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Everything posted by CaseyRe

  1. prance, dahlin', she pranced. ;) might have started nicknaming her Prancer in my head because damn that girl can sell it
  2. how did this thing that amber doesn't know what flag football start? that's a complete nonsense. she never said she didn't knnow what it is, just that she hadn't heard that starting a flag football team was a speculation. she knew what flag football was
  3. exaactly. I don't see an issue with quizzing the girls like that before training because its like an assessment - how do they think on their feet, what is their general news knowledge like, how articulate are they, how much polishing do we need to do, and then getting down to actual training. they want to see how well the girls can string a sentence together if they don't ahve a stock answer to question asked at an event - which cannot be tightly controlled like a tv interview with pre-approved questions and talking points. at an event anybody can pretty much just ask anything and Kelli wanted to see hoow well the girls could improvise. i don't see aproblem
  4. it was so childish and immature and so damn clearly an afterthought that had no sincerity, care or regret for how disrespectful her actions were. unacceptable behaviour, frankly. If I'd have behaved like that at 10 let alone 18, my parents would have gone nuclear, especially if it was seen on international television. it would be the live action version of Mushu, followed by my death
  5. HEll, you don't even need that, just pop your phone somewhere out of harms way and listen on that. actually skim a newspaper. pretend to be a functioning adult with the right to vote and actually make a choice in your coutry. ignorance isn't cute, especially in the information age.
  6. I don't find it that unfair or painful really. I don't see a problem with determining where the girls are, just how much polish they'll need, just determining a baseline before training starts, no different to a test in school on the first day to determine where your abilities best lie before starting in on the syllabus. as well as seeing how they'd cope in a situation where they haven't been provided with a stock answer, how well do they improvise, how well do they think on their feet to come up with a form of answeer that's not 'I'm not familiar'
  7. She might think she's doing her a favour, but in reality she's just enabling her and leading her down the garden path. it's actually borderline cruel, to let her go on thinking her behaviour is okay, that her immaturity is okay, that her over-familiarity with her bosses is okay. that she has a shot of the team this year. the girl needs a sharp, short, shock of consequences to her actions. which she might have gotten a taste of in the ep when Kelli said she was okay iwth cutting her, but not nearly enough. there needed to be actual consequences to blowing off jinelle and her bosses orders. there needed to be real threats, real warnings. there needed to be some sort of dressing down for her treatment of Jinelle and medical professionals. there needed to be reference to her utterly cringe-worthy behaviour in the office...keeping her at this point is just stringing her along and letting her continue to think she has 'it' in spades and deserves a spot. she doesnt'. nobody does. they have to earn it and she hasn't remotely and won't until she actually grows up and takes responsibility for herself and her behaviour
  8. Given they're meant to be an ambassador for the team and squad, I'd 100% imagine that they are meant to give the answer Charlotte and/or Jerry wants. Given JJ was epxlicit in his instructions about how Cowboys players may behave in regards to kneeling for the anthem (they're musn't, though he did give good PR by kneeling with the players before the anthem) I wouldn't be remotely surprised if he had beliefs on #metoo as well. uber rich white men usually do
  9. but she didn't say she didn't know what flag football was, just that she hadn't heard that it was being floated as an idea. if you're a cheerleader in the NFL and you don't know what flag football is, you've done zero research and don't deserve to be there., sorry. the question wasn't should it could be incorporated into the DCC, it was whether it was somthing the DCC should take on, ie use their platform to raise awareness, no different to their charity boots etc. apart from a few notable standouts that are some of the slowest learners they've had in a while
  10. Technically I don't have a TV. I stream or download stuff. a tv licence is ludicrously expensive for stuff I can stream for free anyway online, but yeah, literally no excsuse for her to have no idea about it
  11. #metoo is decades old. Taylor T really shouldn't have frozen like that - the squad wears a glorified bikini and for four hours or so a sunday gyrates on the sidelines for (predominantly male) amusement and then pose in sexually suggestive calendars, at a time when female equality and not being viewed solely as a sex object has never been more at the forefront of the news - why she was shocked to have been asked that, why others are shocked that they'd be asked about that astounds me. of course a reporter or someone at an event will ask something like that, and a girl not knowing the stock answer yet is no excuse for how poorly she handled it. pretty much any answer would have been better than freezing and saying you're not familiar and then trying to cover that you knew but didn't know the name. and the whole news from instagram - #metoo is huge on instagram, no way she's not seen something.
  12. she retired this year after two years on the squad after getting engaged
  13. oh my god, WAY too many of those are god awful. awful. If i was Hannah I'd insist on a new one, hell I'd pay for the damn thing myself. they've aged her twenty years. she looks like she came from an am-dram performance as a crone from MacBeth. jeeeez louise, and whille her's is among the worst, she's not alone in having a terrible shot. Caroline looks terrified, Brennan's is unflattering, Jalyn looks half asleep/half like she smelled something bad and its in need of fixing what I can only assume is terrible photoshop, and Ambers is not her best. a professional took that crap?? in terms of vets - Kelli is super cute, but her eyes are too small for such heavy lash extensions/full strip lashes, whichever it is she's using. its closing her eyes dow even more, making them look even smaller. Khalyn looks stunning.
  14. she used to give her the most ridiculous critiques - crispy bacon anyone? I loved Kelsey, I was rooting for her so hard. She's gorgeous, a fun perfomer and for someone dancing for such a short time, she was more than good enough. plus she had a fun personality that came through in her dance, part of why she waas a compelling performer, above and beyond those gorgeous eyes against that dark hair
  15. I see pissed, but I 100% didn't see Jinelle as bitchy in that segment at all
  16. which is why she'll never maintain any lower weight she reaches. better to take the year, lose the 11lbs (and a bit more given she was 'soft' at auditions anyway) slowly and safely and in a maintainable manner otherise all she'll do as a DCC as/when she makes it, is starve and yoyo diet. she needs to grow up a lot, look after her body, look after her mental health and become much less immature emotionally. she needs at least a year, minimum
  17. It was not difficult to join the dots with the question - it started with being about injuries and then into flag football. thus, logically its about the injuries from contact, most famously concussions and the long-reaching health implications. that Amber wasn't able to join those dots was a little concerning.
  18. Uggggggh, Vk's response to why she didn't attend doc/nutritionist appts Jinelle set up was such BS. These were appts with people not jinelle. with a doctor and with a nutritionist and VK's response of 'I was leaning towards girls that had had weight issues' was such a non-response to the question. that wasn't the question. she was asked why she wasn't utilising professional resources, not why she was only ignoring Jinelle. the doctor and/or nutritionalist may never havve had a weight issue, so what? they're the professional. utterly immature, childish and pathetic frankly. where i live, you pulled that stunt, and didn't attend an appt with a doctor, you're instantly DNA's (did not attend) and you're discharged. that happens within 15 min of a missed appt. you can even be struck from the practice. as a disabled person, people f-ing around with doctor's and appts drives me crazy because it makes my life as someone in and out of hospital a lot and always on wait lists for cancelled appts so much harder. its beyond selfish behaviour and I''m sorry, but the 'she's only 18 excuse' doesn't fly. at 18 you know that you don't just not turn up to doc appts. VK needs to grow up a lot.
  19. Me too. (no Taylor, that's not what the interviewer is asking about). it'll probably be some stuff about Taylor and her absolute failure, Kristin getting even more beat down and then cut, and Tara going. I almost felt, from last week, that she'd not exactly be devastated to be cut. she seems tired, and kinda over it. whether thats due to this year's TC or just being DCC in general, I don't know, but I just had a feeling of her eing less than enthused. then again, could have been going through a bad time. no doubt the drama used to bait the hook will be either one minute of time or right at the end or a little of both. wasn't she not cut until close to the end? suggesting we get more time with her? Bummed that as a result my two new faves likely won't get any more air time. Would love to know if Ashlee's living situation and family woe got better
  20. domestic and international press tours are part of contracts, promotion is literally part of the job for which they are paid.
  21. Hve never done a kickline, would ankle boots be any more likely to be easy to kick off accidentally?
  22. I am actually legitimately annoyed I have to be an actual grown up and do my workout and pretend to be a functioning adult tomorrow before I can watch the episode. I'm so dying for the show down and I know I can't come near the board until I see it because I want it all to be a glorious surprise
  23. I can PM the link I use for the eps if you want?
  24. The DCC is a hugely hypocritical organisation (as are many of the cheerleading squads but esp the DCC) - the girls must appear to be sweet girl-next-door, take her home to meet your mother, church going modest Christian girls, while also selling the idea of them being sexually available at every moment. they're selling the two fantasies - the 'good' girl and the 'sexy' girl and th girl must never waiver or even remotely be real or an actual person. just big hair, big boobs, big smile and yes ma'am.
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