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Everything posted by TravisNelson76

  1. Can I consider the exit of Chevy Chase as EHG having gotten its first scalp? This begs the question, though: Who is The Pierce of Community now that OG Pierce is gone? I mean, it's Chang, right? It must be Chang.
  2. Hey, it's Earl's brother! Hey, it's Jenna Elfman! Hey, it's Coach Taylor! Hey, it's The Mother! Hey, it's Zombie Shane! Hey, it's that lady who was in... Pan Am? Point being: lots of TV folk in the new Scorsese. Weirdest TV cameo, though? That extended "Urkel and Carl in a hot air balloon" scene from Family Matters. What was up with that? Does Scorsese just have a really strange set of 90's references? Was it a commentary on... something-or-other? WHY FAMILY MATTERS???
  3. OK. That does make sense. It's just one of those things where I feel like I missed a season or something that would clarify the situation.
  4. I am admittedly only an occasional viewer of BBT. And when I do watch, I usually fast-forward through everything that doesn't involve Sheldon, Penny, or Amy. I have a question, though! My question is: what's the deal with Amy's sexuality? What are the creators going for with that? Again, I haven't seen everything. Admittedly. But from what I've seen, there is both longing-for-Sheldon's-touch Amy and making-awkward-lesbianic-references-toward-Penny Amy. Is the character… MEANT to be bisexual? Just sexually confused? Or is this just weird and inconsistent writing?
  5. @Spynotebook -- I had read good things about the new Daredevil somewhere-or-other, but when I looked on Comixology, I couldn't immediately figure out where the "new" Daredevil started. Is there a place you would recommend starting?
  6. So that Hawkeye comic? PRETTY GREAT! Not very Jeremy-Renner-ish at all! Thanks for the rec.
  7. I liked the military one. Among other things, that was a nice change of courtroom venue for the show.
  8. So I'm a relatively new comics reader. And I'm TOTALLY getting into Saga, East of West, and Sex Criminals (and maybe Nowhere Men and The Manhattan Projects) (and having previously read Y: The Last Man, Scott Pilgrim, Fables, Chew, and a few others). What I'd like are some recommendations for where to read interesting/amusing comic reviews. There seem to be a lot of sites out there, and I'm not keyed into that world enough to know where to start. Any ideas?
  9. I'd also recommend the Grantland Pop Culture podcasts. And KCRW's The Business.
  10. Going forward, I hope they find a new angle for the relationship between Clara and CapaldiDoctor. As you say, joshleejosh, throwing the existing stuff out and starting over has the potential to be fun! I also hope there's more development of Clara's Earth peeps. That was one of my favorite parts of the Rose Tyler era -- how her companionship with the Doctor affected her mother/boyfriend. Ditto Donna Noble's grandfather.
  11. File this one under "Takes Show Mythology Too Seriously." I'm not sure we needed a WHOLE THING to explain why the Doctor was going to be able to regenerate again. I would have preferred "It's timey-wimey-ness! Let's move on to a fun new adventure!" to "Let's try to pull together every story thread of the last three years." That said… I really liked the church stuff, the truth shield stuff, the Clara's Xmas party stuff, and more! I just wish it all had more room to breathe.
  12. I'm glad they're not going the Vera/Maris route with him. This is a spouse I wanted to actually meet.
  13. I've decided that the show will soon introduce time travel. And it will turn out that Future Cordelia blinded herself.
  14. Clearly SOMEONE from Electric Boogaloo Spider-Man will be hosting. My bet would be… Garfield. Other than that, I would LOVE to get Woody Harrelson or Matthew McC supporting True Detective. Beyonce is now a given for musical act… and maybe hosting too? Jennifer Lawrence is probably likely (if she does get another Oscar nomination). And in a purely wish list sense, Kristin Bell supporting Veronica Mars [she'd be good] and Kellen Lutz supporting Kellen Lutz's Hercules [he'd be hilariously TERRIBLE].
  15. AGREED about the need to get back to fixing. To me, the only way to do this is to wipe a whole lot of players off the board. Quinn obviously. Huck, yes. What's-his-face… Harrison? Him too. And I groaned when I saw that boring-ass Jake was going to be sticking around and thus furthering the boring-ass B18382 (???) plot. Maybe the show should even have the President lose reelection and reset more broadly? Olivia could hire Mellie!
  16. Question. Do we know who specifically threw the acid yet? I know it was ordered by the Witch Hunting Man's Group. But did we get anything more specific? 20,000 things [minimum] happen each episode, and I'm wondering if I missed this.
  17. God. This season. It's such a jumbled mess. And admittedly enjoyable jumbled mess. But still. Here's the fix I would make. One thing that worked with the previous two seasons is that they were centered around a place [a murder house and an asylum]. Coven should have done the same thing and centered much more around the New Orleans Witch House. There should have been more young witch-lings. And more flashbacks to previous covens and leader witches and witches councils and the like. Something to provide more focus.
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