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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. LOL - MM was wrong - there was not a change from Trump on post-phoning the SOTU breaking news. She allowed that to slide under the carpet (as did the show).
  2. falltime - Really! Like MM thinks her political pundint career is on twitter, everywhere else she in ignored and ineffective.
  3. Really - they do not bloom for long. But nice touch in front of her flag - LOL and sigh.
  4. Remember that it was a politician, iirc, that gave her her non-pet cactus not so long ago.
  5. Sigh. MM a political analysis.....in her own mind. I have seen her on GS's show on Sundays (which is rarely) and she is useless. Never says anything of importance that anyone reacts to. If one follows her twitter her only agenda is other R's opinions - never any of her own analysis. And on the show - blue cards. Even if irrelevant where the conversation went to different points. LOL - and they are so long and no source.
  6. Good grief - I think Sunny led a sheltered life when growing up and went to college early. Can't understand why this is a big deal.
  7. Oh Bronzedog - I am one as well - 3rd generation!
  8. I can totally understand Sweet Caroline is a terrific name for a song, written by Diamond.....even if inspired by seeing a photo of a girl on her pony Macaroni that was sweet.
  9. MM sure loves to shove words into other people's mouths. And then go in for the kill.
  10. Her hat looks way to big and I can't imagine who could really wear it. While I'm at it her top and skirt clash and why does the room behind her look so messy? LOL - kick the mess out of the way. What an odd series of rooms.
  11. MM said on Andy Cohen's show this week she has "has never had more fun fighting with anyone on TV than Joy." I very much doubt that is what Joy wants. It is not an argument or debate. It is MM's agenda to make it a fight, imo. And then say she loves Joy. BTW - It was Joy MM thinks as her older sister (she doesn't have, but does).
  12. I'm not familiar with JWB but am with Queen Elizabeth and Madeline Albright.....MM does not need to copy all 3. QE's and MA's always tell a story.
  13. Because, on MM's first day she was out to get Joy and make it an EH/RO'D moment. And can't. ETA - MM loves to argue, Joy loves to make her own point.
  14. Or do it to your spouse, family, friends (if they can take it) or a therapist or place of worship person. She, imo, just wants to wallow in her grief. And draw in people that mark their calendars. Who marks a calendar with the number of days? Appreciate the spouse you have and future children you will have, and family you still have? She is, imo, too young to understand, as a princess, that her dad had a wife and other children. And mother. And experienced deaths in his family -let alone his own almost in Vietnam. And managed to get through it. Albeit never easy. BTW - anyone notice her saying about someone the older sister she never had (but does) today on the show today?
  15. I think Abby spends her time "explaining" problems with the topic without an opinion - she seems to me on the fence all the time and I don't need a rehash of the point of the discussion. I want their opinions on the topic.
  16. Medicine Crow - perhaps Queen Elizabeth? Oops....guess you're right! LOL. ETA - my WTH moment was the 2 under her right boob. sigh
  17. Good grief......so MM came in today "neurotic and paranoid" but just a week or two ago she gave Joy a bunch of crap about being anxious under this admin.
  18. Unfortunately I knew from day one MM had an agenda I would not like after going after Joy in 5 minutes.
  19. MM is a daughter of a twice failed father running for POTUS.
  20. Unfortunately MM puts party above country. SS puts country above party.
  21. It occurs to me that MM perhaps is realizing there is not one powerful woman in the GOP Congress. Plus, I LOL because she retweets other's ideas and rarely posts her own opinions, if ever. You know, being a political pundit or political commentator.
  22. Unfortunatel Ana does not want to move to NYC.....and is getting married in May (iir) to her Florida fiance. Not going to happen.
  23. What was up with the two pins under MM's right boob?
  24. OT - I don't know about others but I am so glad to get back into a routine after the holidays.
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