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Everything posted by GraceK

  1. http://chrysreviews.com/index.php/2019/05/07/game-of-thrones-season-8-episode-4-review/ best so far. Make sure to click the Imgur images. Hilarious!!
  2. A thousand percent. The writers even referenced Littlefinger in regards to Sansas actions this episode, and that’s not a compliment. Littlefinger was responsible ultimately for precipitating the downfall of her family, and that’s why they executed him. He’s a villain, and being shaped by the likes of Cersei and Littlefinger doesn’t speak highly of your character. Arya is seriously the only Stark I can stand right now.
  3. To be fair,it’s mostly one sided. Daenerys tried reaching out and it made no difference. Dany also just helped save the North, toasted Arya, smiled at her at the feast , and has done nothing to Sansa. It’s Sansa who has continued to be petty and bitchy and finally Dany is rightfully sick of it. Not to mention she rightfully told Jon that despite what he wants, Sansa will push for him to be on the throne and will divide them. And she did just that.
  4. I also don’t blame her for feeling paranoid in that environment. She has lost so much in the North and is still being treated as an interloper, Sansa is giving her stink eye every second , Tormund is praising Jon for riding Dragons like she doesn’t exist, and there are people plotting to put him on the throne or at the very least talking shit behind her back. I mean hello???? She knows she has no support there really, and Jon is gradually pulling away and she loves him. And no one gives her any passes for the fact she is also grieving and is human as well, and maybe is a little fragile herself. No, she’s just evil and entitled and a maaad Queen 🙄
  5. How many people died in the sack of Kings Landing? In Roberts Rebellion? To oust Aerys, Tywin had children slaughtered and Robert made him hand of the king. That’s acceptable though right? Robert Baratheon hunted down all the Targaryens he could, and that’s ok right? Tywin destroys house Tarbeck viciously and thats ok right? It seems like in pursuit of a throne, or family power, it’s perfectly acceptable to do whatever it takes as long your name isn’t Daenerys Targaryen cause then you might be “ mad”. Dany has been quite rational in Westeros. Motives aside, she has listened to Tyrion every time except for the Tarleys. She has shown to temper her impulses. She put her quest on hold and came North, honoring her promise. In fact, she has sustained heavy losses and allies by listening to her advisors. So where does Varys get all this paranoia about Jon being a better ruler? What has she done in Westeros and the North except help, and lose everything? She loses her temper and she’s “ crazy”? She’s human. She’s up against a true paranoid, evil person and she’s held to a standard of war fare that doesn’t make sense. None of the men get this treatment. And they want Jon Snow on the throne? Season 1 Varys didn’t want Ned on the throne because he was too honorable , said in season 7 that Robert was a bad king because he didn’t want to be king. But now he wants Ned junior who doesn’t want to be King to be king? What am I watching?
  6. http://time.com/5583559/game-of-thrones-daenerys-going-mad/?utm_campaign=time&xid=time_socialflow_twitter&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=socialflowtw
  7. Sansa should look in a mirror . She’s a less interesting, less charismatic, wannabe Cersei with none of the good one liners.
  8. She doesn’t trust SANSA. That’s the issue. Sansa has been a bitch to her from the beginning, and based in this episode? Danys right. Dany asked Jon to hide his parentage because she knows that SANSA will try to use it to foster discord and conflict. She knows that SANSA will use this information to try to put Jon on the throne against his will and forment rebellion and conflict between them. And she was right. After all Dany has done for the realm, Sansa still hates her. She even knows it’s irrational, she just hates her. She doesn’t want to help, she doesn’t want to be allies, and she doesn’t want Jon to honor his promise to her. She looks at her dragons and says “ why her” petulantly. When Dany makes Gendry a lord, Sansa is pissed. She’s even mad that Arya respects the fact that Jon needed her dragons and armies. Sansa just hates her, and it’s irrational, and as soon as she finds out about Jon, she tells Tyrion, and According to the writers, she knows the consequences. She knows it’s gonna get around. She has no respect for Jon’s feelings, or what he wants or anything. Honestly? It’s like she doesn’t love him at all, because if she did, she wouldn’t treat him like he doesn’t matter. And Dany KNOWS all this. She sees right through Sansa. She tells Jon that Sansa is not the innocent little sister he thinks she is. Everyone calls Sansa out on her bullshit this episode and STILL Dany is the bad guy?
  9. I don’t get why Dany didn’t fight back when Rhaegal died. Wth? Since when is Drogon passive? Why didn’t she light shit up? Dragons are supposed to be outrageously powerful and Drogon didn’t even react for plot purposes. No way Euron should have made it out alive. That’s whats annoying, is that the villains get plot armor at ridiculous level and “ wins” that aren’t earned .
  10. Seriously they are not even hiding Sansa as a villain. She is coming across as so spiteful, jealous and vindictive it’s bordering on disgusting. Especially how gracious and nice Dany was this episode , giving credit to Arya and legitimatizing Gendry. Sansa comes off petty as hell. And then telling Jon’s secret when he swore them to secrecy? She couldn’t even give an answer when Tyrion asked why she hated Dany. It really looks like hardcore Jealousy. I did love Missendai’s last words though. Dracarys motherfuckers!!!! And Jaime?? Really? Going back to Cersei? Nice character regression.
  11. Sansa is a jealous bitch. Seriously this episode made it clear. Love Missendei’s last words. Dracarys motherfuckers!!!!
  12. Seriously if Tyrion helps Cersei after all she has done , but supports killing Dany....🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I just can’t. That makes no sense. He witnesses Cersei killing a innocent woman in cold blood and having her body tossed over the side like trash, ( a friend of his by the way) she has tried to kill him numerous times, she massacred hundreds of people by blowing up the Sept...but it’s Daenerys he thinks should be put down? The woman who cares about him?
  13. Someone else wrote the following but I pretty much sums up my feelings. So like, the moral of GoT isn’t even like complex or a subversion of the “good guys win” shtick. It’s literally don’t “do the ‘right’ thing” and don’t try and be a good person. Olenna told Dany this. Ned Stark did the honorable thing and was murdered anyway. Robb married for love and was honest about it despite political rammifications and got himself, his wife, and his mother killed for it. Margaery was a good queen who cared for the common people (even if it was partially for her public image), and Cersei murdered her. Jon defied tradition and deeply-ingrained prejudice to save the wildlings and was murdered by the Night’s Watch. Dany freed slaves and fought for the innocent for years. When she finally arrived in Westeros she followed the advice of others and didn’t attack KL, neglecting to kill civilians during the war. She journeyed North at extraordinary personal cost. It will all be for nothing, her allies are rapidly being killed off, and when she seeks to avenge them the one person left who she trusts will murder her for it. The moral of the story is literally that all effort is futile and hope is pointless and good people die for nothing as an indifferent world spins on and on. The NK had the right idea about destroying humanity.
  14. Exactly. And she didn’t get “ corrupted by power “. She literally got betrayed, lost her children, lost everyone she cared about, all her support, and suffered horribly. We had to see her be stripped and broken down in order for her to “ go mad”. Thats how out of character it is. If you have to beat someone down so much to shoehorn in that ending, it says a lot. And still, her actions are seen as justified. So it still doesn’t work as you can tell by all the rage going around.
  15. I am excited to see Greyworms reaction. Shits gonna go DOWN next week. This dude just took on zombies....The unsullied and Drogon fucking up shit is gonna be delicious to watch.
  16. This whole season broke Daenerys it looks like so far. 🤦🏻‍♀️
  17. They have come full circle and have become first season Lannister’s . Truly. They are villains now . I have to say, this sucks and everything but the way this all is framed, Dany looks like a fucking Martyr. Really. My girl is rapidly becoming even more of an icon. They might as well just Saint her now and give her a Halo.
  18. Well, Jon sucks as a boyfriend. That’s proven for sure now. Dany went north and got Starked ( as in, became too honorable and now is fucked) and will die for it. The best person to end up on the throne ignored her instincts, fought fair, helped save the world and in return lost her friends, Two dragons, armies , boyfriend and support and will get stabbed. She speaks different languages, had a multi cultural council, was willing to listen to advisors, didn’t judge based in bloodline, accepted Eunuchs, dwarves, women and former criminals in her circle, and was willing to grant independence in exchange for support . She freed slaves and wanted to stop raping and pillaging, and she was strong enough to actual make reform possible and ruthless enough to fight off enemies and make this change happen. But she didn’t get the chance....why? Cause her fathers reputation made her advisors shackle her instincts, her good heart and love for Jon snow obliterated her armies, her trust in Tyrion lost her allies, and her desire to spare innocent lives and try to negotiate with a terrorist got an innocent Missandei killed. The true tragedy is that the Best ruler of Westeros will never get a chance to rule because everyone around her she trusted made it impossible, and now when she finally has lost everything and tries to take out the evil queen with her most powerful weapon left, she will be declared unfit and put down like a dog. It’s a fucking tragedy .
  19. I agree. Not to mention the occupants of KL have been shown to throw shit at naked women, riot, blindly follow the High Sparrow, and generally seem to bend whichever way the wind blows and cheer for heads on spikes. Not exactly the best of humanity.
  20. Also if you look at execution scene, it looks like they throw Missendeei’s headless body over the wall. You see it behind Tyrion as he looks away. So it’s especially brutal and disrespectful. So anyone saying that Dany isn’t justified to go apeshit, or that Cersei doesn’t deserve to die horribly is wrong. Cersei is the villain, not Daenerys. This isn’t Dany was evil all along, this is literally pushing a good person to the limits of her endurance. Arya Stark hasn’t even gone through this shit and I see no one is saying she should die.
  21. Yeah I don’t get that either. I can’t see him trying to save Cersei, but at this point, nothing will surprise me. Literally nothing .
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