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Everything posted by WaterSpirit

  1. Great Post. I am a doggie mom and animal lover in general. That cat is a cutie patootie for sure. Interesting about the reasons to go outside litter box. Yikes. Yes, intact male is issue, which I hope she would remedy and make sure he is healthy before introducing to other cats. Responsible ownership. I will give her full credit for not giving the last two up, where chances are they would be on borrowed time in a shelter. Glenn sure is not an animal lover, and lacks compassion for his wife's feelings about (what is now loss of Piggie I believe) What a Bossy Pants around her mother's driving. I would have smacked her. (Why can I not slap Whitney through TV, why???) and I just saw full promo for last week. I was thinking Whitney is fanning the flames about Heather and Buddy. (and that was just before we see Heather burning old cards.) Buddy is not the nicest person, from afar. He has a lot of growing to do, seems very stunted. If Whitney were a good friend, she would not plant any seeds of hope and not try to interrupt natural grieving process. But that requires someone that does not have ulterior motives. Next!
  2. Yup, I was thinking I would like to slap her through the screen on that comment as well. She excels at annoying. Yes, I believe so too. I'm afraid to hear how it happened. I could not watch part if episode when he left...
  3. I was JUST thinking there needs to be an invention so I can slap Whitney through the screen. (and this was triggered by a different scene, I am watching it now so I am sure I will be up on the screen again in a few) OR..... There could be an agreement with TLC, that Whitney has to sit in a chair, and watch a live feed where we can just hit a button on the remote that indicates we want to slap her. (OR she would be tied to a chair and be forced to read each Twitter comment during her show where we can put her on Blast) I need her to know. LOL
  4. I too (someone else wrote in another post) believe they have insurance. That being said, I have been happier with Christine's growth this season, except for wanting to slap her for saying those AWFUL things about having scars and making her daughter sound like she will be damaged goods. How does a daughter work on their self esteem after watching that awful shit show. and a little bit of science and research does go a long way to learning what can actually work for treatment modalities. Physics as well. "retraining the body to stop curving the spine?" stay in school kids. strengthen core sure...doing something to try and solve the problem, Kody can also mean getting surgery. sigh.
  5. I just HATE THAT WOMAN. She is one of the most self centered Ass Hats on TV. She turns this into her being told to be on her own, instead of selfish need to take take take and have more than the family. She is so GROSS, inside and out. (sorry it's playing in the background...)
  6. Yes to all, and I think Melina and Sharis do have the best chance at sharing the Master Bedroom. and Yikes is my response.
  7. Oh My Stars! Just saw this...I don't know where to file this in my brain, maybe under the suggested Dancing Queens? LOL Hee. trademark pending :)
  8. I too was a fan...felt defensive for her when the "comic" was so in her face. But I saw the Whitney Light in the way she treated Roy. I was horrified when she had the audacity to suggest he was lying about being in a relationship. Pretty awful stuff. She started to show her true colors (also going off on Buddy before, on "scale day" which was so unwarranted, and he is not a peach at all) She has been vile to Todd, who does deserve his own show, Whitney can guest. But BOO! BOO! is my response to Whitney...especially for someone who is asking the world to not BS. She proclaims to be a Role Model for others and she is throwing it away due to her inability to accept any feedback, honor anyone with healthy boundaries (her former trainer, who was well within his rights to fire her as a client), or to show respect for her long suffering friends. She is lucky to have people around her, and I don't think she appreciates them. This is why she gets on my nerves..
  9. and if you check out discussion by Roy and friends (radio crew...sorry I am horrible with names, too lazy to look up) they were very transparent about why they were not included in this season..and mentioned Hawaii filming.
  10. and Damn she needs therapy for pulling such a shit stunt. Its so low, and she cannot admit her motivations to herself. It is SO obvious. Me thinks she liked the male attention however
  11. I was trying to send similar message you hit on all fronts. I am really pissed that she used Glenn so horribly, then she is going to try and say she is always trying to please him, but cannot. I think he is easily pleased, when he sees loved ones taking care of themselves and others. Watching her BS is not pleasing. Babs is a Big Enabler...She and Heather can go to Al anon together. Yes, Todd is an absolute delight. She was SUCH an ASS about the dance class...even if it's not "real." She is so insanely Jealous of not being the Big Bully and in he spotlight, she would be BEYOND if Todd gets his own show. (oh, how happy would I be?) HA!
  12. 100% Correct... Stats would be in favor that Buddy was not always sober around Heather/kids...and I highly doubt she had no clue. The lies we tell ourselves...just as in Whitney's enablers, everyone had a part in keeping the silence around Buddy as well. He didn't hide it that well. He needed subtitles and many were noting his behavior with footage TLC chose to show. That was 3% of his daily life documented ( a guess, but just making a point) Al Anon anyone?
  13. I think Whitney brings up Heather because it makes her feel better that Buddy is obviously not going to get back together with her. Next step is to then laud this over Heather and re-break up with her on Buddy's behalf, without his consent. She feels she is the essence of honesty, and is going to be the one to "help Heather." She is the beacon for Truthiness and Honesty for all of her Friends! But G Forbid ANYONE hand her a sliver of Honesty...they pay dearly. Right Piggy? (who is better off on the farm, but for all we know, Piggy did not intend to hurt Babs..you just have to keep your fingers out of his mouth when handing him food.) What if her little Kitty did same? (Gross, that could be read a different way...sorry)
  14. and again, Goal Met for Whitney. I agree with other posters who say she has histrionic personality disorder... or traits of. The Drama turned up to 11...grunting, squealing, whining, crying, yelling, snapping, "hyperventilating" Look At MEEEEEEE!!
  15. Well, seems I am not good at pulling comments. I am Bravely going solo and saying I am still in April's corner. I don't see her as any worse than Auralee or Angela (who needs to get on the plan and jump in and help more...she bought into this.) I was laughing about April's asking Angela to do clean up, then Auralee boob of the world saying she will do it. Ah the martyr now has more proof of how put upon she is. I am not Meri's champion on Sister Wives so it's not First wife so much as Auralee hit the ground running in her TH segments, then recruited Angela to be on her side. I don't dig their collusion. And Auralee reminds me I missed Mattress Day Sales today. Blammit.
  16. Yes...(I'm a bit behind had to re log in) Anyhoo...I give no leeway to Auralee. As a wise person wrote above she and April are very much alike. Can you imagine the amount of energy that is expended every day in that house? (Raise the Red Lantern, ,dynamics between concubines, excellent excellent movie) Now, Angela. She has plenty of her own stuff. She does need to back out, and the term triangulating is spot on. I fell asleep before the tent selection. Angela was getting her panties in a bind about being on a slope? LOL, Just Got Served. and I sound like a terrible person, when I read this. So I will just say, they are all very annoying as they have all bought into a piece of the property, and not one is going to say what their part is. No even new earth mother Angela. And there is another Plyg show coming with another non looker. Where is Brady and his 5 wives? Loved their crew.
  17. Yes, it is common, and relapse is also common. I see this often (clients who are fresh out of rehab and wanting to be a counselor) and the re-direct is really slowing down, one day at a time and learning to care for yourself first. The program is set up for safety and structure and things get much harder after discharge around people places and things. So yes, I appreciate the sentiment, and people who have been through addiction and are on the other side for a good period of time (years) can make the absolute best counselors ever. I may be wrong but I think in AA/NA that it is recommended to choose a sponsor that is at least 5 years sober? ( I do no work in addictions, but interact with a lot of clients who are in various stages of addiction and recovery) Just my two cents :)
  18. No, the pig is not going anywhere! It just write itself doesn't it?
  19. Whitney must have been the grade school snitch...she just blurts out everyone's business, tells on Buddy, tells on the Pig, and oh the drama. Grabs phone, "insert pig name..." Bit Mom!" maybe mom did not get hand out of the way when feeding cucumber? (and he surely hates Whitney as that is natural) Again, in re run from last week, I just cannot believe that B**tch demanding to know who Buddy's new GF is, and staring down his friend because she just knows he is lying. Damn I wanted to slap her. and Buddy, can you try to get through the 28 days before you go start training to be an addictions counselor. Good Grief...I would think 5 years sober might be the first step to being i a place to tell others what to do. So now Whitney is going to get rid of pig and then bring back the cat? Does mom have a say in anything? and Dad is not paying for friends to go to Hawaii, TLC is.
  20. I did not get to see some of the scenes with Cathy referenced here. Can you give a little overview? What a shame....her son is the opposite of a Spiritual Loving soul in many ways. And he fancies himself some sort of Guru to be followed. Jill does not seem to be able to have any independent thoughts or beliefs...the Duggar way. It does seem that Jessa (and Ben?) are more accepting of peoples differences, and that not everyone will look talk act and love exactly the way they do. I could be wrong but. I wonder which of the Duggar children are gay, or bi...statistics would say at least one or two are. and to have to carry the judgement and condemnation of their beliefs. The more one protests against or condemns the closer you are to what you hate or rail against. (Derrick, are you listening?)
  21. yes, there are certainly two sides to every story, and it takes two invested people to keep the animosity going. I am super sensitive to seeing people in two against one situations, or watching the husband (not interested in him enough to look up his name LOL) so I am having extra sympathy for April. We are early in the season, so dynamics to play out in front of the camera for sure. But I think we would all agree, this is a very dysfunctional relationship. I don't see it getting better. Both would need individual then "couples" You bring up Meri...oh she is my LEAST favorite of the Brows and many of the other families...I get Janelle and Auralee would be good for each other to talk about the experience of coming in as second wives. I agree with Christine, 3rd or more looks like the best way to go. Since everyone seems to know one of the Browns, I think support group for Wife Order would be quite helpful! Brady's wives could jump in there too.
  22. yes...there was impending pleasure at the thought he had a new GF, and she was not at all concerned about Heather. Had that been the story, she would have loved to go over every detail and make Heather listen...then be like..".why are you upset? I thought you were over him...you don't still like him do you? Do you like him? " and so on. She is that much of a Mean Girl. Calculating Beeyotch. AKA Jealous Beeyotch.
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