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Everything posted by writersblock51

  1. But Thea is related to 1 member and dating another. And Quentin isn't applying logic to any of his reasoning these days or his daughter would have been arrested along with Diggle and Felicity.
  2. * Le sigh* Fans, once again, putting more thought into the logistics and credibility of a clip than the folks who were actually repsonsible for making it did.
  3. Thanks for the chuckle - much needed.
  4. Alright. So then my frustration about the shows focusing solely on masked/suited superheroes continues. David Ramsey was at the TCA Panel because Diggle is a hero. Just one without a mask or a suit. It's a widely discussed topic and one that he's been discussed in interviews. It's troubling, even in the confines of a 'fun promo,' that the network and EPs only think of heroes as the ones with masks and suits.
  5. I understand that. Shouldn't he have been closer to the action?
  6. It's a complete bullshit promo. The TCA panel theory - okay, but where's David Ramsey? Masks and Suits theory - okay, so why is Dr. Stein there with no mask? They can't have it both ways. I know the intention was for fun and to probably lead to the spin off. Whatever. It was a miss, as far as I'm concerned. And it was, quite possibly, a waste of time and money. Time and money that could have been spent on updated promos for each show with the full casts.
  7. I definitely find Charlie Cox appealing in the role. I'm both tired of and curious about the comparisons here and elsewhere online between Matt Murdock and Oliver Queen. I suppose superhero-action-show-on-TV makes the comparisons inevitable, especially since both leads are secretive about their alter egos while trying to save their respective cities. But I think there's a world of difference between them, too. I like both shows, very much, and am more than happy to appreciate them on their own merits. If anything, I think Matt is more like Barry Allen on the Flash.
  8. I thought his American accent got better and more consistent as the series went along. I've seen him in work where he uses his natural British accent so I was listening for it - I think he did just fine. I'm OK with this Matt not being blond. The only nit I'd have about the casting, purely from a physical standpoint, is that Charlie Cox is quite a bit shorter than I was expecting Matt/DD to be. But ater watching the entire series in a weekend AND seeing the stunt work, I'm fine with his shorter height now. What I also love is the strong blend of guilt, motivation, introspection and developing extrovertness. I think Charlie Cox has done a very good job of giving Matt those layers. Plus, he's playing 2 characters... His body language changes completely when he's Daredevil (or the Devil of Hell's Kitchen). I am always fascinated when actors play masked superheroes (or villains) that the world, at large, doesn't know who the real identity is (unlike Tony Stark, Steve Rogers)... they have to play, for our sake especially, the 2 sides of the character with distinctive marks but also with enough simliarity to mesh the 2. Given these big shoes to fill after the success of many other superhero characters on TV and in the movies in recent years (DC and Marvel), I think Charlie Cox has done a very solid job. By the 5th or 6th episode, I was completely sold on his portrayal.
  9. Roy - and CH's portrayal - is breaking my heart. the high five is priceless. I think the 'marriage' will actually be Oliver and someone not named Felicity - maybe Nyssa? If he and Felicity get married, I can't imagine the reasoning at this point, rushed, on a plane, her mother not with her... Would Oliver being married somehow save him from Ra's? Not much Diggle in that clip. Why is that? I'm enjoying Thea's story very much. No clue where Malcolm stands, to be honest. He's the wildcard. If the woman is a priestess of some sort, how much of the LoA story are we going to end up seeing? There's only 5 eps left and that's not the story I want to spend time on. Have we ever heard about Nyssa's mother?
  10. Who's the woman in Nanda Parbat who doesn't look happy to see Oliver?
  11. Not the Asian promo after all! ETA: I cannot believe the CW released this. WOW! ratings concern?
  12. Arrow's ratings went down - maybe they will be adjusted up? http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2015/04/02/tv-ratings-wednesday-black-ish-law-order-svu-chicago-p-d-rise-arrow-nashville-supernatural-down/383423/ 20% drop as of now, from last week. Ouch.
  13. Does anyone have any theories as to why Ra's wants Oliver to be his heir - all I see is urgency without motive.
  14. I'm bitter as hell that Laurel didn't tell Quentin how it was her decision, from the time Team Arrow came upon her and Sara's body in the lair, to not tell Quentin the truth. They have been uncomfortably going by her decision - because, somehow, his heart couldn't take it. Yet he had no signs of heart issues tonight, after being roughed up and everything. So ALL OF THIS is on Laurel. All of it, including the deaths and injuries that have happened and may still happen. Quentin should resign since he did not arrest Laurel and Roy. This season has been built on the horrific decision that Laurel made in the first episode of the season. Since then, she's become a heroic vigilante (which rather contrasts with her paying day job) while the city and her friends suffer. KC said at Paleyfest that this seasons was lighter for LL. Clearly, that's how she sees it. I find that extremely disturbing. I can tolerate Stalker Ray since i know he's leaving. But Laurel? I want her off the show. And dead-dead. Not resurrection of any sort for her. Furthermore, the opening for the show now has Ray and Laurel but no longer has Diggle and Felicity. That offends me on every level.
  15. I enjoyed many parts of the episode - and I think Paul Blackthorne was great throughout, even if I thought Q had lost his mind. The action scenes were very well done. Roy didn't get tranq'd or knocked out, either! But the idea that Laurel can go up against someone from the LoA and not get her ass kicked? JUST NO. I liked the Nyssa scenes and was glad she didn't turn on her father, either. I'm not sure why I'm OK with that. Ra's is a horrible father. Maybe it's because I like that, no matter what's happened, she still has a code of honor. I liked Roy a lot in this episode - I loved that he was still loyal to Oliver and tried to think like Oliver would, had their roles been reversed. The Ray stuff. 100% bullshit. All of it. I enjoyed Mama Smoak very much - CR is so happy to be on this show and I think she nailed her scenes perfectly. I love her and Felicity's relationship. Oliver breaks my heart. Noble idiot. I thought SA did a fantastic job. Felicity. I love her no matter what but I'm tired of her being there to prop Ray up. I think those times are coming to an end, thank goodness. Quentin's rage - most of it could have been avoided or at least lessened (and not aimed, misguidedly, at Oliver and his team) if Laurel had told him the truth about Sara from the beginning. Taking the rest of my comments to the Butterness thread.
  16. But MG has said, more than once, I believe, that fan dislike of Ray is only coming from Olicity fans. I think he knows that isn't accurate but he can hardly say so. There's a spin off to get going after all! There's not a lot of time left in this season to turn around fan reaction to Ray so that there's enthusiasm for the spin off. I do think Ray and Felicity will break up soon, if only because the show runners know that one key part of Ray's popularity is removing him from the contrived triangle. I think getting him to be a strong ally of Oliver's is the second step - and Oliver has to accept him as an ally. What happens to Oliver and Felicity is still anyone's guess. But I do think Ray will be clear of romantic entanglements in the next few episodes. And if he's more popular with fans, then MG will have the smug satisfaction of appearing right all along. But he'll miss the greater picture, I'm sure, that aligning Ray with Oliver (on Oliver's terms, too) will be the key.
  17. Not only was the question asked, but MG decided to answer it among the many questions he received. Maybe he thought a funny question and a funny answer would help? I have no idea what he's thinking. The possible 2nd wedding before season's end seems to have otherwise been dropped off the radar.
  18. I don't understand why Ray is in the hospital. Furthermore, the entire manhunt and personal vendetta that Quentin has could very easily be solved 2 ways: 1) Laurel tell her father the truth about Team Arrow's part in keeping Sara's death from Quentin - that it was because Laurel asked them too (and, by the way, Dinah knows too!) 2) Felicity could easily find footage somewhere of Oliver fighting the other Arrows. Hand it over to the police via Laurel But no. We get this crap.
  19. Great new title - I haven't been on the boards in many weeks, life & all and then "last episode happened" and ... well, my toast is buttered on both sides, I'm that ticked off.
  20. With only half of Firestorm on this possible show, perhaps what we'll be seeing is actually a time warp version of the characters? Otherwise, I don't see how Sara can be alive in present day without invalidating Arrow's 3rd season so far. I am happy for Caity Lotz, and I think the lineup is interesting, to say the least. Naive perhaps, but I had hoped that her on this show meant that Laurel's time on Arrow was coming to an end and we saw that Arrow's Who Killed Sara was all part of an elaborate ruse by .... someone. No clue who.
  21. I don't think Ted Kord will be on the show. DIdn't he/the Blue Bettle end up as one of the off limit characters, for reasons we don't know yet? I think Oliver becomes Ra's, too. Temporarily.
  22. MG's response about the stalking is disturbing. Follow that up with his 'she just got laid, what more do you want?' crack is just immature and grating. His response about office romance? Yeah, well, congrats, asshole, there's plenty of HR people who would disagree with you because... lawsuits. I met my spouse while we worked for the same company but we definitely weren't in any position that would have caused legal headaches. His choosing to tweet and Tumblr tonight, to me, shows that he loves messing with fans. This isn't social media savviness at work, this isn't even a healthy engagement with fans - this is a guy whose ego is overriding common sense and professionalism. He is dismissive of any opinion that does not line up with his expectations. Bottom line for me, he's immature and can't handle criticism.
  23. As someone who is NOT in the coveted male demo, I'm bitter that my viewing habits are so easily tossed out and dismissed. I've been a part of the enthusiastic fan base that the EPs and Stephen Amell enjoy so much - and I would rather have a balanced show that includes stunts and heroics with other character development. I think the Flash is getting it right. I'm also disappointed that the focus on Arrow seems to be more about suiting up than embracing heroic characteristics. We've discussed here, numerous times, that a hero is NOT made solely because of a costume. The EPs say that they agree with this then their hamster-like attention span is enthralled with the next suit. As for the stunts this season? Largely lackluster compared to S1 and especially S2. I love the stunts on this show but have been pretty meh about it all so far. Oliver jumping on the car and shooting in "The Return"? Cool. The fight with Slade and the Queens? Cool. But not blow-my-mind cool. The stunt work of the past has set a very high standard and, IMO, certainly deserved Emmy nomininations for such. But this year? No, not really. But if the demo is happy with it, my opinion doesn't mean squat anyway.
  24. That would fit into the pattern that I think is emerging that the focus has shifted to the Flash/New Show and away from Arrow. I think it could also spell the slow end of Arrow, because ratings would be affected if Felicity left. Maybe not a huge drop but there would be a noticable loss in viewers. I don't know if the demo would change, though.
  25. If the Atom gets a separate show that airs while Arrow and the Flash are in hiatus for the summer, any thoughts as to how both of those shows would handle developments once their shows come back? If the Atom gets a spinoff, there will be crossovers. Depending on when those a filmed, I can foresee a few of the actors being spread very thin (again). Felicity is, I think, the one most likely to be used for many reasons. So would that impact her time on Arrow? I wasn't joking when I said that she'd possibly be on all 3 shows. I can see that happening. She'd be the main conduit for all the teams. I wonder if the Atom will move to Coast City or someplace else to partially address this. If the Atom is spun off, I don't see how he can exist as the main protagonist in Starling or Central Cities. Also, how does the animated "Vixen" fit into all this? I've only read a little bit about it and I have no idea how it will exist in the Flash/Arrow world other than it simply will.
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