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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Let's see hère- WG- Yes, it took the Ferguson Grand Jury 55 months to decide whether to indict. Really? (I know she was joking but made no point of that's......I hope). And the fire people are not required to STAY and fight THE FIRES WHILE THEY are under gun fire. Nice save for Perez and her comments on umbrellas in Japan......
  2. Let's see- WG - yes, it took 55 months for the grand jury to decide not to indict, really? And why would the fire dept go in to fight the fires while under gun fire? Nice save for Perez for her chatter about umbrellas in Japan - COMMERCIAL!
  3. Interesting comment of Joy's........since they weren't working 5 days a week once RO first came, lol. But I would love to see her replace WG, with RO as mod.
  4. WG,s worship of keke was OTT, IMO. As is her lectures and finger wagging....and I don't give a crap what you think attitude to us.....the viewers. I was thinking Perez - NEtflex, TVLand etc let alone social media didn't exist "way back then" when the rapes occurred. Glad NW gave RO two nods and the guests as well.
  5. Cosby will never go to court over this - statute of limitations. Possibly civil court as 1 case was and settled out of court years ago. As far as I can see the only thing all these women have in common is it happened years and years ago yet the stories are the same....slipped/given pills and raped. One woman was 17 years old. They don't know each other, live in different parts of the country, have different careers and lifestyles. There are far too many of them coming forward to not take notice.....and yes, I believe it. The latest woman coming forward overnight is Lou Ferrigno's wife. Social media is here to stay. And I've noticed almost everyone is on it in one way or another. I thought WG and RP tag teamed RO today and were practically gleeful about it...then began a love fest between them for the rest of the show. RP's non-clarification of her points is maddening since she was given time to do so. And I am sick of WG lecturing me on "how it is." I don't have a problem with NBC cancelling his development for a new show, nor Netflex for cancelling his comedy special, nor TVLand from dropping TCS. And I watched often late afternoons on Sa/Su.
  6. IMO an indication of how things may go in Ferguson is because of the leaks from the Grand Jury. How does that happen, it never happens except it did in this case.
  7. Geez...those kids of EH's looked like they were going to meet the Queen, or W. I little early to get them up or was it taped before, I wonder. I think it was since she cautioned Tim not to burn the bacon. Sigh.
  8. IMO EH just needs to soften her makeup...especially her black eye makeup, and gain a few pounds. Although she has been ill.
  9. larapu - yep! And they were great. But this was 26 years ago and never again, lol.
  10. I think WG stealing stuff was just so veerrrryyyy funny. When it was not. And yep, she was pushing products I doubt she uses. This show simply has to tame the advertisement promos. In the past I believed she loved her "picks." Not today. Somehow it seemed so very odd to see Whoopi today so happy, and naturally. Unlike every other day. And OMG Patti....sing one of your classics. It scared my cat and me too, let alone do the song justice, imo, of course.
  11. Evidently SS is to be on The Talk in Dec per Deadline, but she retweeted it. So probably is true. Too bad I don't watch TT, SH or her other appearance shows.
  12. My mother had a friend...and this was several decades ago...that "sacrificed" a turkey with gravy in order to prepare for the next d0-ahead turkey gravy. She just had to do this once, of course. She made gravy the next day and it was ready for the next turkey, and on and on. I can see how this would work out well because once I did T-Day years ago and could not get over the last minute commotion in my kitchen. My turkey and home made croissants, finding bowls for salads, someone mashing potatoes, my grandmother making the gravy, and someone whipping cream. Good Grief! And let's not forget the other sides, appetizers, pies. Let alone when families start to blend when the kids grow up and other family traditions enter in. And blessed are those with 2 ovens!
  13. Really...WG has become the don't question me, don't disagree with me, this is the truth, I don't want to hear another opinion on this....and don't tweet me!
  14. I don't doubt W loves his family....it was taking our country and our troops (our kids) into Harm's Way. I am growing very tired of RP....and her "machine gun" laugh that drowns out other comments from the panel.
  15. The way I remember it is that KK came on the show with some video, app etc for a great booty. SS was all over it and tried the exercises with her explaining she wanted one too. Sigh.
  16. What I liked about the clip was Harvey's WTF face.
  17. It just seems so odd that they would try and put the show under News vs Entertainment control now and consider SS again. Or unseemly if they are going for attention...to us and actually SS as well. It's like toying with all of us, if even true. If not they should say so immediately. Actually unfair to the current hosts without saying as a 5th host or a replacement. Who treats viewers, cast and former employees like that? At least Joy had her own show and interviewed newsworthy people sometimes.
  18. Well, SS thinks it will show tomorrow but in another tweet says Fri the 12th....and today is the 11th, lol. I'll be passing in any event. She never followed his advice when he was a guest on The View and she was always asking him questions....and he seemed to imply she didn't listen to him.
  19. I'd vote WG gone, RO Mod, Joy back, NW still there. Joy is more devoted to News that Sherri which is an understatement, I know. RP has grown tiresome to my ears and I am not interested in her interests. IMO the show needs to smarten up, not go into the trenches of trash tv. Plus one former co-host also has awfully controversial legal issues coming up soon in court. And she could have a problem explaining not listening to The Voice telling her 7 years is enough.
  20. Yes...Whoopi has said repeatedly she is only on this show for the money. Plus she worked with former co-hosts that I can't imagine she liked much....and "a cranky 85 year old."
  21. Oh man- enough Scandal! enough DWTS! only TWO Vets in the audience? 2? WG an expert on todays curriculum in schools.... Enough w/ the 2 1/2 year old....is that code for "as a mom"? WG messing up guest's names It's getting hard to like this show, for me anyway. Nothing funny or outrageous to snark on, and short HT segments that leave out important info and no time to discuss more than 2 minutes. And that is just my take from today's show.
  22. I'm thinking that some of us will agree by the end of the week that RO makes interviews great......
  23. Good grief....just looked at his twitter for the first time. Why is it plastered with "with artistic" photos Mika?
  24. Rosie P - Latina that loves boxing. WG - Wha? I woke up? And don't tweet me!
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