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Everything posted by Jets4274

  1. Is Ashley really combing Thomas's hair with a Dora the Explorer brush?
  2. I know cold sores aren't a thing, but I think that Naomie has a big old one on her lip in this episode.
  3. The mention of Whitney hanging upside down "in the closet" I think is their little joke amongst themselves which is why they were all chuckling. They all know that he's gay. There was a blind gossip item about him not too long ago.
  4. Thomas is obviously into the crazy acting chicks because he's a mental case himself.
  5. And you know B watches the show. How she can't see how poorly she comes off is beyond me. Speaks a lot to how much she sees herself being in the right all the time.
  6. These ladies have been on the show long enough to know that anything they say or do to each other will eventually come out so it's all an act when they appear hurt or shocked once it does. They know such storylines keep them relevant and decrease their chances of being removed. I don't think Bethenny gives two damns about any of her relationships on the show with the exception of Carole. The others have served more as personal clowns to her so she could have people to rip on continuously throughout the seasons to show her "wit" and "humor." She's beyond the point of caring how she's portrayed because as long as she stays Andy Cohen's favorite (along with NeNe), she's not going anywhere - and the rest of the cast knows it.
  7. It's obvious that Bethenny's success has gone to her head. She's obviously all about herself and her career. She's always been confident but the less that she needs people as she continues to thrive in her business, the worse she treats those around her. Even with the comment that she made to the driver about not taking her bags to the car and his Christmas bonus, it was said half-kiddingly but coming from her, the humor was somehow lost in the delivery. And I don't know who her assistant is but the way that she came into the Red Cross like she was presenting a gift from Beyonce or something, needing to present it herself to the head vs. making Luann feel somewhat involved as it was her idea to get Bethenny to donate seemed a bit extra. I'm sure the girl was just doing as she was told but it felt cold. And to add, what started off as a fight that I was happy to see Carole winning against Bethenny ended in a tie. It was nasty of her to tell everybody what Bethenny told her in confidence about Luann and Dorinda. Not to say that Bethenny is the most trustworthy but it took away some cool points from Carole's score to be that kind of friend.
  8. I think my highlight was the music video on the beach. What makes this show great is that most of the cast members have relationships which started way before the show. And Sandoval, the word is aperture, not armature for playing the trumpet:)
  9. Chuckled as Bethenny said that she "puts the B in Berkshires." I can think of something else she puts the B in:)
  10. And I will say this about the NYC Housewives. It's not all just an act for TV. I met Ramona and Sonja at an event and they're both exactly as they are on TV. When one of Ramona's handlers interrupted a conversation I was having with her (about her Pinot Grigio, of all things), she went off on the guy, saying "Can't you see I'm having a conversation here?" in the way that you would imagine her saying it on the show and had the poor man walk off with his tail between his legs. Was very entertaining, to say the least. That being said, I do believe that the beef between Carole and Bethenny is real. Not to say that they don't play up certain storylines for ratings.
  11. And another thing I noticed is that Bethenny always uses her talking head moments to talk so poorly about the other women, making so much fun of how they act or talk or dress. I don't see the others doing it as much but perhaps it has something to do with the editing. She can be compassionate as we've seen with the work she's done in PR but it's also about her being in a superior position helping out the less fortunate, which she also sees herself doing with the other Housewives.
  12. Carole has grown big balls this season. Maybe she's always had them but I like how she's speaking up for herself more than ever before. I've always considered her to be one of the most genuine of the Housewives in this franchise, but she did go through a bitchy phase when she and Bethenny were closest (e.g., bolting out of Jules's Hamptons house a few seasons back). I've been there and done that when befriending people who don't have the best character. Their bitchiness can infect you like a disease and you take on their ways. Maybe she saw herself on the show and didn't like who she saw. Dorinda does have a drinking problem but Bethenny considers herself to be so far above everyone else that her "concern" comes more across as scolding and putting others down. Her success has continued to make her ego grow.
  13. Thought that the episode was going to start as a continuation of the dinner at Kyle's with Dorit calling Camille the c-word. Would have made for a more entertaining episode to continue seeing Dorit be a drunken asshole. Pantygate from last season was a hell of a lot more interesting than whatever happened on tonight's show with Dorit being late to meet Teddi. Why make such a big storyline about someone being late to meet a friend for dinner? Guess it's hard to watch the show and completely be able to separate from real people problems. Don't think the producers have much to go on this season. I'm sure they are pissed for not filming at the time when Kyle's home got robbed. Would have made for an interesting storyline for next season. So sorry that happened to her. I think that's the risk these women face by flaunting their wealth and homes on TV for the world to see. Surprised her home didn't have better security. Delilah is so full of herself and ridiculously spoiled - it's more irritating to watch her than her mother. Amelia seems more grounded.
  14. I find James and Lala to be highly entertaining. Much easier to watch than their first seasons on the show. Think I'm willing to excuse them more for their behavior because they're still in their 20's and are essentially children vs. the rest of the cast (not including Brittany) . Don't know if Lala writes her own lines for the talking heads sequences or not but they're hilarious. And James does have some musical talent as does Lala - more than others on the show (Scheana). Like the See You Next Tuesday name - of course Lisa knew and cleared it beforehand. She's one of the exec producers. It's like some Saved By The Bell shit happening on this show on the regular but it is reality TV. Jax is a walking STD. Acted like he was on some stuff other than alcohol at the party. Brittany is a damn fool for staying with him. Sandoval is delusional. He's not a bad guy but whether it's his trumpet playing or sexuality, he doesn't see himself as others do. Have never heard of so many man crushes, professed by selves or significant others, in one show.
  15. Kim is grasping at straws to stay relevant. Slutty Instagram pics, using her brood of children (probably not wanting Brielle to leave the house to remain on Don't Be Tardy...) - she is willing to stoop at anything, including making those comments about Kandi. And I'm sure in the days before she had Kroy or Big Papa paying her bills, she saw plenty of roaches in her own home. Embarrassing people like NeNe (who I can't stand, but still) and Kandi with actions and statements that didn't need to be exposed on the show is making her look like a real bitch. And it's rubbing off on Brielle. What other reason would she have had to be filming anything in the bathroom? Kenya's got her man and appears to have finally grown up. A woman like Cynthia fawning over any man, especially on TV, is making her look thirsty. Sheree needs to keep getting those checks to pay for her chateau and is willing to "love" a man in jail to have camera time. Worked for Phaedra. Porsha is just plain stupid. Didn't NeNe say it was her last season like five years ago? Andy Cohen loves her and think she makes for good TV. News for him: you can let her go. She hasn't been missed.
  16. I also think that the prom date was looking for her fifteen minutes of fame by showing off her goods on TV. Probably looking for a modeling contract.
  17. In any case, that was a quick trip to the hospital for Siggy. I would have been sitting in ER all night.
  18. Doesn't he also have part ownership in the gym? Joshua's prom date's dress was a bit too revealing. All of her goods were showing. It's something how high school girls dressing like this is considered OK with the parents.
  19. I assume Margaret had a registry at Jonathan Adler or else folks will buy her multiples of the same gift. She probably also got a deal with the store as she's helping to promote them on the show.
  20. Oh, really? Not surprising as he probably moved in to help with her storyline. Nonetheless, it appears as though the family gets along well.
  21. Love the Delores/Frank/Frankie relationship. Cute family (and what a handsome kid).
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