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Everything posted by aeroluv327

  1. Wasn't she also one of the "fatties" that was pulled from cameo photos the next year? I always liked her, she seemed very intelligent.
  2. She reminded me a lot of Maddie her first year in TC. Pretty, good technical dancer but just really overwhelmed and not able to keep up. Hopefully she also pulls a Maddie and comes back very strong! I wasn't wild about her last year but I always root for the comeback girls. Jasmin as well, I thought she had a cute look and just needed to work on DCC Style. I follow her in insta, I think she's still good friends with a lot of girls on the team.
  3. He has some really funny reactions sometimes, they don't focus on him much during finals but if you watch him in the background you'll see it. Like when Brenda was crying over Victoria's solo, he gave her some serious side-eye. I follow him on Instagram and he is really funny! Oh, another thing I thought of! I'd love to see at least some of the veterans preparing for finals. We used to see them at least learning the dance they would have to perform but never preparing for solos or anything. I'd like to see more of finals in general.
  4. Oh, how could I forget? MORE MARSHALL PLEASE!
  5. I think a lot of these things have been mentioned already, but here are some of my opinions. Keep/add back: Group leaders/guest choreographers using stickers to choose their team of 36 The board where each TCC is ranked on how they scored during auditions (that was so eye-opening that some rookies ranked very high and some veterans very low) Follow-ups on past DCC (especially those from early seasons!) Triangle placement (I liked that this past year they showed them asking guest choreographers who they thought would make a good point!) Follow the team for some events during the season (ex: calendar shoot, show group events, maybe even things like end of year banquet?) Add: Group leaders running their group in rehearsals Get rid of: The stupid new theme song, ugh.
  6. I'm pretty sure that she mainly made it because of Brooke. I could have sworn she got cut the next year at finals (after Brooke retired) but I don't see her on the list of cut veterans. Maybe I'm remembering wrong.
  7. Ah, thanks for the correction!
  8. I assume bad references as well, especially from DCC insiders. Cersten and Erika were on the squad that year and were both Golden Girls so surely they would have been asked. (Keyra made the squad that year, she and Cersten were super close.) And Denise, the guest choreographer that they have on pretty often, was the coach for the Golden Girls for years.
  9. I totally agree! And it seems like she got along very well with her teammates. She is a good example of not being the best dancer but brought a lot of really good qualities.
  10. OP said episode 1008 on Pluto, isn't that the season rhythmic gymnast Kat was on?
  11. I think she's said that a few times about different girls, I feel like Kelsey Lowrance was another that she said something similar about. I don't think that's unique to DCC or even to dance teams in general. A lot of times someone's soft skills will get them picked for a job. And also, Kat got cut the next year, so *shrug*
  12. Maybe @ShellyB can tell us how the host family thing usually works. I assume if a girl has family/friends who live in Dallas and can put her up, she would just make her own arrangements. But if the DCC offers to put her up with an alumni, does she typically pay rent? What kind of support is the host expected to give?
  13. Also Maddie (and another TCC, can't remember her name though) both lived with the same host family during Maddie's first year at training camp. I'm almost positive Amy said she lived with former DCC Sarah Gourley/Idkiak (sp?) when she was a TCC (not sure if Sarah had already retired at that point). I think it's a pretty common thing to do. I think it's smart, personally. You haven't made the team so why rent an apartment and move all of your stuff when you don't know how long you'll actually be in Dallas? And if your host is a former DCC they can help you with DCC life stuff or at least point you in the right direction (and probably report back to Kelli if their TCC candidate is out partying or doing something unbecoming lol).
  14. I don't know, she certainly made a few questionable decisions during her time(s) in training camp!
  15. I'm almost positive that Lacey said on Instagram that the door was closed when she didn't make it to training camp last year. I liked her a lot, too, I think she would have made a great DCC.
  16. I've never even heard of the Frisco Fighters and I live in DFW.
  17. Ugh, mine never recovered! I have to draw mine on now. I actually like that fuller brows are more popular now, I think that they make your face more expressive. I think the vast majority of the girls look better with little/no makeup. Miranda is another one that looks so pretty, she could pass for 10 years younger without all the makeup.
  18. Courtney has a fairly recent birthday post for Loren, it looks like they are still close! I thought they looked almost identical until Loren got her hair makeover.
  19. Thanks! I always think it's interesting when a girl only cheered for one season but still has her DCC cameo as her profile pic haha.
  20. Does anybody know what happened to Courtney from the 2014 rookie class? I don't know/remember her last name. She was the one who lived with Erica, was a pharma sales rep until she quit her job to focus on training camp. She was also hilariously picky at the My Fit Foods meeting. When she made the squad, she said something about how she planned to be on it for a long time. But it looks like she didn't come back the next year.
  21. Social media wasn't as pervasive then as it is now. Whitney is also the one who got a lot of bad publicity a few years later when she dressed in blackface for a Halloween costume. But they still kept her on the team, she was a group leader and I believe she was even point of the triangle. I don't think the DCC could get away with that today.
  22. Ugh, beaches in Texas are not photogenic at all! They could do a non-beach shoot at a resort, there are tons that would work well for a photo shoot.
  23. I believe her mom choreographs a lot of her routines, I know at least one of her finals hip hop routines was done by her mom. Which.... seems about right.
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