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Everything posted by CaseyRe

  1. agreed, you don't get toned abs like she has - good strong obliques and a very flat stomach with good tone rather than just being thin - simply because of genetics. her body frame is genetics but the muscle strength, that's hard work and dance, and even petite people with tiny frames can get big if they don't watch what they eat even if only a little.
  2. Good god, thats one of the worst pics I've seen of a failed jumpsplit. I can't imagine she wasn't yelled at after. I've been wondering, with the talk of Taylor T(? right Taylor?) not knowing #metoo, just how some of the TCC would have replied. I can't imagine there wouldn't have been some trainwreck answers in their somewhere, possibly even worse than not knowing the movement. I'd love to have heard how some of the younger or more immature TCC would have answered. I'm not sure which is worse, a truly terrible answer or an 'I don't know/I'm not familiar', although I was always taught (within context of say a job interview so obv slightly different to something like a media interview) to never say 'I don't know' but come up with something, anything other than that you don't know.
  3. I don't know to what degree having more Texas girls would be 'more cost effective' or save money as all the squad must audition every year so as to keep it 'world class' and ensure the best talent is on the squad, so whether there are more texas girls or not, they still hold auditions, they still have training camp, so if a girl is one and done as she wants to move home to another state, it isn't costing any more to replace her than a retired texas girl.
  4. Hannah's abs when she was called into TC at finals...damn girl, what is your routine! Oh yeah, you can generally tell the girls that have starved/deprived too much to get down to their 'best' weight for auditions and then struggle to keep that. either they forget, don't know, think they can maintain, that the weight they are when they audition/make it, is the weight they're basically held to for the rest of their DCC career and if that's an unnaturally low one for them (as it is for many really, most of the girl' bodies would [robably prefer to be 5-10lb heavier than they are at DCC) they are going to have trouble for the rest of their time, and potentially really struggle if they come back for a second year. time and again we've seen 2nd year candidates come back heavier than the season before. many, personally, look better. they look sexier, less hungry (gee I wonder why), and more (for want of a better word) feminine. but that''s seemingly not what DCC wants. its all about weight when we all know weight isn't the best indicator of health or how someone looks. you can weight more and look slimmer and fitter.
  5. I've very thick hair in that there's a lot of it, but the individual strands are very fine and man alive, the moment I come into contact with humidity, it both frizzes AND instntly goes limp and greasy looking even if just watched. it's an interesting combo. I also loathe the feeling of too much product in my hair and with it being quite fine, there a super fine line between 'enough product to control it' and 'too much product and it's weighed down and awful' which might be an issue some of the girls have, that their hair is just too fine for the quantity of product required to keep a wave in the humidity. Keeping a style in hot, humind weather is hard, especially if you're usin a heated set and not a wet set, and most especially with the weight of the extensions most of the girls have. its going to take a lot of product to hold a curl for hours while dancing in humid weather. dallas isn't as bad as say Tennessee for humidity, but holding a curl in that can still be difficult as hell. I loathe the lash extensions the girls have. most are too long and then they clump the hell out of them with 18 coats of mascara. I can't imagine how long it takes them to get it all off again, esp as it's likely waterproof to cope with sweating. do not envy them that task! To my eye, Jalyn just looks naturally petite. she's not appeared to waiver in her weight over the course of TC, and she's not just skinny, you can see she's skinny-fit. her abs and thighs are very toned, rather than just thin and if you go back on her insta, she's the same size throughout. I think she's just a bit ike Lauren, committed to a healthy lifestyle that includes a lot of cardio and toning exercises.
  6. For me when in motion - ie on film etc - Savannah is beautiful, but I don't think she photographs as pretty as she actually is. just something about her is best in motion. her hair is amazing though
  7. Not alone! I would have sworn blind at times that they put grey in it. it looks ashy not rich. it needs some warmth
  8. can you imagine Kelli's face if you'd stood and said that when asked to describe yourself in a hashtag!!
  9. Tarana Burke created the #metoo movement in 2006. Milano helped popularize the phrase
  10. I've always been impressed by lauren. I loved her as a rookie and really rooted for her, but following her insta the last year my respect for her has really grown - the girl has dedication to everything she does. I honestly don't know how she does it or where she finds the strength from, but I wish I was more like her!
  11. Doing it on the field was just cruel. you're being called out in front of your colleagues, you're already anxious because you're going to be worried you're getting called over for somehting about your dancing, something perhaps so egregious it can't even wait for the office. why, if they were having such an issue with her hair, was she not sent to Marshall at the start? they've seen her hair since finals, they know what it looks like. they've had more than enough opportunities to deal with it if they don't like it. but nobody did. but Kitty says something andsuddenly it's awful and has to change.
  12. That must have been such an adventure!! Both you and your family showed courage and curiosity in you persuing it, and I'm sure she loved every story that you had to tell her about it, every little tale and experience!
  13. I was so impressed by Cianna in that episode. I'd barely clocked her before, but the added time on other TCC really let her shine. she's beuatiful, she's got a fun style and I think she's going to be great. there are some wonderful TCC that just aren't getting the airtime they totally deserve to allow the audience to get to know them and get to shine. she and Ashlee both really impressed me this ep
  14. Tell me about it!! Im 33 and it's a struggle! Even 8-9 yeears ago when I first shed a lot of weight it wasnt the easiest thing as I've a slow metabolism and as an endomorph body type, man my body loves to hold onto fat like it's going out of style. but the struggle is so much worse at 33! that's why a healthy lifestyle is so important rather than a diet. you wanna be maintaining a healthy weight rather than trying to shed excess weight because for those that struggle iwth weight, that's hard anyway, but the older you get, the harder it is especially for women. our bodies like to hang on tight to fat, especially on our thighs and upper arms. youth is the time to learn good habits for life. its not that you can't ever lose weight later, or that you cant change your lifestyle later, but boy is it easier when you're young!
  15. I think she's very articulate. Articulate and projection aren't really the same thing. I just think she's shy and perhaps out of her element and therefore she's a bit more withdrawn and quiet. perhaps not wanting to draw negative attention to herself and so stays a bit more quiet while she kind of feels her way through TC. to go from pagents to TC is quite different world even if they're both performative. i just see her as perhaps a little introverted or put off by the cameras following her in a different way than she's used to from things like Miss America and in a new setting and so shes quieter as she figures it all out
  16. Exactly. ITs literally the information age, there's no excuse. We all walk around with computers in our pockets with all the information in the world at our fingertips at any given moment. even if you don''t read newspapers or watch the news, it trickles into social consciousness, people talk about it on the street, in blogs, in vlogs, on twitters, instagram, and FB. I can't believe for a moment that there's no celebrity that she follows that hasn't posted something about it. I'm both shocked, and deeply disappointed in someone not knowing what it is, especially another woman.
  17. I thought Dayton as the only cut lask week, and the only brunette called into the office.
  18. It wasn't much fun, especially as a very shy, introverted person. Jeez...that sounds awful.
  19. I dont know if you've ever worked somewhere like that, but I have. locker rooms and buses are a small space and rumours and stories travel fast. seeing one person get away with murder while you have to behave like MOther Teresa is galling. haing someone strut around as though they're untouchable becomes annoying. I left a job when people went from simply ratting out others to making up rumours and lies. I was accused of having an affair with a married man (I was 19 and utterly uninterested and he was in his 50s and veery happily married) because we ate lunch at our desks together one day and chatted about sci-fi shows for 40 minutes. that got back to our boss and to my mother who worked in another department in another building ten miles away. I was pulled into a meetin gwith my boss about appropriate workplace behaviour. I became a parriah. i started eating lunch in my car. I wept on the way to work. toxic work environments are hellish and in the end I left. all because one person decided to make up a story to make them look good and me look bad.
  20. I think it depends on the atmosphere tbh. yes, there's 36 so oyu could avoid her herself, but if she helps to make a more toxic atmosphere, constantly ratting out teammates, getting special treatment, acting like a child...for a few hundred bucks a week and dancing in a glorified bikini...I'd think about quitting too. a toxic work environment can be killer and given its a side job essentially, I'd think about leaving
  21. she didn't make the team that year, partially because of the interview. she had to come back
  22. Especially women who's day job is to wear less than a yard of fabric in front of tens of thousands of fans, many of whom are drinking, many of whom are male (not that women cant also make inappropriate comments or behvaviours but in my own personal experience, its been men) that might become vulgar/lecherous and/or physically inappropriate. I can 100% see a reporter asking about coping with that sort of situation esp in light of today's political climate and #metoo. How a young woman doesn't know what it is boggles the mind
  23. I didn't say to the same proportions as th States, but there re overweight people everywhere around the globe. weight struggles are not the purview of americans. just because Jinelle is Australian doesn't mean she has no experience with weight struggles. would she have made the same complaint if Jinelle were Canadian or British? weight struggles are universal, if not to quite the epidemic proportions of the US, but then nobody is claiming VK to be a part of an obesity issue, simply large for DCC Keeping up with the Kalina's or Real Trainwrecks of Dallas
  24. Dayton was cut last week, Rachel is blonde and still in TC. Personally Dayton and Kristen look very different from skin tone to face shape to features, but everyone sees faces differently
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