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Everything posted by TravisNelson76

  1. God bless her, but Carol Brady just cannot sell cold and distant. And RIP all of Kate and Pete's other family and friends, who presumably died tragically a few months ago and were therefore unable to attend or acknowledge the wedding.
  2. What do we think about the Adam-Ray bathroom time in this episode? On the one hand, I like it as a call-back to the Hannah-Marnie relationship of the first season and the way their bathroom time served as an expression of their comfort with and closeness to each other. On the other hand, would Ray really be that comfortable shaving next to Naked Bathing Adam?
  3. Seriously on the outfit. She looked like Goody Alicia.
  4. If you enjoy LSP (which: duh), you should think about checking out the Adventure Time comic books. She and her lumps feature prominently.
  5. Yeah, Fuller's operatic style just did not work in the courtroom setting. There's probably a Cop Rock joke/point to be made there somewhere.
  6. I can accept that Logan the character would join the military. I think. Maybe. Dohring the actor, though, looked weird and uncomfortable in that uniform.
  7. The marriage-questioning visit-by-the-immigration-officer sub-trope was especially trope-y (and ridiculous). You're supposed to be a lawyer, Bradley Whitford's character! You would not resort to the shenanigans that were resorted to.
  8. Oh, God. I have the same dish set as Annie and Abed. This just can't be a good thing. I'm now rethinking everything about my life.
  9. I think the fact that it feels like just an episode of Veronica Mars is very high praise, actually. This is harder than it seems. Witness: nearly every other reunion movie/season ever.
  10. Indeed, radishcake, indeed. I was able to get past this somehow with The Magicians. But that lead was also a capital-P PROBLEM.
  11. Interesting that voting does seem to be responding to actual performances at this point. The blocs do not yet seem to be entrenched.
  12. The introductory segments made it very clear that this is not America's Next Top Impressionist. A tuba is not an impression, y'all.
  13. I listened, Dave. And you are of course right. But because I love Martha so, I am choosing to fan-wank the situation as follows: Martha KNOWS that Clark is wearing a wig. She just assumes that it is because he is going bald. And although she certainly gabs about the situation with her best friends Judy and Carol, she daresn't bring it up with Clark himself.
  14. I also very much enjoyed that Bert and Bert's mom were just randomly hula-hooping in a scene and that this fact was not commented on. HOW AM I GOING TO LIVE A BERT-LESS LIFE WHEN THEY CANCEL THIS SHOW?!?
  15. Totally. You're all, "Oh, this is DISTRESSING." And then you discover that there are also STITCHES.
  16. This book! It's a prime example of a book I really, really like for plot/tone/writing/other reasons but cannot get past how much I hate the protagonist (or whatever we're calling Lenny). I just CANNOT STAND the dude and it ended up coloring my overall opinion.
  17. She's a kid. Her suspicions probably have nothing to do with secret agent-ing at all. Maybe she thinks their having affairs? Or that her mom is taking covert dance lessons? Something like that.
  18. Martha's actually my favorite character on the show. I love her bursts of optimism and practicality. Does she say, "Oh, Clark" a lot in a bemused tone? It feels like she says, "Oh, Clark" a lot in a bemused tone.
  19. YELLOW KING SPAGHETTI DUDE: [terrifying nonsense in a ridiculous accent] ANN DOWD: [something about flowers I don't want to think about any more] ME: "Sure, that house is disgusting. But is there too much visible floor to make it Hoarders-level disgusting?"
  20. I only hope that at some point before she kicks the bucket (which is inevitable, right?) Martha gets a kicky makeover montage. Shoulder pads will be involved. Maybe a turban?
  21. It is also sad that poor Martha didn't get any soup.
  22. You weren't kidding. YIKES. The notes she was singing bore only a vague resemblance to their intended pitch. And the faces she was making! EEEEEKS!
  23. I cannot stop focusing solely on the angles used to hide ("hide") K-Wash's pregnancy. We're reaching Defcon: Julia Louis-Dreyfus and a Laundry Basket here.
  24. Totally. The fact that seasons of the show don't exist in a vacuum makes it frustrating when players enter as relative newbies. As always, I expect that there will be a bunch of boring middle episodes when said newbies get separated from the wheat of the game.
  25. I'll take LJ. Two episodes in, and he, Spencer, and Tasha seem to me to be getting the closest to a "winner's edit."
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