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Everything posted by Tammee

  1. Groooan heh. I did chuckle when they went to wide shots and everyones get'n down dancing and her frame was solid as a rock lol no dancing there. But she did start to smile and move a little. A bit to my chagrin, Im more like MM than not. Cannot full body dance unless alcohol is involved. A LOT of alcohol haha. Other than that tho i just cant do it. If im sitting at a table or something, i can dance really well.. can hear the beat and everything lol. My legs just turn to lead. You couldnt even be able to force me to do it hahah lead lead lead nothing doing. But like i said, if you want a table dancer lol Im your girl!
  2. Wow awesome music! Motown always gets me dancing! Love it. Brianna has a beautiful voice, i wonder if she is on the AGT team
  3. Oh thats awesome. I wouldnt expect anything less. He's so personable and charming, no matter what night you go on, youre almost guaranteed a great show.
  4. Im actually a normally pleasant person too...(mean girl lol) haha but yeah she can bring it out of people without even trying.
  5. For some reason i cant load your pic, but it was a box, kind of like those old time cigar boxes. But a big one, and all decorated in gilded gold. They just showed it on a table. The jewels were all splayed about, something like 80 coins, countless necklaces, etc. I still havent seen any reaction from Josh. Has he made any comment? Part Two lol. Ok got the pic to open and yes i think thats the same one i saw.
  6. hah! `my inside voice became my outside voice' haha same here Whoop! 😋 bad habit of mine too
  7. He had a live show? Was it just stories of his adventures? I say 'just' lol. As if LOL. Yes Im twelve. Josh is so friendly and personable. He would be a great host or something along those lines. Ive watched his shows ever since DT. All in all, hes been doing this for a long time. I can see him teaching the joy of discovery and archaeology to his new young sons. Im sure theyll follow Dad's footsteps! I always enjoy his game show eps, although i do think theyve made it a tad easy. Or easier i should say. Bet i wouldnt mind it if i was lucky enough to be on hah.
  8. Hah! That would be awesome! theres probably something in his contract about finding treasure. Im sure he'll at least acknowledge it, if not do a full ep about it. He did that ep on that guy that found one of the boxes of the Secret. Hah! That would be awesome! theres probably something in his contract about finding treasure. Im sure he'll at least acknowledge it, if not do a full ep about it. He did that ep on that guy that found one of the boxes of the Secret.
  9. Oh i know! She's downright giddy heehee. I know last week was a long one and shes got a wealth of material to work with, but i wish she would say something about why or how this is all playing out. And to acknowledge all the deaths. Thats all. (She always says that lol)
  10. I think there's been 3 people who have gone looking and never came back. Idk, i guess consider it like the lotto. Im not sure i would want my name out there. Maybe after, not right away. Id like to hear the story though of how they found it.
  11. Fenn's gold is found!! They wont say who or where but they kept showing a young girl in a sewer like pipe and she was digging in the water. Wow!!! They did show a pic of the chest and all the pieces of gold. I think they said 20 pieces
  12. Hah, again GMTA heehee. We're on the same wavelength (groan hee) i think. About Muir, ive been really worried about him of late. As worried as one can be i guess of someone on tv lol. At least he's a live person heehee. But he looks terrible. I think this is all weighing heavily on him. I live in Denver, and the mental health of the media (mostly on air news people) after Columbine was awful. The clinical side of things are much better now, but there was no PTSD for civilians back then. More than 1 news anchor quit from depression. There's been breakdowns, etc but the depression seems the worst. Back to Muir, he looks depressed, not sleeping, not taking care. Im not a doctor, nor do i play one on tv. Just a feeling and it worries me because he is the nicest guy around, (trying not to say cute lol) but there's that hah! Ok enough. Be Well David!
  13. Im so jealous! He seems like a down to earth (! Hah !) guy that would be fun to hang with. Ive always been into the stars and skies and could listen to him talk and talk
  14. I think its the hair, not the makeup. *ducks* if it wasnt so wild on her face. Pull it back, maybe not so red lipstick. Altho it does match her necklace. Gorg smokey eye. Yeah its the hair. I'll be leaving now...nah we're all adults here. Just an opinion
  15. Yeah, i totally agree. As much as this last week sucked, im really looking forward to the live shows again. That should last the first five minutes lol
  16. Wasnt that based on Gloria Vanderbilts life? And isnt she the mom of Anderson Cooper? Aha! Therein lies the connection. Ahh no worries then. Stan Smith will protect her lol
  17. Someone needs to tell her that Cinderella was a fairy tale and the evil stepsisters were just characters. Not someone you'd want to be but she sure would fit the bill, wouldnt she? I can clearly see evil stepsister in her.
  18. RealHouseWife, i just noticed your handle. So has she jumped you yet? Tried to steal any wigs? Tried to take your spot for taping? Come on....you can tell us...be careful...one day you'll go to logon and *gasp* your name is gone!! Your profile gone!! Appropriated by she. No One else can be the real housewife. 😮 I'm just josh'n...being stupid. Boring week and not much going on this morn. Anyway, sorry for the read, I'm only kidding. Have a good day. 🙃
  19. Well she's always had her bestfriend Reggie..she lives out of state though. I think they have GF partys ab 3 xs a year.
  20. I believe she's looking due south in the general direction of Washington, as if Mecca lol
  21. I have a couple theories about this. First, i dont think it was Kelly that dumped the friendship with NPH. I think its the opposite. I think NPH ended it with Kelly. I dont know any reasons why, just a feeling. Kell maybe went too far about something and that was it. Theory 2: USUALLY its something about kids. People are passionate about their kids. The worst of feuds is usually started because of kids. Kelly said or did something regarding the kids and NPH said nope. Im out. Theory 3: in-family fights are often the meanest. Experienced them in my own family. My family totally shunned my cousins family for like 2 years because something was said to my aunt about something and that was it. Nobody ever told me what it was that started it. Theres been many in my family but this was the worst methinks
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