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  1. My prediction for next season: Two timelines and alternating narratives. One timeline where Barry saves his mother and things really go to shit and Barry has to fix it or get out of it (roughly the Infinite Crisis storyline). And the other timeline being the one we've built up over the last two seasons and Barry is missing because of he's in the new timeline. Central City doesn't have the Flash and Wally finds out he's a speedster and needs to step in as the new Flash until they can find Barry. It could last a half season or so I think. Maybe have a new big bad who exists in both timelines...
  2. Boom. Original Flavor Frequency (2000) trailer: This movie started my love for Hollywood thrillers. I hope this new version doesn't let me down!
  3. I'm sad they changed the father from a firefighter to a cop. I feel like they're not contrasted enough if he's a cop too. I liked the son having to lecture his dad about investigation and the uncertainty about if the dad could pull off what the son needed in order to stop the bad things from happening. With the father being a cop, it feels too easy.
  4. Barbara popped up at the police station looking for Jim after he was kidnapped by Fish in the Pilot.
  5. Netflix is now streaming all the Season 1 episodes. I'm torn if I'll take a look again or not.
  6. I expect a kid who recently had both his parents murdered in front of him would get some time off from school.
  7. Yes, thank you! This was bothering the hell out of me for the rest of the episode. Gordon kept on harping on about killing innocent Mario and I kept saying to my TV "No, he wasn't. He was about to kill you! Or have you forgot?" Harvey did not kill an innocent man. He killed a guy who was about to stab his partner to death.
  8. When I think of Falcone, I think of Tom Wilkinson in Batman Begins: Generic mob guy who can fill any role in Batman mythos that needs a mob boss to fill it. Nothing about Falcone strikes me as special.
  9. This is so true and IMO the biggest pitfall the show will have to avoid if there is more than one season. The most recent example of this I can think of is Once Upon A Time. Emma was the main character the show centered on but the writers got bored with her after season one and focused so completely on the more "interesting" villains, the show stopped being about Emma completely. Being good does not mean you have to be boring and stupid. Look at Marvel's Captain America. It can be done people!
  10. No. Hugo Strange in the DCAU was a minor villain who made one, maybe two appearances in the DCAU. He was never involved with Arkham. Now in the Arkham video games, he was a major character and antagonist in Arkham City.
  11. I find it more interesting that way.
  12. I always liked the Jack Naplier Joker from the animated series. Someone who was already a pyscho getting the final push to oblivion by Batman accidentally. The whole Red Hood storyline always bothered me. I cannot believe that someone as sick and twisted as the Joker was ever an inoccent person who was just misunderstood. Total cheap BS storytelling if you ask me.
  13. Kevin Conroy please!
  14. What about a role for Kevin Conroy, the voice of my childhood Batman in Batman the Animated Series and now the Arkham video game series? He hasn't done live action stuff in awhile but I would love to see him on the show.
  15. Henry in Once Upon a Time was ten at the start of the show and was one of the main characters though he was used more like a prop by the writers.
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