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Everything posted by GraceK

  1. My first impression was that it looked like Littlefinger. Then I had to remind myself not to get too tinfoily. 😂
  2. https://ew.com/tv/2019/04/24/game-of-thrones-photos-season-8-episode-3/ There’s someone creeping up behind Sansa in the first one in looks like 😳.
  3. I agree a hundred percent. I have to admit, I honestly couldn’t listen to the blu Ray commentary on one of the season 2 episodes when Maise and Sophie were the guests because they were so young, obnoxious and giggling together😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️ it reminded me of my little nieces. You could hear the friendship between them and they became those annoying tween girls when they got together 😂😂😂😂 it was very wholesome. When you see other celebrities like Lohan in rehab, and Other child stars and their Sex tapes and drug use , you appreciate the Emma Watsons and Sophie Turners and Maisie Williams. As a mother I feel protective. It’s dumb I know 🙄 I cried when I read that article about Isaac Hempstead Wright being called ugly.
  4. Seriously. I wish I was friends with Sophie Turner!!! 😂. She seems like an unbelievably awesome human being. Funny, smart and intelligent, aware of serous issues...extremely interesting for someone so young. And unlike some other young celebrities, she’s not out there showing her ass and tits and being drunk and an asshole. ( although if she wanted too, that’s her right!)
  5. Thank you. Jesus, some people seriously cannot cut this girl a break. We all saw last season. Dany lost her child because of the NK. She pledged to fight before Jon even bent the knee. She obviously came North to help for the betterment of mankind. Anyone who doesn’t see that is just blinded by their hatred. She was trying to find common ground with Sansa as a human being and by letting her know she loves her brother and trusts him. She does love Jon and is putting in her faith in him. It’s possible to mean both things. This is the same woman who stayed in Slavers Bay and refused to leave until she freed everyone and now people really think she doesn’t care about anything but dick? So insulting . It’s seven other seasons never happened.
  6. I think they found something the audience loved and latched on. According to Inside the episode, Tormunds actor did say it was genuine love on his side. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think the writers just don’t know when to quit when they think something is funny.
  7. But that’s way to logical. Stop making sense please. Bye now!!!! 😂 no but really, they are milking drama out of this. These past two episodes seem purposely written to make the audience forget just how reasonable Dany can be and what exactly went down last season in an attempt to make us as conflicted as possible about her character I think. And it’s working. The Dany hate has gone up to insane levels and a lot of people are convinced she’s gonna go mad queen. I am not in that camp, and I don’t think we are headed for a succession crisis or a D of D . 2, I think it’s a misdirect. Call me an optimist 😊
  8. Dragons don’t care about the iron throne . Jon may have rode Rhaegal, but that doesn’t mean he will turn on his mother , and Drogon is bonded and connected to Daenerys. When Viserion died both Dragons roared in pain. This idea that because Jon rode Rhaegal they are gonna suddenly turn on their mother is a fantasy of every anti dany fan. That and having Jon feed her to her own dragons. Even if Rhaegal bonds with Jon, he is not gonna turn on Daenarys, and Drogon will never obey anyone else or hurt his mother.
  9. Exactly. That was the whole reason she chose Tyrion to stick around in season 5. He literally pleaded his case to her based on the fact that he hates his sister and knows the Lannister’s. She chose him as her hand because he knows Westeros and she trusted that he would be vital to helping her. In fact, he has been detrimental and all his advice and tactics have failed and his judgements have been completely wrong. Except when it came to Jon. Her one major victory was when she followed her own instincts, tempered by Jon’s advice. Faulting her for trusting Cersei’s word when her Hand, Cersei’s twin brother was fooled, is not fair. She doesn’t know Cersei at all. She’s been extremely forgiving actually all things considered.
  10. Not really of any relevance but it made me laugh so hard
  11. Very interesting article about the song Jenny of old stones. Not a big fan of Joanna Robinson, but she is extremely knowledgeable on book lore. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/04/game-of-thrones-song-podrick-jenny-song-meaning-books-jenny-oldstones
  12. https://ew.com/tv/2019/04/21/game-of-thrones-bryan-cogman-knight-seven-kingdoms-interview/
  13. @SilverStormm the Title of this episode has been updated to The Knight of the Seven Kingdoms according to HBO ❤️
  14. I think Jorah is a goner. These scenes with Dany, Lyanna and Sam make me think he’s gonna die. And I’m gonna cry buckets .
  15. I really don’t think so. I am a Daenerys supporter 10000000000 percent. I will her STAN her forever even if she does go Mad queen. Lol. But even I have to admit that I do not see her submitting to the idea that just because she cannot have children, and Jon is a penis holding Targaryen, she will give up her crown. She fought long and hard for her right to the throne. She birthed Dragons, liberated slaves, lost her baby, lived in exile her whole life, was whipped, chained and battered and raised armies for her birthright. She lost a dragon trying to rescue Jon, she came north and put her ambition on hold. And now what? She’s supposed to submit and kiss Jon’s feet and say “ No my love, my only worth is to have babies to carry on the name, and since I can’t, YOU, the the male heir and special unicorn, deserve to be king!!! You must marry a fertile woman, and make more Targaryens!!!” How utterly insulting would that be. She already thinks she can’t have children and that hasn’t stopped her. She’s not just trying to claim her birthright because of her name anymore but because she feels she can make the world a better place. I feel if she just hands it over to Jon purely because she’s barren, or does her a disservice. I’d rather see her be shocked, angry and then absorb the news. Then be happy that the man she loves is actually not just her equal like she already knew, but also her mate and family and perfect co ruler.
  16. Next week is gonna hurt so bad 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭
  17. This infuriates me. And he was standing with SAM. Not even Jon. And Jon didn’t even acknowledge his presence. It’s like Ghost is a mannequin. Horrible, horrible horrible. My only complaint with the episode. Otherwise, I LOVED it. And I LOVED Sansa in this episode . Finally they did her justice. She was so freaking awesome imo. She handled the Jaime scene great, she was honest and upfront with Dany and was absolutely valid in her feelings about the North, her reunion with Theon was everything, she was just great. Why can’t they always write her this way??? Omg and Jon and Dany so many feels!! I don’t blame her for being suspicious. His family and best friend hates her and now they are setting him as a rival claimant. Makes sense from her end to be wary. Also, to fight so hard and then put it all on hold to fight for someone you love to just get hit with “ he’s a male so your worthless now “ is like a slap . Too many things to say about this episode!!! It’s so good!! I think the whole Dany/Jon thing will resolve itself though.
  18. It’s definitely a big deal. Jon did the right thing and was absolutely putting the bigger picture ahead of the short term. I don’t think anyone is disputing that. Jon is my boo and I love him. He made a very unpopular decision for the greater good and he was murdered for it. Where the problem comes in is attributing this decision as a mark against Daenarys or as a way to show that Jon is better. That’s untrue. It actually shows a clear parallel to Daenerys making unpopular decisions, showing how she is breaking barriers and freeing slaves and choosing to stay and liberate people rather than sail to Westeros. Reopening the fighting fits and executing Mossador. Season 5 is meant to show similar ruling arcs and consequences. The difference is that Jon refuses advice that would save his life. He’s is too trusting. He rejects Stannis advice that he should send Thorne away because he is an enemy, and he doesn’t listen to Melisandre about keeping Ghost with him at all times. Both things come to bite him when Thorne plots against him and Ghost is locked up and can’t save him when he is stabbed to death. Dany is criticized as too ruthless, but Jon has to be bailed out numerous times by his female relatives ( Sansa, Dany) rescued by Benjen, revived by Melisandre...That’s why IMO, it’s not a factor of Dany Vs Jon, as so many fans love to do, but Dany AND Jon. They are a perfect balance to each other, and together form a great partnership that would make the perfect rulers . They both have made mistakes , but they both have learned from them and can temper each other. Just my opinion.
  19. Also, he threw Daenerys under the bus when he said in front of all the northern lords and his suspicious sister that he had “ to choose between his crown and the North, and he chose the North”, failing to mention that she didn’t require him to bend the knee anymore and willingly pledged to fight along side him as equals. He gave up his crown on his own. Also, when Lyanna Mormont asked “ what are you now? He failed to mention that she named him Warden of the North in return, just as Ned Stark had been for many peaceful years, and instead just said “ that doesn’t matter “, furthering the dislike. Dany came out looking terrible in that meeting when Jon could have made a vigorous speech telling them all she had done to at least TRY to assuage their suspicions. Instead we have Tyrion, a Lannister, speak up for JONS defense. No wonder they have a bad opinion. Not even her advisor spoke up to mention that she let Jon mine dragonglass and provided him help to do that with no provisions! 🙄
  20. Yup. I conceded. With subtitles it’s clear. That’s why they have to be discussing an earlier example or swapping stories . I have a feeling the previews are purposely set up to mislead us.
  21. Dammit. In my subtitles Dany says “ you” too. So maybe this discussion is not about this current situation, but Dany and Sansa talking about the past. Which means it could be a bonding moment. That would actually be really nice if they come together. You should see the internet right now 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s a cesspool
  22. Doesn’t make sense. There is absolutely no reason for Daenerys to say to Sansa she should have never trusted Cersei. Dany doesn’t know Sansa at all, and Sansa never trusted Cersei. So it would take an extreme level of bad writing and ridiculousness for Dany to say that to her. Also, judging by the previews Dany looks pretty pissed at Tyrion so just by common sense alone I’m pretty sure she’s talking about him . I mean, you can believe Dany says YOU to Sansa, but not to be rude, that just seems like bias to me. And if the writers actually go that route, then they are really pushing hard to retcon Daenarys character, because logically and story wise it doesn’t make sense.
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