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Everything posted by CaseyRe

  1. Given that 70% of female college athlete injuries are cheerleaders (and I recognise that obviously most collegiate cheer is 'true' cheer rather than dance like the DCC and therefore more dangerous what with fliers and tumbling etc) what sort of insurance is there for the squad? do they have to fund their own? are they covered by DCC for any injuries that are incurred during practice and game?
  2. when you've got players that are under investigation for assault, sexual assault, tax evasion etc, still playing,s till earning millions and their fans baying for them to be allowed to play despite it all, people attacking Erica for being 'bitter' after being fired for leaving a locker room to sit in the stands is hilarious and a dazzling display of some ingrained misogyny. of the two, I'd rather support her, than a player thats under investigation for assault yet still plays and still earns millions with fans proclaiming they must be the most innocent babe that ever was born because they happen to catch a ball well, despite medical records or multiple witnesses to a an actual crime.
  3. i think with Betsey J, the hair and outfits are a very deliberate part of her schtick, and actually probably take time to do, whereas in Kitty's case, it just reads as couldn't be bothered to find a comb and just threw on whatever was closest. super 'respectful' to the DCC
  4. hence why so many teams deliberabtely ensure their cheerleaders are technically hired by a separate organisation, so they can't be privy to being an employee of a massive profit team. they can get away with paying a pitance
  5. I never said they should. but they should earn more than about 75bucks per game. the $1 million estimate was at least 8 years ago (with Forbes stating they were bringing that in in 2003 and stating that its likely risen well above that now, 15 years later), I don't believe for a second that they don't bring in more than that now between inflation and everything else. many cheerleadering orgs for the NFl teams are purposefully their own organisation so that they don't fall under employees of the actual team themselves and thus require higher wages. 36 girls on the squad, lets lowball it at $1mill revenue, 1,200 a year per girl, that's $43000. and thats assuming they get that and aren't fined for weight or trdiness or any other number of infractions. I'm not saying they should make $30k or something, but for the work they do, the hours required, the stress on mind and body, cheerleaders should earn more than they do. not all functions are paid - Raiderettes had to attend a minimum of ten charity events a year that are unpaid but mandatory and are considered exempt from being paid minimum wage. they have to buy a set number of the calendars and are expected to sell them themselves on their own time. For the amount of money they bring to the organisation, the sheer exposure teams like the DCC get their teams, the TV stuff...I just stated they should earn more than they do, I never said they should earn more than a fulll time employee, but I don't think it's unfair to state they should be getting at least minimum wage!
  6. then I'm confused, because the comment was 'She said the mascot got paid x amount, but he is a full time employee for the Cowboys. Being the mascot is a side gig.' do you mean he has a full time job with the DC and a part of that job is being the mascot on the side, rather than that he works full time as the mascot? Im just not understanding, clearly.
  7. I always find it funny when people take what actors say on press tours as gospel and i'm sitting here like 'this is their job. they are literally being paid to spout whatever the studio wants them too. they might think this is the worst movie in the world but of course they're going to say that it's the best one yet, that they've neer done better. because it's their job.'. I always take any form of interview with anyone thats a part of their job with a massive heaping of salt. this is their job, they'll say what they're supposed to or prompted to or flat out instructed to. because it's their job. I don't know what people expect the DCC to say if asked anything on the scale of 'do you fight? do you all get annoyed about the pitance you're paid? are eating disorders rampant on the team?' because of course they're going to trot out the Director-approved fluff answers the temptation is real! do you mean bbeing a DCC is a side gig? thing is, for me, regardless of her motivation, she did bring some attention to something that's still deeply ridiculous - these girls bring in millions a year for the DCC organisation and get paid peanuts and treated like garbage. at the end of the day I still respect her for shining a light on it, regardless of her reasoning why
  8. let's face it, the guy knows how to perform, how to put on a show and hold a room's attention. some of the TCC need to learn that skill!
  9. oh god...one of those was mine. bless his sense of humour!
  10. weirdly, this season feels really strung out and also really rushed at the same time and I can't put my finger on why
  11. Glad I'm not alone in being annoyed by it. If that's what Cassie wanted and chose, then what the hell is wrong wiith being 'no more than' a SAHM? that's a HARD life, running after kids all day and keeping the house and having people judgng your decision. there's no 'only' about it. so long as the woman chose that life, and its what she wants, what the hell is so bad? feminism, equality, it's' all about having choice.
  12. but most trainers won't do that with you or not without an added premium many couldn't afford, even if qualified to do so, because personal trainer does not equal nutritonist. some also have that qualification but nowhere near all, and many would, if asked, say they'd prefer to stay in their lane/scope of their practice and not give dietary advice because its not their area.
  13. why is it not friday already, that is the question! forget just the fact i'd have a new ep to watch, it'd be FRIDAY!
  14. Oh god yes. most people (including me because I love cornflakes and we're coming up to oatmeal season and I cannot describe how much I love oatmeal), if you show them the 30 gram serving size of most cereals will accuse you of trying to starve them. Its actually a pretty small amount. can you get used to it and not feel starved hours before lunch? yeah. but if you give mot people a bowl and a box of cereal they'll automatically parcel out an amount 2-3x the serving size but not realise it's actually WAY more than a serving and count only the calories and fat of a single serving. they don't mean to, it's not them being in denial as such over their portion size, just many don't know that a bowl full isn't a serving, its about 3. deligently weighing my food out was definitely a drag at the start, but after a few weeks I was able to be far more accurate in my eyeballing of things like cereal (until I nixed that too during the week partially because gluten free cereal isn't cheap and because carbs aren't my friend!) but stuff like rice or pasta I was always a mess for, always making way too much or too little so hard to be sure to work on weighing that. now I meal prep completely by rote and habit and honestly its one of the best things I've ever done in terms of my food consumption and ensuring healthy stuff is always on hand so that if I snack, there's no excuse not to reach for the tupperware of carrot sticks or cucumber slices. i don't even have to prepare it, just peel off the lid and voila. between meal prep and ensuring I don't totally deprive myself - i have a few jellybeans each night as a sweet treat and I freeze little pots of petits filous so that its like frozen yogurt and tasts just like creamy ice cream while being a small serving and actually healthy so that I don't feel like Im just eating rabbit food and its not such a shock to my system, and a cheat day a week for some toast - and ensuring I don't try to con myself into believing Im going to learn to love foods I absolutely despise just because they're healthy, I've totally changed my lifestyle and waistline. sucks at first, like any change in behaviour that's pretty ingrained but totally worth it.
  15. Truth. you can't outrun a bad diet. literally in just changing my diet and barely changing my workout regime, I've lost 28 pounds. I was eating more than I thought I was and though much was healthy, the portion size was too large, particularly ont hings like bread and other high carb items. cut that from my diet 6 days a week and the weight is coming off. little changes can make huge differences because exercise alone isn't enough. I couldn't go to Jay or any other bootcamp style workout - I loathe and don't respond well to being yelled at. I would just yell back and leave. not my style of workout at all
  16. For. Real. There are girls in photos posted on the official DCC that I don' even recognise let alone have any concept of a name for. It looks SO much better. I hate their near insistance on central parting for all because it doesn't suit most women at all. a side part is almost always so much more flattering. its funny to see rtired vets post squad, most of whom were always styled with a middle parting while on the squad, invariably wear their hair almost exclusively side parted when they retire.
  17. The sideeye is strong in you, young Marshall. imagine it's power if his face wasn't frozen....there'd be judges dropping like flies
  18. There's only so many times i can roll my eyes this hard at that sort of nonsense without them just giving up the ghost and falling out of my skull. I swear, there are people that deliberately follow some SM just so they can complain about an account they willingly follow.
  19. The DCC official insta even shows exactly who made the team. I remember being on insta and this guy was following Rachel and then bitched when she posted a pic of herself dancing at the game because it was a spoiler and how could she ruin it for him, when he actually followed the DCC insta...like...dude, wtf? if you don't want to be spoiled why are following a TCC/DCC and the officiall DCC instagram that will weekly show the squad dancing? talk about ridiculous. if the official insta is going to show the girls, and of course it is because the season starts before the tv season is over, then whats the point of all the cloak and dagger?
  20. I've never found Maddie sexy, for me she looks too young to comfortably be viewed as sexy and there's always been something...try hard about her imho. she's cute, don't get me wrong, but I've never thought her sexy, and I really don't like her hair being so curly (in the last year it's started to look like a twisted up mop imho, rather than nice defined curls). I just don't find it that flattering for her but i guess Kelli loves it (and her)
  21. most dance instructors are going to touch you, they're going to take your arms and legs and move them where they're supposed to be to demonstratet to you how far what you were doing was from what was needed, or they'll push your body intot he right position or turn out, just as a yoga or pilates teacher would touch you and move you around to get the right position. Many will be somewhat rough about it, esp if they've explained ten times what you're meant to doa nd you've not done it, but honestly, thats the norm. I see nothing worse that Kitty does physically than anyone that's ever trained me. in fact, physically she's generally less rough than pretty much anyone I ever had except the ballet teacher when I was about 4. my skate coach would have appalled you.
  22. agreed, and a small part of me wonders if the show doesn't have something to do with that, in an odd way. that in the early years they just kinda of ignored the cameras more and just did what they always did and so the squad stayed strong through the 36 girls, and that now they play up to the drama of the genre more, play up to the cameras being around, choose girls just to have easy cuts and so the focus has shifted slightly off of the actual dance and quality of the squad.
  23. I don't think anyone here is claiming that its only gym time and willpower in the cases of women like Jalyn and Jinelle in terms of figure, but just as 'bad' genetics is only 50% of the story of people that are larger always struggling with their weight, it's only 50% of the story in terms of petite women too. petite women can still get large, can still gain weight. its not a get out of jail free card in either case. if you want muscle tone and good abs, you still have to put in the effort, which clearly JInelle and Jalyn and many other women with that sort of figure do. women like Vk (like me) will never look like Jalyn, no. but it doesn't follow that we therefore have to be untoned or undisciplined in our diet. I won't be as slim as Jinelle 6 months after I die, it's just not my build or my shape. but i can still be slim and toned.
  24. Her mother is the head of the alumni (i think), her quasi-aunt is the director, she's been in the program since she was 10.she's a legacy, she's spent her life around other DCC and the directors and choreographers of the organisation, she's seen countless entrances...what I'm gettting at is there is no possible way for her to not know that you have to be precise on the entrance even without having watched the show. the idea that it was suddenly a huge shock to her was ridiculous
  25. oh god no. sorry, that hair looks awful. she looks totally different in that photo and not in a good way. the warmth of tne base colour is great, but those highlights...yeesh they're way too stark against the dark of the base colour. they should be so much more natural. the highlight colour is too light for her skintone too, it's seriously ageing. Marshall my love, what is this?!?! hopefully after a few washes, it'll calm down some and look more natural but in that photo its horrible could be a waist trainer.
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