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  1. I thought the way that was tossed out was so interesting. Who made him do that? He clearly didn't decide on his own to remove an identifying mark if it actually is him. If it's not him then it's a clever excuse for why it's not there. I went back and forth this episode but in the end, I don't think it's him. I think he was held with Jamie, whoever took Jamie knew to get that little train, and Jamie told this kid all about his life. This kid and Jamie is connected to the kids Trent's dad didn't look for because Sir brought it up again this week when I thought they would just drop it. I think real Jamie is dead but I hope not because I think that would be too cruel to Margaret. His obsession with bringing up Gabi all the time is very weird. I agree. I love the creepy dynamic it inserts in the show, it spices things up for me. I'm disappointed Christian is dead and it was done so casually off screen. Sir had nothing to do with any of that. He was surprised to hear that Christian supposedly shot someone. His partner/sister/Trent's new gf has gone rogue and Sir is finding out he has no control.
  2. It used to be if you lost your shoes or your wig or had any other kinds of issues during a lip sync you knew that queen lost and now it doesn't matter anymore. It's kind of annoying. Lana lost that lip sync. Lexi should have just been safe. "She was so funny because she was so bad!" She gets a top placement out of it? It was really disappointing to see how bad she was at it. She was so focused on getting the voice right with the pronunciation of "scissors" which made me think she thought it would be her version of "raspberries!" She should have done the exaggerated pronunciation of scissors but have the written answer be something completely different that didn't even sound like scissors. Now that would have been funny,
  3. I get that they wanted to be happy for Margaret but as soon as "Jamie" walked in they should have demanded a DNA test just to protect her. She was willing to ignore so many issues and you know she saw something in her Margaret vision at first. Forget the missing mole, he was weird even before that. Not just how he didn't want to see his family but how he seemed focused on Gabi, that really stood out to me. I don't know why Trent was shocked that Sir wouldn't turn on Gabi. All of them know how obsessed Sir is with her, there was no way he was going to let his Gabi go to prison. That first case he worked for Gabi being tied to not just the bus station but also a version of how he and Gabi could have gone if she had been too young to know how to play along to stay alive was really interesting. They keep making a point that Sir keeping Gabi back then had nothing to do with physical sexual desire and how disturbed he was at her order to take off his clothes. But you could see how see how she just snapped after losing her father and all of that and decided to keep him to work more cases.
  4. I completely forgot he was on that show. I loved when he would sing. I just looked up some clips of him singing on the show and the first one is him singing to her, lol.
  5. I feel like last week's episode was a turning point and the show has really hit it's stride because this one was so good. Everybody's back story is so depressing. I wonder if next week's will be Gabriella and how weird will that be or are they holding back on it until the end for a bigger impact? Not being able to have a pet of any kind in the mountain would suck so I'm glad that guy was able to somehow sneak his in but I don't understand how no one knows. I know during the early Covid days I would have gone crazy if I didn't have two dogs to cuddle several times a day during the lockdowns. I kept wondering if things really weren't that bad up top but it does seem like it is so part of me understands why Sinatra doesn't want people to know or for the scientists to bring people back. But I draw the line at her deciding on her own and having Billy kill the scientists. I think it's nuts that Kane was able to keep his top level access even as his memories issues got worst. If they had restricted his access Cal never would have looked into things and found out what happened. I also think it's nuts he named his son after that Pearl Jam song, lol. I thought for sure Kane was confusing Presley with Robinson just as he confused Jeremy with Cal so the reveal that she had the tablet was stunning. I also don't think she killed Cal. She was probably at the house to play Wii with Jane and Billy and Kane saw her there. Whoever killed Cal might have dropped the tablet and she found it. My money is on Jane being the killer. Wherever Cal left that cd is also where he left the notebook or maybe the cd has the information from the notebook on here. Jeremy just needs to find either one. I think that's why they might hold on to her back story until the end to make the reveal all that more impactful. I think she was well aware of what happened with Billy and the scientists and was playing dumb when Cal told her to be wary of him and let Xavier know. She's setting up Xavier to take down Sinatra in some way so that she can be in control of this little town where she handpicked every single person. I bet she even knew that guy would bring his dog. The only person right now that Xavier can trust is Robinson.
  6. As soon as he said to send the biggest Sinatra had I knew it was going to be the girlfriend. She was acting too silly the whole time and out of character for the other Secret Service agents. She seemed to have no worries and that made no sense. This show really had me all over the place with Billy. I was so sure he was the bad guy. Even after Xavier spoke to him and was like "it's not him" I didn't believe it. I mean, yes, he was the bad guy who killed the scientists who found out that up top was survivable but at least we know he didn't kill Cal. Sinatra picking him to come down as one of her killers explained how a trained mercenary ended up in the Secret Service once they went under. I trust Gabrielle less and less. She's playing some kind of game against Sinatra. She's trying to stir up trouble. I don't know if she wants to expose the fact that they could return to the surface if they want to or if she just wants to remove Sinatra from power. I'm guessing Cal's missing tablet has all the information about what's happening on the surface? And the carnival was created to celebrate the day the scientists left?
  7. I think I would buy it more if he showed up at M&A. Something about him coming back to the bus station after all those years and recognizing Margaret from behind feels like a scam. At first I thought Sir did find him but after some thought, I think this is some kind of misdirect either by Sir or Sir's partner to distract Margaret. Because if Margaret would ever have a one on one with Heather, her "Margaret vision" would definitely kick in and she would catch on. There's just no way that after being taken as a little boy and then probably having only vague memories of what your mother looks like you instantly know it's her from behind and with different hair and whatnot. One more thing that stood out to me was how she straight up said, yes, it was Christian. Said his name like she knew him and was familiar with him. If some random that you didn't know had shot you and you were looking at pictures to identify him, you would say, "this is the man who shot me." She kept using his name the whole time while discussing the incident as if she knew him. We all know how particular Sir is about names and such.
  8. I noticed the art in the boardroom and also at Sinatra's house. I wonder when they snatched those up.
  9. All sorts of alarm bells starting ringing when she said that. Who says that to someone you just met for a few minutes? Yeah, Trent said Gabi broke his heart but she supposedly doesn't know anything really about their relationship. They had one night and a few flirty texts and now she's taking ownership of him?
  10. The kid in tonight's episode looked so much like Elijah, who also looked my own nephew, had me stressed out in this episode. I was worried that the ending was going to be bad for him so I was happy that it wrapped up so neatly. Though I was rooting for Gabi to pop the CPS lady. I thought the same thing! Margaret should have been there. She was too easy going and the way she was like, wow, you are gorgeous when Gabi walked in was really offputting. She's got bad vibes. The last time we saw Christian, Sir had knocked him out at the mobile home. Why would he then take Trent's gun from Sir's place and then go shoot Trent's new...whatever she's supposed to be. He didn't want anything more to do with Sir so there was no reason to hurt the new lady. She's the one working with Sir (his sister??) and she shot herself to frame Christian for some reason for Sir. And it puts Trent's attention on her, draws him further into a relationship with her and takes him away from Gabi, the way Sir wants. I think if that really is Margaret's son's then Sir did find him and sent him to Margaret. Sir's whole goal is "solve" the team's problems so they don't need Gabi anymore. I loved that in the end Gabi called him Hugh and not Sir.
  11. I also thought the president's son looked like Timothee lol.
  12. I guess I should have watched this episode first before posting in the second episode thread. I wondered who picked the people and it turns out it was just Sinatra's therapist. The fact that it was just down to 1 person is kind of crazy. The story that Billy and Jane were turning off the security footage so they could play with the President's stuff was too silly for them to be believed. They were definitely doing something else.
  13. I've only watched the first two episode and I wasn't really feeling the show as much but the ending got me. The numbers that was on the cigarette are definitely the identifying numbers on one of the planes the kids found. I have so many logistical questions. Like how did they decide who got to go in the underground city besides all the billionaires. Robinson made a comment about worrying that 100 years from then people might end up marrying their cousins, so I guess they have some kind of population control going? Can have too many people having too many babies in such a constricted space.
  14. I couldn't figure out why this episode felt so weird besides not really understanding what was happening with the case but then Margaret popped up on the phone call and I realized it was the lack of her. I wasn't being annoyed at her attitude. It was kind of nice. Sir's freaked out reaction when he got the notification that someone else was coming to the school was interesting. It was clearly his partner (his sister perhaps?) and that's who hit Gabi but why did he seem so scared of them seeing Gabi or Gabi seeing them? Unless the partner isn't his sister and it's someone Gabi would recognize? She did get hit from behind. Sir blackmailing Trent with the information about his dad ignoring all the missing kids in exchange for Trent not arresting Gabi. Trent giving Zeke his tech back is nice but he did break the law hacking into the police station and Trent's email. You can't hold what Gabi did over her head and then let Zeke be allowed to go back to doing what he does. Do you care about the law or not, Trent? I don't trust Trent's new hook up at all. I think she's definitely connected to Sir. I wonder if they all know what Sir's sister looks like because I wonder if that's her. I like Ethan less and less and kicking out only Gabi so he doesn't have to share Dhan's maybe final goodbyes with her is low. Dhan wouldn't want that and he knows it.
  15. I'm so excited that there's finally a new soap after the slow death of soaps and a new Black soap at that! I remember watching a little bit of Generations back in the day but I was so young I barely remember anything about it.
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