained to Hunter that he was part of something bigger. But we've seen his regrets and Rampart hasn't but even so, way to not understand people dickhead. At this point, Rampart can't really rat out the boys because Hemlock/Empire already know about the infiltration. He's better off trying reconnecting with the Batch than surrendering to the soldiers. He might believe that he can somehow smooth talk his way out of the situation but that would be a last resort, I imagine. I see two options--the guys find him and take that armor to finish the infiltration. Or the beast comes and eats Rampart. I guess we'll see what happens. I hope next week is a nice long episode. Just so we can get some sort of epilogue.
  11. When I was waiting to be called for selection in MA, the bailiff did mention that the case had been resolved via a plea deal or some type of negotiation. There were other cases being heard that day--some folks had been called to be selected--but the rest of us were allowed to leave as all had been resolved. I wouldn't mind sitting on a jury. But not when I was going through chemotherapy. I would have most likely nodded off at points. And I sure as hell didn't want to be being around a whole bunch of people with a weakened immune system. It was not something I could do at the time. I'm sure my name is back in the pool but I think illness is a good reason to miss jury duty. I'm just glad the clerk didn't question or harangue me about it. I was feeling shitty enough.
  12. True, but I hope that wasn't the only base they had. We also saw them working out of Coruscant as well. And, if they can somehow get the clones that are imprisoned out there are also some numbers there, though those poor troopers seem so weak and demoralized. And Rex mentioned that there are clones still in the Empire that are essentially undercover, and that could help too? I don't know. Given how as soon as she initially escaped she wanted to free the clones, I wonder if that will be the new direction she takes. But I agree with you, they don't really have the numbers. If it was against the stormtroopers in Tantiss, they'd be ok. But there are a lot of commando clones in there. But first, Omega needs to find and release the Zillo beast.
  13. I got jury summons last year, a few weeks after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I tried to defer online, but it wouldn't let me go the amount of time I needed (I had 20 weeks of chemo). So I called the office and as soon as I said I had cancer and was starting chemotherapy the person immediately jumped in and told me that I was dismissed, just have the oncologist fax over a note. And boom I was out of jury duty. The other time was in Fall River, MA and the bailiff pointed out we were very close to the Lizzie Borden House. I didn't even get sent in a group to be chosen and by the afternoon a whole bunch of us were sent home.
  14. Heading into the last two episodes and I'm so sad it's ending. I started watching Clone Wars with my son when it was airing on Cartoon Network. And while Tales of the Jedi and Empire sort of fill that animation role, this is last of the Clone Wars story. And I'm feeling it. I'm glad for the new live action shows, but I really liked this era for the stories. Anyway. Speculation. We got a lot of Crosshair in Season 3. I have a feeling he will do the final act of redemption and sacrifice himself. I saw somewhere that Kallus was a great redemption arc because he actually lived and did the work and earned the trust. I guess Crosshair dying would fill both of those criteria. I'm glad we got that story. But like Tech getting the shine in Season 2, Crosshair seems to be filling the role of sacrificing for the team this season. I also don't think we're getting anything more on the clone assassin, CX2. Which is a shame since he got quite the focus. And I don't think we're going to find out any more about what happened with Wolffe or Cody which I'm really bummed about. Especially Cody. I know Rex is a favorite, but Cody was always my favorite. Even if Rampart just drops that he had Cody killed, just something. And I don't think Hemlock or Nala Se will die either, because we're in the era of nothing good happens for our heroes. Emerie might though. It's only going to get worse from here. I think there's going to be a lot left on the table, which makes me wish we had another season. Or a new show. (What if by removing the pain from their armor it is a sign of transitioning to a new show!?! No. No I will not get my hopes for that.) With all that said, as much as I enjoyed this show overall, in some ways it seems like a wasted opportunity. I think it's because I wanted a Clone Wars story with the Clones and I didn't get that. I can't fault the show for that but it still feels a bit disappointing. My son (who is an adult now) wanted the A-Team in the Empire and we didn't get that either. And that would have been a great path for them to take. We got what we got and I was glad to spend some time in the very beginnings of the Empire. It just could have been more. (Sorry for the novel)
  15. I just hope it's not at cross purposes with her rescue but I'm going with that part will be fine. I'm just glad Emerie is not being as cruel as that other scientist. I hope Omega manages to at least cause a whole lot of chaos. If she's helping the kids I hope she is still able to do something about the Clones. Unless Hunter is able to get a message to Rex who will come for the Clones. Rampart has to figure out that if he wants to survive he'll need to stop being such a stickler for the plan and such wuss and just go with it. He could actually be useful if he got his head out of his ass. I was a little surprised they didn't leave him at that old Kaminoan facility but he does do an excellent job at being a dick Imperial. "Do you think I'm lying?" All of them: "Yes." Hahahaha, loved it. And good for them for not trusting anyone. Cid burned them hard, they will not make that mistake again. The only leverage they have over Rampart is his desire to escape the prison and now that he's out they don't have much other than they would gladly hand him over to the Empire. Or, better yet, leave him alone with Crosshair for a while. I'm starting to lose hope that we'll see who that shadow Clone assassin was. The story is not about him or even the imprisoned Clones. But I'd really like to know more about him. And about what Rex is doing. That could be a whole show, but I think they're moving away from this time period and into post Episode VI. Which is a bummer. Though honestly, live action could be post Imperial and animation could be Imperial. I really hope they keep up with the animation--it's such a great storytelling medium for Star Wars.
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