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Everything posted by WaterSpirit

  1. Thanks for info...Lordy...and it feeds the ego to have people looking for advice. So I don't actually recall them talking about how baby would come about! I am going to have to re-watch ending. I am just catching up so someone may have weighed in already. pun intended.
  2. That lilting tone she used when setting up her "therapy session." That's exactly how she sees herself as being so profound that her viewers have a lot to learn from her. Yet, she just sounds like she is talking down to them the whole time. She is so damn bossy, and inserts herself into every situation cannot stand to share the spotlight, or dance class. and That damn smirk, to the poster that said she is so punchable yes,,she sure is. Yes, she has zero respect for people's boundaries. She is just going to do anything she can for attention, regardless of whose feelings she runs over.
  3. Then she regresses and is like a to year old...telling Glen I thought that's what you wanted (forget direct quote) Oh, my bad...the adoption is to just to do a power play with Dad? I don't like Glen's comments about husband/child either...it does seem like he believes it. She must have always exhausted them with her pronouncements, changing tracks all of the time, motivated by attention and drama
  4. And that is my take on Meri as well. She can cry me a lake. A Big Lake, that initially is a bit brackish with all those tears, but with local glacial runoff would eventually become a perfect place to have a log cabin bed and breakfast, with waterskiing and swimming nine months out of the year, horseback riding, and land set aside for dog rescue. But I digress. Meri, cry me a Lake.
  5. She is like second mother now :) LOL. Easy Mark that Meri
  6. reasons why I am a biased towards hospital care...but external exams, hands on belly can also provide info from my understanding. I also am not a OB Nurse, so I sure don't have all the answers :)
  7. No Kidding~ I am absolutely horrified and outraged at the same time. What a message to send ( that there would be anything normal about this.) and agree ..Jim Bob praying for natural birth is disgusting. then there he goes running to the car. He is also part f this whole saga, where daughters would be expected to give birth at home. I have to believe there was someone else there (woman with blond hair probably was the midwife) Jill who just gives herself credentials...and Jill inserts herself by saying everything looked encouraging, in the face of what clearly was an agonizing protracted labor. Jill labored on at home if I recall, both times having to go to the hospital anyway for c section. Michelle no doubt adds in her labor experiences and projects that on to daughters. "After 20 hours of labor the midwife determines the baby is breech" That should take one exam to figure out. That exam would have happened in days leading up to labor and anytime after labor started. I wonder what Joys glucose readings were throughout pregnancy? glucose tolerance test? PS, that am I seeing? Kendra sitting between Josh's legs? What? That's close to sexy times in Duggar World. Shocking. Also, Austin...why with the ratty B Ball cap under surgical head cover. Nope, no way, I would have whacked that off his head.
  8. agree with above. Knowing why Kalyssa left solidifies for me she was there for self interests only. Other's picked up on fact she was not there for long haul (I am just recalling some posts) Such focus on male appeal seems to end up with girls who are very self involved. Holly comes to mind. Thanks for update! thank you! I so hope she does....she seems to be one that her sex appeal does not derail her...
  9. Thanks for the info. I have been trying to find out what happened. Do you know if she was cut? of cleared out just before the axe? What is it with these professional dancers (would that be correct to say?) But to accept a job, take a spot that many would love to have and then treat the job and your team with disrespect...I think last years tally was two cuts, the one NE Patriots forget her name had family issues, then Kalyssa? They need to have alternates, instead of having to pull from All stars, as All stars don't dance during the game, just the intro.
  10. YES!! thanks to Neil and Rycroft, (and maybe some crap behind the scenes) she was completely derailed. (Katelyn) And there comes Brianna and several others that were clear messes. Makes one question a lot of the leadership and their ability to see true dancing talent. What? I am out of the loop! what a disappointment...
  11. Wow..one and done? I never get the one year ladies. So Kelsey is not coming back? She is one of my favs....I know she was not the best dancer but she had that sexy thing going on, and she always popped. And Maggie? Noooooo, such a pretty dancer.
  12. Wow. you have me beat....I am going to look to see it again. I think the movie is why I am so fascinated with power dynamics and interpersonal relationships in Polygamy and even Polyamory. Not enough to live it, but to watch from afar. :) yes. yes and yes.
  13. Jill has NO Business making decisions, evaluating pregnant women or being present during childbirth. Not even her own, as she makes bad decisions there as well. I don't know who "the Midwife" is....but after 10 hours of labor it was noted "the Midwife" has determined the baby is breech. So Joy was in excruciating pain for 20 hours for no reason, putting baby through stress? I missed the earlier part of the episode, so I don't have all the facts but what I did see disgusted me. I tuned in where Jill telling Joy she doesn't have anything to worry about (not exact quote) Jill is dangerous in her idiocy/dullness between the ears (and she aint the only one) Why do they seem surprised by baby size? Did anyone know beforehand? In the real world of pre=natal care you do. I wonder if they bother to check Duggar moms for gestational diabetes? PS, Austin seemed genuinely concerned for Joy, which was sweet to see. I bet you Jinger and Jerome will approach labor differently. No crazy Jill and Michelle. LOL, you missed the birth of Joy's son.
  14. I'm confused, who is the man here? Name is Ben...I am missing something obvious. He is such a little cutie here. Got that facial symmetry thing :)
  15. I was noodeling on some of the same ideas today. I am sure there is some amount of collusion amongst the Browns and their "add ons." (Tony/Caleb) However, we were not privy to the blowout with Meri and Janelle early on that caused Janelle to leave for 2+ years, and that was without cameras. The Cat Fish story line happened to Meri, I don't think she would have knowingly agreed to that amount of humiliation, or to use a banana as a microphone (G Rated interpretation) and I don't (want to) believe the counselor (name! augh) would be so unethical as to go along with a storyline that they have had several sessions about the birthing attendance issue unless it was true. I do believe Meri is a total stinkbug that needs all of the glory and the limelight. and she is not able to easily cry on cue...(not a good actress) she is able to be a B within a nanosecond's notice. I think there is plenty of room in there for making the story "work" in such a way that we the viewers have the hero, the villain etc.... so yes, I bet there is some exploitation of the conflict. Now, I don't know if everyone one would be in on the exploitation of conflict, and that would be right up Meri's ally, to continue to push others buttons while high fiving the producer. and sending the cameramen (and women, who knows) a Fruit of the Day picture with her Big Ol Mug smiling with those crazy eyes, while she sings into the fruit.
  16. Raise the Red Lantern. (movie) Amazing,,,, shows the power struggle among four concubines, and had so very little to do with the ugly husband (Master I guess) First Wife Second wife etc...the Red Lantern is raised outside the home of the wife where he chooses to sleep that night.
  17. Now..besides the obvious, going to put an offer on the house, and "my family not knowing" Please don't wonder why your family does NOT trust you. Waiting for it to be official...this is why they hate you, well just one of the reasons. On a lighter note: Is she selling the Fabulous sweater/shirt with horizontal stripes? WTF?
  18. OMG, so Christine cannot even ask her how she is doing? Wow. once again, they are SO MUCH nicer to her than she is to them.'
  19. Now Meri says "something changed" and smirks about Sister Wives Closet...I would bet money she was trying to say it was Robin's fault. Yet she bagged on Robin. now Christine is giving her truthies...and Meri is implying how dare Christine bring this up in this venue? Vs. what a Circus? They seem to think they all need a therapist in order to get through a conversation...and i bet it all starts with Sister Wife One and how she set it up for Janelle and anyone else that followed. Why can't I slap Meri through my screen? I'd pay!
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