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Everything posted by wanderingstar

  1. That was super creepy and depressing. Between that scene, Amanda getting the drugs from Pottinger and the Tarr family bath, they packed a lot of really creepy/sad/crazy scenes into this episode.
  2. Well, bath time at the Tarr house will never be the same again!
  3. I'm in withdrawal. I'm going to have to do a re-watch of season 3. I'll even shell out the money to buy the season on Amazon!
  4. Sticking with Jason, one of the things I enjoyed about Piron Alec was his offbeat father-son dynamic with Jason. He seemed to really want to help and care for him* If we get a season 4, I wonder if we'll see something similar with Hoodie Alec. *Admittedly while also using him as a guinea pig
  5. I always did love the way Bea said this. One of my all-time favorite quotes from this show: "Rose, it doesn't matter what you do, you're never gonna please your parents. They're just gonna nag you and nag you and nag you until you wanna choke them, but you don't because you're in a hospital with resuscitating equipment!"
  6. I still also want to know who Jason's mom is. If it's not Emily, then why is she still on the show?
  7. Enjoyed this ep. I am glad Irisa and Nolan are back in Defiance and won't spend half the season getting back there. Re Christie - I hope the writers have more planned for her than awkward bathing scenes.
  8. Seeing him in Top Gun (as a tween, mind you) made me instantly dislike him. And that has not abated one iota in the years since.
  9. Hadn't even thought about this, but now that you've mentioned it, I'm intrigued to learn about the whole Clan setup in 2039. Collinwood, IA about Ian Tracey. I have really enjoyed him - particularly this season.
  10. Question about one of the ending scenes in the finale: is the Liber8 crew now taking over the Freelancer headquarters? Also, they showed Curtis with the Traveler? Are they also still at Freelancer HQ?
  11. I can’t believe how much I’ve enjoyed this season when half the time I had no clue what was going on. Loved this episode. Absolutely loved the Keira/Liber8/Alec team-up. Such fun. The twist with Kellog at the end I did not see coming, but I liked it. I adore Stephen Lobo’s performance in this role. I enjoyed the Keira/Alec rapprochement immensely. That relationship has always been one of this show’s touchstones for me. This made me break into a goofy smile. This nearly took me out of the last Kellog/Alec scene. I guess I can handwave it and say he’d become the type of CEO who leaves reading the fine print to his underlings (Kellog did say Jacqueline had been a big help)
  12. That first season so captured my attention that it ruined me for the subsequent seasons.
  13. This show hurts my brain. When Tommy and his henchman were torturing that guy, did it never occur to them that he'd die? Ugh! I hate when these supposed-to-be-tough-as-nails criminals are stupid.
  14. Yes - he would have been perfect! Also, I find him kinda hot!
  15. A Scandal fashion line is coming to The Limited.
  16. Not sure this is a UO, but I loved the ending of Children of Men. That said, it's best to view the film and the novella as completely separate -and only tangentially related - entities.
  17. Two UOs from me: Of the three recent Batman films, my favorite is Batman Begins. Don't get the appeal of Leonardo Di Caprio. He's always just come across as a very average performer to me.
  18. All the other characters bore me, but Tommy makes me angry because he is such a walking, talking cliche.
  19. Love Kellog! Always have. I so enjoyed his awestruck "Is that me?" when Brad showed the video of Clan Leader Kellog in 2039. Stephen Lobo really does have a lot of fun in this role, and I find that infectious.
  20. It's a shame this show is so boring because Omari Hardwick is a genuinely charming and engaging screen presence.
  21. Am I the only one who kept waiting to hear the citizens called Vegans?
  22. I watched both the mini-sodes and the season 1 recap on OnDemand. The recap was done as a series of spoofy TV show ads ("Keeping up with the Castithans," "Irisa in Charge," etc.) So hilarious.
  23. Doc Yewll FTW. She and Datak are going to be an interesting team. Her reaction to him trying to get a handjob from her was hilarious. The show is already much darker than season 1 (the miner’s death, the horrors of Camp Reverie, Irisa fantasizing about killing Nolan), but I was easily sucked back into it, especially with the continued world building. I was enjoying the episode until that. Only one episode in, and I’m already for this new mayor to get the tar beaten out of him. This confused me as well. Is she supposed to be in mourning for Kenya? But doesn’t she still believe Kenya will come back?
  24. I’m surprised at how touching I find their scenes. It’s been a highlight of this season for me. ETA: This is where I am. Ordinarily, I'd have given up on the show by now, but something about the story - and the characters - continues to intrigue me.
  25. I did as well. For some reason - perhaps the ones sjohnson mentions above - I like the team-up of Keira/Brad. I think of them as kindred spirits - displaced and away from their families (seemingly permanently). I get why they'd be drawn to one another. Lots to take in from this episode. And since I watched this and the previous week's episode back-to-back, I'm still kind of reeling from all the info. As someone else said upthread, all of the characters are starting from scratch, and I'm now intrigued to see where everyone lands after next week's finale.
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