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photo fox

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Everything posted by photo fox

  1. I know this show airs at different times and seasons all over the world. Even in the U.S., it seems like everybody is on a different schedule. My own PBS station has only shown through Season 3, but they've shown those about ten times. :-/ Anyway, with that in mind, I wanted to lay out kind of "how this forum works", for the purpose of trying to best accommodate posters from different locations. I'm going to go ahead and create episode threads for every episode through Season 6, which is the most recent aired in Britain and is now airing in much of the U.S. Air dates will reflect the original air date in Britain. Considering everyone in the U.S. is on different schedules, that just makes sense. Discussion in the episode topics should only be about things that have aired up through that episode. Discussion in Season 1 Episode 1, for example, should not mention . Not even under spoiler tags. For all other topics (character, media, etc.), if it has aired in Britain, it is not considered a spoiler. So if you're a true spoiler-phobe, I would stay out of those topics. If you're not sure which episode you're on, and you want to be sure you're reading and posting in the correct topic, I recommend this wiki of episode titles and descriptions. They're not particularly spoilery, for each episode, but they do mention characters coming and going. So if you really don't want to know, scroll slowly so you don't go beyond where you've watched. Happy posting!
  2. Interesting article about the slowly growing popularity of Doc Martin in the U.S.
  3. Yes, it is. Please read David's posts on the matter.
  4. I see your point, but I wasn't even thinking about her using it to continue her research. I think she'll do it because she's so sure she's right, and needs to prove it to herself. I hope I'm wrong, because I usually like Bailey, and I like that she's getting a decent (medical) story. Total agreement with you on these two items. I wanted somebody to slap the mom of three kids. First, she manages to talk the other mom out of getting her kid treatment by insulting the doctors, with one of them standing right there. Then she dares go of on Cristina because her daughter died? I know they're going for "Cristina reevaluates her career", but come on. You have three kids who need heart transplants. Two of them are still miraculously alive. It's not like they came in with a fever. This shouldn't be shocking to you that one of them might die. And bubble boy's mom - ugh. As you say, she's not doing her kid any favors with the constant freaking out right in front of him. I'm sure not being to touch your child when he's so very ill would be challenging, to put it mildly. But at this point, it's been days. You'd think she'd be settling in to the idea. And she thinks she's going to take him home and what? Feed him chicken soup? Seriously, the board needs to get over themselves and show Jackson some respect or at least understanding. Would they rather have Catherine in his place? It's not like she's going to put all that money into the hospital and then just never expect them to report back or give the foundation any input. At least Jackson is one of them and understands the dynamics of their hospital. Yep, it's certainly nothing new or confined to April to have completely inappropriate personal conversations or even meltdowns during surgery. It's SOP at his point. I actually liked that scene, between laughing at Callie and Jo trying to get the hell out of there and Owen talking April through her problems. I've always loved their friendship.
  5. Ah, yes, Scott Porter is on HoD. He was also on The Good Wife, in possibly the worst written role they've ever had on that (otherwise) excellent show. Zach Gilford was also in the short-lived Off the Map, AKA Grey's Anatomy in the Jungle.
  6. Agreed. This was so, so bad, and I was actually looking forward to it. Disappointing. The overdone hypersexuality, the dance breaks, the bio daughter who doesn't know, complete with undermined adoptive mom. Cliche, cliche, cliche.
  7. I thought it was a pretty decent episode. I always think Grey's does a good job with friendships, and several of them were in force tonight: April/Owen, Alex/Arizona, Leah/Shane, Owen/Cristina, even Cristina/Mer (though I mostly wanted to slap Mer). I'm glad Alex and Arizona finally talked about their issues. For all that Alex tries to be a selfish prick, he's a natural caregiver, so I loved seeing him finally come to the realization that he doesn't always have to put someone else first. And everything Arizona said to him was perfect. She doesn't want him to leave, but she's proud of him and wants him to do what's best for him. I just love them. "Shut up, Karev. The moment's ruined". Alex and Jo on the other hand, are awful. Alex deserves so much better. I like Jackson and April, separately and together. I even like the story they're trying to tell with them. But the implementation is just so bad. SD and JW are making a valiant effort, but the writing is completely nonsensical. If Bailey injects that kid, she is deadtome. I don't care how many papers the mom signed, Bailey knows she rescinded her permission. If I felt like she was doing it for the kid, that would be one thing, but it's all. about. her. The Webber/Catherine scenes were a waste. I like Amelia (what I've seen of her; I never watched Private Practice) and I'm interested to see more of her. Maybe she'll stick around and hook up with Alex. Totally agree. They always leave the decisions to him, even though he tries to get them involved, and then get pissed about what he's decided. These are grown people, and the idea of balancing a budget should not be foreign to them.
  8. I love how Wolowitz was completely unconcerned that Bernie lied to him. Somehow Howard became the most confident man on the show. Amy (to Leonard): "No, this is weird right now." lol
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