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Everything posted by Shellbell59

  1. Yup.... he cant win in this sitch... Shannon can't get over the first affair...and treats him/acts the same as she always did. he is probably thinking "well...if she's going to treat me like I'm having an affair...I might as well have one...." Peggy sickens me..she dumbs down even further when given the opportunity/attention...(because she thinks it's cute).. then once in awhile we will hear her respond in a non-regional American English accent. she and Diki are becoming repulsive to me...
  2. She was horrible on WWHL.. i too have always been fond of Asa...but this season? Nope. No bueno.. did you happen to notice..(while AC was talking..the show was going on...) she was looking at herself on the monitor...and said "damn..my hair is long..." who does that???!!!? im so disappointed...Asa...so narcissistic...
  3. This is just my opinion..but I think JD make not be as egregious as we've been led to believe... the masked person at tail end of episode 3..."How are you feeling Cora?"... I WOULD SWEAR that is husband/Mason's voice! The last masked person leaning down to look under the bed had a higher register voice. Mason is part of this..somehow involved in the 'Hunt (humans) Club'. The 'last call bell' from the tavern is sets the stage. JD, Cora, Mattie and others from JD's house party end up there...AS WELL AS some hunt club members. At last call/ clear sing time...an after party back at club where all hell breaks loose.. ppl are drugged..hunted..hurt..and deals are cut. JD took an injury to the leg...even though we are led to believe it may be from Lhymes disease. That is why Mason..after Cora stammered at first hearing (prompting judge to order psych eval) asked "What are you doing?" as in..what happened..?... you were going to plead guilty!!! Mason=bad JD= bad..but not as bad as hubby
  4. I agree..that scene with J and that gawdawful Nikki was cringeworthy! I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW STUPID J CAN BE! It was horrible to watch...and didn't line up with his character at all. He could have and should have stopped her at taking the jacket. Perhaps it was to remind us that J is...after all...just a kid. I dunno..but what a disappointment.
  5. Thank you! Such an action packed series...some the deetz have escaped me!
  6. Can anybody enlighten me? I didn't understand the dialogue between Pope and Baz with regards to getting together with Cath "to get back at Smurf"...because Smurf "didn't want Baz to have Lucy"...?... that was way back when they were young...was Lucy around and that time? ...and why would that make sense if she was? I just didn't follow that part of the story at all... did he intend to say Lena??...and would that even make sense if so? thank you! Help! Lol
  7. I wasn't following your comment at the beginning....lol ...however reading again... YES...I think you're on to something...Pope is dad to Lena? Cath lying?...which would explain Baz's disinterest in little Lena? However..Lena seemed too young for Pope to be her father if he was "away" for 10 years... i may have my years wrong...not sure...
  8. The 'bead' on Lucy... She is playing Baz... SHE is in control..she explained to Nikki how women gain it.. Craig and Daren are scared AF...after she rolled in last week..pistol whipped her brother..and took off with the kid. Baz doesn't think she's important' Well. Guess. What. Lucy IS IMPORTANT. Baz...he doesn't know what he's in for with her Lucy is manipulating Nikki to get to J...now that she knows he has POA Pope may not suicide after all...Knowing w/Smurf gone....he's best chance of Lena seeing next birthday.
  9. I'm from the area..marine layer..pretty much all summer long. May grey...June gloom and so on. It's rather chilly until the layer burns off...if it does... so it's not uncommon to see me in shorts..a sweatshirt and ugg boots until I can peel the hoodie and boots of for the afternoon. we have an average temperature of 71. A few sayings here. "instead of 4...we only have 2 seasons...'night and day!'..." depending on who you're talking to..some say the two seasons are "Oscars and Emmys"
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