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Everything posted by Tammee

  1. Somehody shoot it down! (The pig, nothing else) lol. That maybe all we get to eat this week.. blah bad joke. Whole thing reminded me of Carnivale
  2. Hah thats funny. Throw in the complimentary drinking game, and if you call within the next ten minutes, we'll throw in the bell freeeeeee! ðŸŧ🛎
  3. Yes i believe that was Manu who got the fever
  4. Hah! Yup annoys the piss outta me too ðŸĪŠ
  5. Dam i didnt see the date. I usually check for that too. I guess i was just so excited i skipped over everything else lol
  6. Heheh you beat me to it. She reminds me of the dancing bus driver for Six Flags amusement parks
  7. And Shithead was the dog! Heh j/k. Funny as hell movie and yep i remember when they were the it couple. Cute couple too. Dirty deeds done dirt cheap.....
  8. Right! Its like going to Survivor and not learning how to swim before hand. Or going on Naked and Afraid and not putting on any weight prior! Really chaps my hide haha ðŸĪĻ
  9. Sorry if this has been asked before, but who is the Queen in memoriam at the end? I dont know if Jacqueline is her bio name or her drag name but i cant tell by the shot who she is, gorgeous glam shot.
  10. And then theres this.. https://theblast.com/c/meghan-mccain-leaving-the-view?utm_source=r_yahoo Please HP, let it be true! Sorry if this is a duplicate posting
  11. Yeah Im not a fan either. Better than nothing i guess, but will have to get used to ... dot dot dot lol. Maybe they should try what my folks and i do, which is say 'over' when done talking
  12. Yes ditto. But you know it aint ever gonna happen
  13. Oh ok i caught it. She needed to say 'we'll be right back', and said Brian told her she needs to say it in English, not Amazonian @Haleth
  14. wondered yesterday if CBS might decide to delay showing the new miniseries.... Do they have an air date yet? Yeah i would postpone a year perhaps. If they were still in Post, it might not even be done and had to shut down. She actually sounds like she's not thrilled to be spending 100% of her time with her husband.) well the divorce rate has skyrocketed lol
  15. Plus i think she needs to vent. She cant go out or see a friend. Phone gets stale after a while. Steve is going to get sick of hearing it after a while. She needs the outlet. Imho. Plus i would rather Joy as the 4th heh 😎
  16. I bet she would want that as well. This preggers might be hard right now and i think wouldnt mind being off. I would gladly thats for sure. I feel for all the pregnant women out there in these times. What a very very scary thing to be going through. I keep seeing the Handmaid's Tale in my mind lol. The movie, i havent seen the series. Or the Stand. Insert fav apocalyptic book, movie, series
  17. Not on yet here to answer your Amazonian question, but to the other, isn't there a desk calendar thats a new vocabulary word a day? Maybe we should all chip in .50 and send her one lol. Better yet, she may already have one LOL.
  18. I think Sara has grown and matured these last couple of years. She's had babies close in age and is now raising in NYC. The oldest son is at the age of eternal questions to Mom. I honestly dont know how she does and i thought i saw her start to breakdown, but she was ok. I would be thrilled if they just let GMA day slide off into the sunset. They tried. It wasnt horrible, i just want Sara to come back to the View. She lives, breathes children everyday. She can handle the big blond baby over there.
  19. One more PSA and Im done. Im sorry ModMom. This was just special becz of the subject and they want to get the word out. ☆☆☆ this just in! Or at least I'm just now hearing about it lol. Sunday evening, there will be a live concert/telethon by Elton John in honor of all the healthcare folks out there. No matter in what capacity. And then the money i believe is going to the nurses fund or something like that. He will have that place rocking!
  20. Hahah this could turn into a whole sidebar topic that would be fun. Things youve misheard, usually mostly lyrics. I'll go first hehe. Lady i used to work with would start out the Natl Anthem every time as 'Jose can you see....' hahaha she was a funny person. I think she actually knew but enjoyed putting on the newbies. Another favorite is 'hold me closer Tony Danza..' (tiny dancer) hahahahaha
  21. Has anyone heard anything from Ana lately? It seems like ages since she's been on. Dont blame her if she doesn't want to commute. Dont know what curfews Florida has going on. She might be sheltering in place. But she could still do it remotely like everyone else! Heh come back Ana, I miss you!
  22. Hahaha yea i noticed when everyone was saying goodbyes, she just sat there with major sourpuss RBF and could barely manage a half hearted wave. Can we trade her for Joy? Lol
  23. Wow thats an awesome pic @GiveMeSpace! You're quite talented. 😉ðŸŧ
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