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Everything posted by TVFan1

  1. Sad to see Tiffany go. One of my favorites. I don't care for Liz, or her food alergies or her temper trantum about not getting picked to join the reward of Applebee's in which is a tradition for her and her daughter every Wednesday when Survivor is on. Not one of my favorite episodes, though I loved Venus "manifesting" for Q to drop in the immunity challenge. All in all, Venus is still in the game and I'm loving it.
  2. Is Kenzie really the winner of this season, though? Was that really said or is it a rumor? I can see a way for Kenzie winning. I believe she has Hunter and now Tiffany's votes. I think she will need 5 votes to win.
  3. Well, Hunter did it to himself. He knew votes were coming his way, and that Q was getting votes. Play your idol and Q goes home. It would have been better if he hadn't told anyone he had an idol in the first place. Can we have everyone compete in an INDIVIDUAL immunity challenge please? Enough of groups in the individual stage of the game. Complete nonsense. I'm so happy that Venus made it through yet another tribal council. No votes came her way tonight. Keep going, Venus.
  4. Even though I'm grateful that Tevin is gone, I agree with others saying that Q needs to go. I really couldn't stand him this episode. From his hide and seek game to gauge other player's gameplay to his constant bossy attitude and then him telling everyone to vote him off. They all should have, but I can see why they didn't. What a way to not win this game if he gets to the end. Another episode Venus survives another tribal council. Keep surviving. I don't care what others say, I like her.
  5. First off, I'm happy to say that Venus has survived another tribal council. Curious to see how far she will go, but I hope she lasts a while longer. Q's attitude and aggressiveness was so off-putting, I was thinking it would be nice if he were blindsided instead of Tim going home. I think putting the votes on Hunter, even with his idol would have been a better move. He did help Nami win the tribe part of the game, and he could easily go on an immunity run. Plus, he has an idol nobody knows about. Tim wasn't a threat, and neither is Ben. I loved it when Kenzie supported Ben when he had that panic attack. Ben was grateful for the support. I like when players can separate game from real life people's feelings.
  6. Kenzie got some positive edit tonight. With her supporting Ben and helping him after he woke up and had some sort of panic attack, and then Q somewhat praising Kenzie at tribal council with other members agreeing, I can see her being a contender for being the winner, but I don't know if I'm fully convinced yet.
  7. Jeff didn't look happy when he said "never seen this", did he? I wonder what happens.
  8. Sick and tired of this "earn the merge" nonsense. Why can't there be a normal merge where everyone gets to have a feast, get a buff, and have everyone vote for somebody other than only 6 people? Or how about the 7 players with immunity don't vote and have the 6 figure it out who to get out on their own? I'm glad that Venus didn't get booted. I like Venus too. Charlie would have been the better boot than Moriah. Would be beautiful to see him getting his torch snuffed.
  9. Anyone could tell that Jem was overplaying her hand. The way she was acting and talking and bragging about being a great liar and all gave it away that Maria and Charlie were going to flip from Ben to Jem. Thankfully, Yanu won an immunity challenge. Was actually happy for them for actually winning something, especially something as important as immunity, food, and finally, their flint.
  10. Is this season going to be an 8 member jury? I believe last season it was. There are 13 players left. I'm wondering if Tim and Q are next two boots before the jury starts. However, some of these rumors are being proven wrong.
  11. Thank God Bhanu is gone. Too much focus on him since the show started. With him gone, no more pity party and no more of his "woe is me" nonsense. He got saved last week, but finally gone this week. Won't miss him at all. Now, Yanu can certainly win an immunity challenge. Can some players on Nami stop singing like complete buffoons? No need or care to hear it. Soda can go anytime, and Venus can stay please.
  12. This was a very boring episode. I wondered why tribal council hadn't started yet about 15 minutes until the episode was over, then a med-evac happens. Felt bad for Bhanu, but his crying and carrying on was too much. I get he likes the experience of playing the game and wants to win a million hearts or whatever, but enough is enough. Get a grip. I wonder if Tiffany would have voted against Kenzie if Randen wasn't pulled from the game. We'll never know.
  13. If Yanu goes to tribal council again, and Kenzie stays, the other tribes will most likely target her come merge. After what Bhanu told Ben and Liz who told their whole tribe, she will have a difficult time going further in the game. From what we see, there are no cracks in the Siga camp. Their first tribal council will be interesting. Is Bhanu still rumored to go out pre-jury or any other players?
  14. I can definitely see Maria winning this whole thing. That scene with Charlie creating their alliance, comparing themselves to Denise and Malcolm could be a clue that she wins. I don't see how Kenzie, Tiffany, Soda, or Liz wins unless there is some turnaround in their games and edits. Unclear on Moriah as of now. My guess is Maria wins. She wouldn't be a disappointment either.
  15. I knew Jess would be in trouble if Yanu lost another challenge, and she was. Now, she's gone. Yanu losing is boring, I want to see other tribes at tribal council. Nami tribe annoys me to no end. Speaking of, Liz shouting from the sit out bench was also annoying. Now, that's a tribe that I hope to see at tribal council soon. Venus mentioned turning on Nami with a swap or merge, I can't remember. Good, dismantle that tribe, please.
  16. Isn't there a tribe swap coming in the next couple of episodes? I can see other tribe members being picked off if some players get screwed by a swap. Seeing as how the rest of the spoiler list has players are from different tribes aside from Q and Bhanu could end up going. Jess being voted out tonight kind of makes me doubt the boot list.
  17. There was not much spoiler talk about this season. I believe there was speculation that Kenzie goes deep but doesn't win. I hope a woman wins again. Do you happen to have a speculation pre-merge boot list or if there is one floating around?
  18. Since it's the premiere, I don't really dislike anyone yet. I thought I would have trouble remembering who is on what tribe, but the 2 hour episode helped with that. Glad Jelenski was voted off instead of Jess. Dude gives up so easily. I worry for Jess if Yanu loses immunity again. She would most definitely be voted off if they go to tribal again.
  19. Dee is a very deserving winner of this season. Anyone could tell from watching that she played the best game. I'm glad that she did win, and thankful Austin did not. Not surprised one bit that Jake got 0 votes. He wasn't winning this game. I could care less about Dee and Austin's "showmance" or relationship or whatever they are calling it now. This season was not bad at all, it was pretty good.
  20. Dee is totally who I am rooting for to win. She won her second individual immunity challenge, and was already in on the plan with Julie to get Drew out. Good riddance, Drew. Could do without the Austin/Dee love fest, but Dee has the best chance to win this game. Dee for the win.
  21. The way Dee told Julie how the vote was going to go, that she would play her idol, told her Dee was voting for her, told her who to vote for and Julie actually did what Dee wanted. This was Dee's move, and I am impressed. Nobody is looking at her as a threat. It really sucks that Emily had to go, but I could see it coming. I was hoping Julie wouldn't listen to Dee and put down Austin's name, no matter what Dee wanted. All in all, Dee played that beautifully.
  22. Yep, I'm thinking Dee wins it all, too. Emily was her competition and now that she's gone, Dee beats everybody left. The way she told Julie to play her idol, not target Austin, but to write down Emily's name, and Julie actually did what Dee wanted. Masterful of Dee. Dee still has allies left, and she will deserve this win.
  23. It's been rumored that the final 5 is Dee, Austin, Jake, Katurah, and Julie. Some suspect that Drew goes out next, then Emily at Final 6. That is what I'm thinking too.
  24. Everyone knew Bruce had an idol, and he just doesn't play it? So confused on this. He knew votes were going to be split between him and Jake. Did he really think Julie was going? Play your idol anyway to be completely safe. Oh, well, Bruce did it to himself. More of the Reba 4 getting their way yet again. Nothing much to say about that. Yawn. As long as Emily stays on, I'm good.
  25. Hoping Julie plays Austin's idol, and Drew finally goes. Does Julie still have Austin's idol?
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