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  1. I thought it was because Caleb/Marcus pushed Paul down in an earlier scene.
  2. It can't be his. The baby doesn't have elf ears.
  3. As an adopted person I know for a fact that neither of my parents were at my birth. Sometimes things just work out that way and I honestly don't even care. They are my parents. I love them and they love me. Who cares if they weren't there when I emerged from the womb?
  4. BUSINESS TROUBLE? KODY BROWN’S WIFE ROBYN'S JEWELRY SITE DOWN BEFORE MOTHER’S DAY I saw this yesterday. I wonder if it will ever be back.
  5. Posting from beyond the grave on four separate Facebook pages? Amazing. 😋
  6. So in the previews the Alldredges received a text that Jennifer had died. Does anyone know anything about this?
  7. I had a dream last night that I became Kody's fifth wife. They wanted me to live in some nasty house with leaks and holes in the ceiling. I'm calling it more of a nightmare, really.
  8. Why does Tony look like a middle-aged woman demanding to speak to your manager?
  9. double post
  10. I honestly don't know what Paige expected. She is not cut out for this lifestyle.
  11. Scott is broke and he's buying a car for a woman who had her license revoked due to 8(!!!!!!!!!!!) DUIs. This guy deserves whatever he can get. He's dumber than a box of hammers. Lizzie needs to stop with the "OMG, I'm so cuuuuuuuute" routine. You are not cute. You are a grown ass woman acting like a 14 year old. Stop it.
  12. Isn't she the same one that was weeping and trembling while Logan carried her into Janelle's new house? She's a drama queen of the highest order.
  13. These people are as boring as watching paint dry. No one else cares that you have two wives. Trust me.
  14. FFS! Do not call CPS. The children are in zero danger as far as we have seen on the show. Calling CPS should be reserved for real danger concerning a child, not a disagreement with someone's lifestyle.
  15. OK, I am being nitpicky but that isn't a princess cut diamond as far as I can tell. It doesn't look square at all.
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