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Everything posted by Door

  1. I'm not ready to give up this show, the score, or these characters. Like others have mentioned, this ending felt too shoehorned in and so much intrigue was left unexplored - it's a crime! A plague upon whomever decided to pull the plug on this lovely, heartbreaking snapshot of gothic Victoriana.
  2. Everyone has already mentioned the serious things I wanted to say so I'll just say this. Mr. Lyle is a treasure and he'd better not stay away too long...and Dorian's hairstyle is seriously bordering on the comical. It's ridiculous and horrid - as opposed to Mr. Lyle's hair, which is ridiculous and fun. Dorian Gray can never be a character who looks, feels, or sounds threatening when he looks like a boy band reject.
  3. I am just not buying the chemistry between Rick and Jessie. It's forced and contrived to me. Actually, I could say that about most things on this show now. This saddens me. Remember when these characters acted like relatable human beings, wayyyy back when? Those were good times.
  4. There was another mother like that. I can't remember the name of the heroin-addicted daughter for the life of me but the mom had converted to Islam when she married the dad (which he never asked her to do), went TOTAL devout (which he also never asked her to do), only to go back to Christianity when they divorced. She then wrote books, toured churches, and openly called her ex a terrorist. Then, when the Intervention crew was there filming her daughter shooting up, she barged in the room and acted all shocked, saying "Why? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" in the most histrionic manner possible. When she finally shut the door, the daughter was like, "I don't know why she came in here. She never does that." Because of the cameras, of course! I don't know why but THAT mom really sticks out to me as one of the worst because her histrionic type is insidious and dangerous and yet so many people apparently buy into her shtick - considering the book/church tours and all.
  5. I might have more to say about the episode if the poor Professor's reaction to being stabbed in the head hadn't completely broken my heart. Kudos to the actor, I guess. That stuck with me through the remainder of the episode.
  6. I can't imagine it would happen this way, but I have to say this. When Ethan's maul victim was stalking him, they held just a moment on him and his horrible mask, lurking around a gate. Then, we immediately cut to Dorian and Angelique at the opera. It would stretch the imagination that said victim could be a musical prodigy in his down time but I would actually kind of love it if Ethan Chandler accidentally created the Phantom of the Opera.
  7. If it weren't so very pedestrian, I would predict Hannibal turns that jealous professor into jerky. He's acting way too sour to taste very good, even with a white wine marinade. Oh, Bedelia! Talk about gilded cages.
  8. I loved this episode. I was happy to see Patti Lupone randomly appear and be badass, per usual. This backstory was needed, imo. We need to know at least a bit of why Vanessa knows the tarot and can read people the way she does. Also, I must confess I liked the episode because it explained that Vanessa is a "Little Scorpion." As a Scorpio, I enjoyed that. Now I want to go back and rewatch The Seance to see how much, if anything, Madame Kali gives away.
  9. I love this show so much! I can't believe I only thought to check if there was a thread for it now. I hope we get a second season. The subject matter is fascinating and there's an endless parade of characters in New Orleans. My favorite is definitely Miss Ashley, the thong-wearing EMS traffic cop.
  10. Door

    S05.E14: Spend

    The Carol MacBeth thing is ringing a bit false for me. Whispering in other peoples' ears is a backslide for Carol. She hasn't been like that since season 2. The Carol she's grown into would have consulted with Rick but would have chosen to kill Pete herself, imo, or at the least said "we have to kill him, Rick," not "YOU have to kill him." Poor Noah. POOR NOAH. GOD. Glenn is for sure a better person than me because I would have knocked that traitorous weasel Alexanderite out and LEFT him there. This is the first episode I really liked Abraham. I also liked how not everyone at Alexandria is a weasel. That foreman dude readily stepped up by stepping down. He's not an idiot like some of the others (WEASEL!). So happy Eugene finally stepped up! Yes, he's a coward, but when faced with a moment where he HAD to be brave, for realsies, no cavalry coming, he did it. His journey to badassery is much slower than normal but he's doing it. Good job. Father Pee Pants should be the one torn limb from limb. I also couldn't believe Alexandria just had a surplus of priest collars laying around for him to wear. It's funny the things that I can't suspend disbelief on when watching a show about the ZA. I am enjoying the character of Deanna because it's relatively difficult to get a read on her. That's a nice change from the twirling moustache antagonists of yore that at best were unsettling (Termites) and at worst scenery chewing (Guvnuh). I can't be sure if she believes FPP or is going to kick him out. I like the not knowing. Where was Michonne? I can't believe Rick would be so interested in Mrs. Beige but he did marry Lori so maybe his taste just sucks.
  11. Door

    S05.E13: Forget

    I just watched the episode, so forgive me if it's been said, but I'm enjoying this role reversal. Up to now, CDB has encountered total psychos and followers of psychos. Now THEY are the psychos who might do major harm to an existing, peaceable group. Not that I think it will stay that way but I'm enjoying the ride in the meantime.
  12. I really identified with Ali this episode. It was heartbreaking how literally nobody but her gave a fuck about a missing person. I probably have too many feelings.
  13. I know they are saying it was Pitt's decision but I wonder if that's the real story. Sad; I'll miss his version of Verger.
  14. Door

    S05.E08: Coda

    Beth finally gets aggro and it's to stab an armed, trained policewoman wearing kevlar? Using only teeny, tiny, suture scissors? I was/am no fan of Beth (like NO fan) but give her a better death than that bullshit. That didn't even make sense. Hell, I would have even bought it if she wanted to give Dawn revenge scars matching her own healing wounds - but noooooo. I still cried when we got everyone's reaction to her demise. Because I am a baby and easily swayed, even though I've been bitching about Maggie's Bethnesia the whole time. I wanted Michonne to confront Father PP SO BADLY. Yell at him for bringing the walkers back to the church or something. Anything. He more than anyone else, ironically, needs the Come to Jesus talk about the ZA. Thanks to him he endangered the whole group and lost them their sanctuary....which brings me to my next point: If I were Rick Grimes, I would have taken over the hospital. Commandeered a floor or something. Why leave that? You have electricity and laundry facilities and a rooftop garden and a DOCTOR and you turn that down? Jesus fuck, WHY? Send the bad cops down the elevator shaft and start over! It seems as good an offer as any in this world. Certainly much better than everyone living on a busted fire truck, which is all they have now (THANKS AGAIN, FATHER PP).
  15. Why is nobody putting the nails to Eugene? I'm not a survivor of the ZA but I am one cynical, curious mofo and I would be quizzing him to tears. Step one would be to see what/if he knew that everyone had the virus - a simple enough thing to discover. I hate it when shows randomly make people disinterested in asking questions. Is that real life? I'm always asking questions and I live a cushy, non life-threatening existence. Rick Grimes: "Be on your guard at ALL TIMES. TRUST NO ONE." [one hour later] "Woo, let's go to D.C., baby!" I get it, but really? On the adorable side, I think Daryl dropping the water bottle was a mistake by Norman Reedus that they kept in due to cuteness. I'm glad they did.
  16. Oh wow. Hot Scot, indeed. Thank you, WatchrTina!
  17. I agree! Jamie delicately untying that ribbon and it skittering over Claire's breasts as it fell was just perfection. To me it really, really showed how--warrior though he is, acclimated to work and fighting as his hands are--Jamie can be gentle and controlled enough to attend to something as small and fragile as a neck ribbon. I don't believe I speak solely for myself here when I say that when we women see such evidence of care-taking from men, it can be quite the turn-on.
  18. I liked this show up until the standoff at the gas station. Now, I feel like more than just Sean Astin died in that episode - everything presented to me since has been asshole behavior from asshole people. Dutch is about as convincing a character as her clip-in streaks, her flirtation with Guy With Teeth is forced and I feel they lack chemistry, Eph remains insufferable and when Mrs. Martinez remarked how Nora was good at public speaking, wouldn't that have been a good time to realize she should deliver the message? She has credentials, too... but noooo, she has to angst and cry some more in another scene that feels forced and hammy. God, show, WHAT HAS HAPPENED?
  19. Are they going to do a podcast for 1x08? I feel like they are usually posted by now.
  20. I don't mind the change, as I think this ring may still be a placeholder ring, and the scene coming up from the books where she gets the thistle ring will still happen. I'm of the opinion that the show really wanted Jamie to give Claire something personal she could keep at the actual wedding event, rather than using his dad's ring.
  21. Ah, well...Be that as it may, kariyaki, it's still a good reason why Dougal wouldn't risk attempting to marry Claire.
  22. Well, married or not, what holds true for Jamie must also hold true for Dougal. If Dougal took a Sassenach to wife, he too would be disqualified for lairdship. I don't think he'll let a little thing like infatuation or lust get in the way of his quest for power...no matter how pretty. :)
  23. Door


    Murtagh was glowing more in the wedding episode than the bride was in her silvery dress! I love this guy. He says more with his eyes than most do in an hour of talking.
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