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  1. I loved most things, except guilting her sister about her having DCC blues. But it may be their sense of humor with one another.
  2. Thinking about who retired after the 2015 locker room incident and season concluded? I am so curious. I wonder if the recent locker room allegation scandal would explain some retirements that year that I didn’t expect. I think these were the retirees if my timeline assumptions are correct: Sydney, Nicole, Katy, Emma, Jordan, Brittney, Veronica, three year vet Jennifer, three year vet Ashley, Abby, Samantha, two year vet Jessica, and Courtney.
  3. Wonder if that means they are shopping around for a new home or contracts and new press media kits are not done yet. Hope it’s the later, because plenty of good shows have shopped around and died looking for new homes
  4. Just got the news. :( This just showed up in my Twitter! I am so sad because I thought it was the best show for CMT. I wonder if the new production team just didn’t get it? I’ve watched this with my girls since they were young. It’s my guilty pleasure I look forward to every year. I am very sad about it, but it could blow up huge if they pitch to Netflix IMO. I hope they do
  5. IMO Madeline had no hope of making the team when TK was trying out. I felt Kelli eliminated perceived threats early and she did not want a prettier blonde legacy in the works. Then VK got cut anyways. Madeline is more lyrical and needs to continue to improve on punch but their are consistently couple of blenders every season that make the team that aren't legacy or as pretty. I think Madeline S is at risk of being a 1 and done unless she continues to work on power and projection over the season. But I am very happy for her, it seems like this really has been a dream for her!
  6. Okay, I have something that is bothering me to say. Do you think Kelli did not like the fact that Melanie S mom has, like me, added lbs. since her DCC glamorous days and is just a regular looking mom now? (For clarity, I was not DCC, just thin and fabulous in my 20s!) Don't get me wrong, I love that they focused on the whole team and just a little on these 2 which I felt was right.... but it was nothing NEAR the coverage of VK and TK. I could see Kelli being judgmental like that.... I mean the brand and all!
  7. Do we know what she did specifically? Curious
  8. Kelli has commented on this before and said it is hard to see girls go before they are ready to retire but it is part of their process to keep the team competitive and make room for the TCC. I think this system works for them.
  9. I like how Miss Kitty, guest choreo, and all the well wishers announced the team. It seemed a distinct difference from one year when Miss Judy is yelling " XX is still making mistakes, xx dances clunky, so and so did this terrible thing.".. all while watching it on the Jumbotron and then they announced the team! I loved that announcement!
  10. Congratulations, Kleine! Her fiancee seems so sweet!
  11. I am happy for Kellee, Madeline S., Ashlinn, Tori, Lea, Jensen and cheerleaders' cheerleader Kleine!
  12. First time Ava seemed serious. I think her lax attitude has been bothering Kelli this whole time. I think if she had responded similarly last time instead of over confident her dancing made making the team a given, she perhaps would not be cut. I'm not a fan, but she almost made me like her there. Too little to late.
  13. I think the timing of training camp and Rockette tryouts was different then. The DCC also did not have the weekly Christmas commitments they have now. I also would be suprised to hear if Jacie would have mentioned it until she made it.
  14. If you believe the chart that showed Madeline in a very safe position, then no I do not think they ever talked to her this season. There are plenty of girls over the years who were thinking they are just fine and then cut the day before announcement, first time in office. I think Jensen nicely addressed the check minus kicks, saying she will work on that and stretch more now that she is aware of what they want her to work on. I was fine with them cutting anyone they named (they rattled off 5 names) except Madeline S. and now Jensen since she seems really dedicated to the team.
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