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  1. I want more Marshall and more drama! less melissa rycroft. I wanna see who don't like each other lol!!
  2. Hey guys! I started a new job awhile back. I’m a personal assistant to “The Optician to the Stars” here in Beverly Hills. Yesterday on the DailyMail’s Snapchat, our client Paris Hilton was wearing some glasses she got from us! I am so proud!
  3. I’m 17 now, graduation is in a week, but I’ve been thinking of auditioning for DCC. The only problem is that I have no dance or cheer experience and I don’t want to end up being one of those girls the show makes fun of ☹️
  4. I want to audition, it's always been something I've wanted to do, but I am not a dancer. So off to pre med studies it is!
  5. Thought this was funny, they all kinda looked different to me until they're all together ???
  6. This year! I'm excited about graduation, but still so nervous :)
  7. Take a shot whenever they say 'Dancing for my life', 'bringing my A game' or 'game ready' and you may just collapse of alcohol poisoning
  8. She honestly looks perfect ? honestly she can gain a crazy amount of weight and I'd still be crushing!
  9. I didn't place top 20, but I was ranked right under top 20, i think they said I was 22. A few of the top 10 and 20 girls can't go to nationals, so I'm able to take one of those places and go! The problem with that is, though, that it's 2 thousand for sponsorship, flight and hotel, and my mum is sick so she can't go. But I had lots of fun being in the pageant! Thank you for asking :)
  10. who is she (I don't remember her lol) and what clues do you mean?
  11. It was written back in 2007, not currently. But I would still want to know if it was a DCC.
  12. Really? Do you know why they didn't cut her then?
  13. A link to the preview to the episode on Thurs., shows Holly.
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