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Everything posted by NinaH

  1. Face it Nicole, Mae is the only thing you've got going for you. But how very of you to be jealous, you just had to have instant family with her & Azan and when he actually took to her, you have a problem with it.
  2. Hearing Evelyn sing in her room made me want to cry and it wasn't out of happiness. How awful. Also, her hair is stupid.
  3. I agree with you, they can't do anything NOW. But they could've 15 years ago, 10 years ago when she was having age-inappropriate tantrums. And maybe they tried. She's their cross to bear for the rest of all their lives, sadly some families just have that person that makes life unnecessarily harder. I'm sure Nicole wears that as a badge of honor. I posted about my brother above, I guess the only thing slightly better about him and my family's situation is that he's not able to spit out kids to emotionally blackmail us with.
  4. She may have some kind of mental illness/disorder or something clinically wrong with her but I don't GAF. Maybe it's not her fault, but it is her parents fault for not getting her the proper help and allowing her to unleash her nastiness on the rest of the world, and now an innocent child. She is their cross to bear and should keep her in her place. Instead she bulldozes her way thru the world and makes mess after mess. I have no sympathy for any of them except Mae.
  5. Is this a new house for her? One thing Kourtney has going for her is, her body seems to be the least altered. Her butt is amazing and proportional to the rest of her body. And her legs - omg. I'm glad at least one of them has mostly left her body alone. I hope she can manage to grow old gracefully. I've seen those in several episodes when they are working with the trainer, on her tennis (?) court and wondered the same thing. There are way more little cars than kids in the family. Maybe they are for friends or employees kids to enjoy too?? I'm probably stretching by being so generous on that, probably the truth is much simpler - excessive spending and mass consumption.
  6. Mae is probably her meal ticket, in more ways than one. I know if she was my daughter and didn't have the kid, her fat baby bullshit wouldn't get her anywhere. Even with the kid it wouldn't, but anything I spent or gave would go directly to the child, along with an ass chewing every chance I got.
  7. I'm living proof of this. My brother is 4 years younger than me and I'd never even let sorry ass Nicole be subjected to him. He's lazier than she is, lies, steals, does drugs, mooches off our parents and is a waste of oxygen. We were raised in the same household with the same 2 parents, taken to church, involved in sports, activities, friends, middle class upbringing, disciplined, etc. About as a normal, uneventful childhoods as anybody would want. I work, pay my bills, wouldn't dream of stealing a dime from anybody, and strive to be a good person. So Nicole being such a loser doesn't reflect poorly on her parents or the rest of her family.
  8. She absolutely is the absolute worst character ever of this series, and that's no small feat. Also one of the youngest. I want Mae to grow up and be a happy, successful person and leave her sorry whale of a mother far behind her. Mae shouldn't have to spend her youth being a caretaker to diabetes riddled and amputeed mother. I usually can dig deep and find some compassion within me for somebody on some level but it's impossible with Nicole.
  9. It's terrible to say, but her death was akin to putting a wild, injured animal out of its misery. I know her family loved her but i hope they are at peace about Nancy and are happy to not have to deal with her. I read that book but it's been so long, I can't remember how the parents reacted. I should read to again, it was very good.
  10. That was an amazing book. Can you message me Nicole's IG? I can't find her anywhere.
  11. Stepmother Nicole is a better woman than I am. It's one thing for her own parents to cave into their infantile daughters demands, it's another for a step parent to go along with such foolishness. I have a stepson whom I love dearly and have as high hopes and expectations for him as much as I do my own child. But I'm not going to work everyday and struggle and sacrifice to hand it over for some bullshit and a loser who only works part time while not attending some sort of schooling to better herself. Get her a nice vibrator and tell her to get lost. ?
  12. I could've written every word you did. I didn't think there was a sorrier, more pathetic woman/mother than Dinyill, bc I had forgotten about Nicole from last season. Now I see she actually is worse bc her child is still so very young, whereas Dinyill's kids were mostly grown and weren't as vulnerable is sweet little Mae. She makes me ragey and sick to my stomach.
  13. Or a cop when she's bulldozing right over him. I hope she gets thrown in a morrocan jail with no phone call. I despise her and want her to get what she dishes out.
  14. I agree, what is it about Kourtney that makes her this omg amaaaaazing mother? She's ok, but nothing earth shattering. She sure doesn't hesitate to leave them to travel all over the world. She chose Scott to have kids with and keep having them knowing full well of his demons. I'm sick of her playing with his head, she says one thing but her actions say completely opposite on any given topic with him, esp the status of their relationship. I wish he'd move on and get his shit together with a nice woman who he can settle down with. And I think Kris is scum. At one time she really seemed to be a good mom, but she's sold her soul to the devil for the almighty dollar and fame. I am always floored when I see how little her grandkids have for her, it's obvious they barely know her.
  15. And IIRC, Azan couldn't have been more embarrassed if he tried. Had a look of a lamb being led to slaughter more than being excited to have sex with that thing.
  16. I may be wrong, but I thought she was threatening to move to Morocco if her parents wouldn't sponsor him in order for him to move here. No, traveling with a functioning adult parent would be wonderful for a child and not neglectful or selfish in any way imo. It's the threat of moving her away from what little stability and normalcy she has here with her extended family that makes Nicole a POS.
  17. Unfortunately you are right. What's she's doing isn't child abuse, nothing harmful has happened to Mae YET. She's allowed to be a sorry ass pig unless or until her child is abused in some way. Fingers crossed that family Azan will be good to and for Mae. Hell, they may be better than her own grandparents, they don't have to cave in to Nicole's childish temper tantrums and threats.
  18. I agree, go ahead and take your kid. But in the meantime, I'll be putting together a case against you for every real and made up allegation I can to take said kid away from you. I'll be damned if someone is going to threaten me with an innocent child and expect me to fall in line. But I also know that I've never caved in to bad behavior from my 10 y/o child so I have high expectations that he nor his future wife will pull that kind of shit on me. I didnt think there was anybody that would make me so ragey after Dinyell, but I have evil thoughts about fat baby Nicole. Reallllly evil thoughts.
  19. Omg I scream laughed and couldn't catch my breath for a good 3 minutes after reading this.
  20. Maybe it's Tyler's fault, he's a grown man version of Nicole.
  21. Maybe Azan and his family will be good for Mae. I feel bad for her grandparents, but they are the ones that raised Nicole to be a big fat baby, so family Azan can hopefully break the cycle.
  22. Had some BBQ pork last night myself, yhe pig had been on the spit mere hours earlier, family cook it.
  23. Yep. She doesn't deserve that precious child. What a sad life Mae has and always will with that scumbag for a mother. In a very few years, she'll surpass her in intelligence so maybe she can raise herself up into a decent, productive human. Yep, using her child as hostage to her grandparents to get her way.
  24. Omg Nicole is such a selfish, sorry piece of shit!!!!! Her dad & stepmom, who are partially responsible for that, are idiots for caving in to her.
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