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Everything posted by CaseyRe

  1. I loathe Maddie's curly hair. last year it was fine, but this year...the curls are so uncultured, it just looks and moves like a shapeless, dirty mop on her head, like a super bad home perm from the 80s. not cute, not sexy. it looks utterly vile to me, and doesnt mesh with the rest of the girl's looks at all, all sleek big hair.
  2. given they dance regularly in extremely hot conditions, sweating a lot, to wear anything other than waterproof mascara is just straight up stupid. had that been me, I'd be mortified to my grave. she had mascara all over her top. she reminded me of the Joker
  3. Can't speak for 'pure' dance, but for skating, hell yeeeessss the whole rink would have heard you being chewed out over travelling, esp if you're a pairs or dance skater, because you can literally kill your partner if you travel into them (people have had their throats cut by a partners blade during side by side camel spins when someone has travelled) and you also lose a lot of technical points for travelling, but even as a single skater if you don't keep to where you're meant to be when you're meant to be there, you can end up jumping into the boards or running out of space. your footwork sequences have to be perfect in line(either straight or on the circle) and your spins etc have to be precise. with skating its super easy to see when someone travels as the ice is a serious little snitch and marks up under your blade. IF it was never mentioned to Vk then her teachers were falling down on the job
  4. I wasa thinking the same thing. Heck, she barely looks like the girl on the mgazine she's holding! I think part is the eyebrows - they're too heavily filled in with too harsh squaring off at the bridge of hte nose - what I think of as instagram brows, which i loathe as a look. it's really affecting how the rest of her face looks because your brows frame yyour face and super change your look. also looks to be either lip fillers, or the current trend of painting over your cupids bow with your lipstick to make the lips looks more full. another trend I dispise. personally, makes most people's mouths look like a blow up doll which isn't a look to which I aspire. i think it looks cheap and tacky
  5. I guess they decided that was the best of the ones of her in that (hideous and cliche) custom bikini. Not that it aactually shows any of the bikini top, ie where most of the work was put into the construction (sorry, but it was basically two metal coconut shells with stars on that looked like star shaped nipples) but i guess they figured ass sells
  6. I'd assumed it was her foundation from crying/sweating
  7. she's nowhere near 175lb, lets not be that harsh. Im taller than her, broader than her and a good 20lb over where I'm working to be and I weigh less than 175
  8. wasn't she the same one tht then asked what to do if you don't like a meal? because that wasn't subtle.
  9. i dont actually mind the dress. its a style I'd wear happily, if not colour (and its a bit hyperbolic that it's a prom dress, pplease what 18 year old would wear that to prom??). I know its a youthful, summer colour, but it's far too pink(or in the bastardised words of the great M'Lynn 'that girl looks like she was hosed down in pepto bismol), but it is very DCC-esque in my mind. if it'd been blue, I doubt they'd have had much issue with it worlds most uncomfortable pose - you've really gotta contort to get your ass and back to get that perfect angle. I think any beauty I used to see in the swimsuit calendar has been smooshed for me after hearing the leacherous photographer.
  10. Totally don't disagree that shes by no means fat or even 'large' in real world, but in DCC several judges noted her as being heavy during auditions and kelli also said that to her so she was already DCC 'large' at auditions so even if her weight had remained stable, there likely would have been 'subtle' encouragement to lose some anyway.
  11. now is quail the chicken of the sea?! (c'mon, I can't be the only one that made a similar blonde big haired texan connection when Vk said quail was seafood)
  12. They're all going to have chosen themselves. 9 is the group size and they're not going to exclude themselves from that 9, that'd be stupid. Lacey definitely chose herself, you can see her pic behind Maddie at one point I've finalyl realised what I don't like about VK's smile - her teeth are too white. your teeth shouldn't be whiter than the whites of your eyes, it looks super unnatural, and while many on the team have teeth too white, hers are so white, it's like theyve been tipexed. its too much and with her large smile, it's blinding and just looks so unnatural
  13. Denial is a powerful thing. and she probably does know, but now she can pretend it was KaShara that pointed it out so its not that Kelli wants to cut her, but KaShara
  14. which is why I wondered if Kashara out and out specifically stated why she wasnt giving VK a sticker because she knows there's not really a lot they can do to can her at this point - she's looking great, dancing great, she's point, they love her, it'd be super obvious if she was cut that it be because she gave an honest review of why she didn't think VK was good for the team (in particular as an ambassador if she can't control whats coming out of her mouth) whereas at very leasst we didn't see the other girls do that, we just heard why they were giving stickers to other girls. that Kashara was more honest because she knew a)the others felt they couldn't/wouldn't and that b) she felt she could and get away with it because of her position on the team
  15. This isn't solely aimed at VK remotely, but attending college doesn't mean you're smart, book or street. From my own university experience, there are more than enough people that will easily defy that particular belief.
  16. Yes, I'm well aware that's what was being asked of the girls, though it was Kashara that chose to break it down between Victoria and Lily, not Kelli per se as KaShara voices that. but Kashara is point, and is leaving after this season so she's got less to lose than those like maddie (who looked scared to be there and didn't have good presence or confidence at all in front of Kelli which is surprising for a 3rd year vet candidate) and Amy seemed kinda out of it at times. Lacey (who i believe is also leaving after this year??) just looked somewhat apprehensive a lot when looking at the board and back to K&J. Totally OT, how is Marty exclusively JT's choreographer if he's working with loads of other people including DCC? did they mean that JT works exclusively with him (which explains why I hate any time JT dances - and sings but that's another thing altogether) rather than that he exclusively works with JT?
  17. I think Malena is gorgeous, super photogenic, and very well spoken when she's passionate, so it's easy to see why she was kept on as an ambassador cheerleader, and why Kelli desperately keeps hanging on to her, but with how she's struggling, it's mean to keep her so long whn there's no way she can make the team this year I wonder if Kashara was honest partially because that's just Kashara, or if its because its her last year and so she gives zero Fs, a bit of both or just that she knew of everyone in the room she was the only oen who could get away with it. Maddie looked terrified and Lacey deeply unsure about voicing an opinion beyond how hard it must be for K&J, but good ole Kashara knew what was up and jsut said it. she's such an easy going girl, seems to get along iwth everyone, so you know if she's saying it, then something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
  18. there was literally no way for her to pose in the uniform without looking not good in the uniform. straight on from the front showed the thickness of her waist and how she'd lost the curve there, from the side shows the belly over the belt, from semi-profile you get a very deep roll in the side at the waist. now, everyone will crease there, we're designed to, but when you're a DCC, to have a roll like that at the side when cocking a hip...any other TCC would be cut for not looking good in uniform. Vivian's thighs looked a bit thick between boots and shorts, and she was out. VK barely fits into her uniform and she's just 'carrying weight on her midsection' but look how good her hair and legs are? c'mon. kelli, get your head out your ass and remember your job (hint, its not to be VK's hype woman and babysitter)
  19. singled out rather than called out. if he'd called her out I doubt she'd have been as happy as she was.
  20. Im 33, no TV, not had one for about 8 years now
  21. awwww I remember when Kashara wore the wrong uniform and I remember rollig my eyes that it was stupid to ahve different uniforms for different trianing days. yes you could consider it a test of memory and ability to follow instruction etc, but it was pointless. much easier to have everyone wear the same thing every night pink and blue
  22. apparently yes, it is. there's one cameraman that always films the cut girls walk away, and he knows they kinda all hate him,a dn that the other girls try to surround a cut girl and hustle her out asap so she's away from the camera. reminds me of when Mel and Sue were the presenters on The Great British Bake Off - if a contestant was having a real breakdown, super stressed or started crying, Mel and Sue would stand next to them and cuddle them while swearing up a storm so that footage was useless and therefore the person's dignity could be protected and their breakdown not be epxloited for drama by the BBC. classy approach, I like it!
  23. I cannot wait for her cut scene. cannot wait.
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