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Bronx Babe

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Everything posted by Bronx Babe

  1. "You got this" "I get it" "We got this" "I get that" "The vessel with the pestle is in the palace with the chalice....Got it? Get it? Good!"
  2. Didn't realize Always Amore already aired. I find Giada very off-putting but Ree doesn't bother me too much, probably because she actually has a sense of humor which Giada most emphatically does not. The most annoying woman on television in my opinion has got to be that so-called celebrity chef Alex Guarnaschelli, who seems to be on every single television food competition show.
  3. Tried getting through Love Under The Olive Tree but just couldn't. I'm sorry, but the tropes really did me in. Family feud (they always try to make them the equivalent of the Hatfield/McCoys or Montagues vs. Capulets) saving the company, mermaid hair, workaholics, competition up the wazoo, festivals, apple-picking, all in some place called Sunset Valley, which actually sounds like a retirement community. And the plastic "autumn" flowers amid the otherwise lush green landscape. (Dad: "Honey, this is your favorite time of year")
  4. Watching Just One Kiss, I was delighted Hallmark didn't eliminate these particular lyrics from New York, New York: "Those little town blues, are melting away...." Perhaps the channel is finally embracing the very human fact that big cities, especially the so-called "elite coastal" ones, are not Evil Incarnate breeding grounds for moral decay. Or maybe Hallmark is merely being strategic: Acknowledgement of mid-twentieth century Mad Men nostalgia (i.e. Rat Pack, Sinatra, etc.) could bring in a bigger audience not tuning in because of stereotypical biases against Urbanity. Being a born and bred Noo Yawker, I can tell you that the isle of Manhattan also incorporates down-to-earth boroughs such as the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, etc. Our neighborhoods had a charm all their own, and with major family values. Hallmark should not neglect this aspect of America in their "storylines".
  5. Why are all the office bosses so cartoonishly corporate? I would like to think it's deliberate, but not so sure.... "We were all saddened to hear of your mother's passing in that car accident. I understand you buried her yesterday. We'd like you to come back first thing tomorrow morning and give the client what we know will be your best pitch. This could mean a promotion" Lead actor/actress employee: "Um, yes...yes, I'll be there." Boss: "Good. Work is the best antidote for personal tragedy"
  6. Even with breathtaking, natural scenery, Hallmark felt it had to be "enhanced" with plastic flowers. There is something so inherently -- I can't even find the adjective -- about that.
  7. Nature of Love -- City girl is an undercover writer who goes "glamping" as part of an assignment, gets hysterical at a racoon and runs away from a bear, instead of (as she herself says) dropping to the ground and playing dead, but then wouldn't conveniently bump into the hunky, sensitive wildlife guide. The usual Harlequin romance stuff.
  8. You probably won't believe it, but I was pleasantly surprised by Just One Kiss, lol. The lead actress wasn't a skinny, beachy wave-tressed, ditsy, puerile, vocal fry mess! I was clueless about the moms (great to see Illeana Douglas; she's always appreciated by me) right up to the end. That apartment hallway was kind of creepy though.
  9. Cannot wait for that Royal Runaway Romance -- what name will they give her kingdom? I'm hoping it's a nod to the Marx Brothers -- Freedonia. Hail, Hail, Freedonia! By the way, I've noticed that parents of the lead actress's character WILL NEVER CALL HER BY HER FIRST NAME. It is always "Sweetheart" or, secondarily, "Dear". This is a given! Another good drinking game.
  10. If youse guys want to experience some truly juicy comments about Hallmark holiday and Christmas movies, please check out the DataLounge message board. Just click DataLounge, then Hallmark Christmas Movies. Be forewarned, though, lol. Some of the posts are, well....pretty down-to-earth. But they are hilariously spot-on.
  11. Ha! I do agree with you about the milk -- particularly with chocolate chip cookies! I saw Surprised by Love and was.....well, more than surprised by -- the Twinkies! I couldn't believe it! I've never seen a brand name before in a Hallmark movie. Was this a first?
  12. @bankerchick I know, right, with those reviews? I couldn't stop reading them either! She certainly has her pulse on what makes Hallmark, well....Hallmark. I was particularly fascinated with Rebekah's comments on A Veterans Christmas, IYKWIM, lol. (the, er, "alien" factor) I only saw about two minutes of A Second Chance at Love, then switched over to QVC. For some reason I watched The 27 Hour Day and that one was horrendous. By the way, I was floored to discover three Hallmarks in a row where the leads actually DID pay (in cash or credit card) for their meals! I was shocked! So much for my carping about THAT subject.
  13. I just found the greatest reviewer of Hallmark movies: Rebekah, and want to share: Hallmark Movies | Rebekah's Readings and Watchings (rebekahsreadingsandwatchings.com)
  14. I think it might have been The Baker's Son (you know me with Hallmark titles -- they all sound the same, lol) where they go to the usual ubiquitous Italian restaurant -- the leads and all the diners around them have spaghetti and meatballs (must be the "specialty") on their plates, but no one is eating, probably because the food is plastic.
  15. Do you notice that when the leads "buy" (no money seems to be exchanged) food from a cart, they never order anything to drink? Probably because Hallmark doesn't want to show a brand name. During one program the cart owner came out and quickly placed some undefined bottles of what looked like kefir beside their meals.
  16. My borough always gets the short end of the stick. At least with Queens you can make the title have a double meaning in terms of royalty, but....what can you do with The Bronx?
  17. This insistence by Hallmark that Christmas is not "Christmassy" (one of their favorite words) unless it is celebrated in a four season climate is just....insufferable to me. They think we all want this Currier and Ives, Dickensian atmosphere. Well, let me tell you, I live in Florida (I'm a NYC transplant, been here 20 years) and wouldn't trade our warm weather, dreamy wavy palms, beaches, and the lighting of our holiday sand tree (called Sandi) for any so-called traditional decorating versions.
  18. Every food item and dish is proclaimed "the greatest" in town or even around the world. Hey, Hallmark couples, I know a little family restaurant in New York where their veal is the best in the city. Not that I wish anything bad to happen.
  19. They had to add subtitles to some of Dr. Now's conversation.
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