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Everything posted by Aloeonatable

  1. This youtube video wonderfully explains that this episode is, and the series was, about Rebecca, and moreover Rebecca's and Jack's love story.
  2. I meant it was Gerald MacRaney that was Dr. K in both timelines.
  3. The last three seasons of this series had really no, or very little, Jack storylines. He was in support of the other main character storylines. He definitely wasn't in the show as much. If I recall he would show up for maybe one or two scenes per episode at best, especially this last season. Rebecca's recent memory, as she progressed in her disease, was lost. Of course she recognized Miguel as her caretaker and called out for him when she felt lost. Did she "know" that he was her husband. I doubt it. At Kate's wedding to Phillip she mistook Kevin for Jack and chastised Randall when he said that his father was dead.
  4. Obviously you haven't seen the rest of the series yet.
  5. Only my oldest daughter was given a family name as her first name. Actually her middle name is also a family name. My other two have family names as their middle names.
  6. I do agree that the writers chose to show the Rebecca/Miguel marriage as less passionate and to some I can see it as dismissive. I always go back to the premise of the show that the love that Rebecca & Jack had, and the family they created and how his early passing affected their lives. All other characters and storylines were supporting that premise. That is why I think the show's last episode was perfect in its simplicity. Even the kind of cringe worthy reference made by the Big Three of thinking of themselves first when thinking of family. I love Call the Midwife!
  7. I'm in my 70's and not out to pasture either. However, love is expressed differently as one grows older. We shouldn't compare Jack's and Rebecca's love and marriage to Rebecca's and Miguel's. They both loved her and she loved both of them at different times in her life. I never dismissed Rebecca's marriage to Miguel, I just felt the strong bond between Jack and Rebecca. I don't think it was necessary to show scenes of Miguel and Rebecca kissing and cuddling to understand that they loved each other.
  8. Of course Rebecca loved Miguel. She spent 20+ years of her life with him. It was a different love than she had for Jack, more settled. But I have say her love life with Jack was more physically passionate. Rebecca and Miguel got together when they were both in their mid to late 50's. They seemed to have had a lovely physical relationship, but it lacked the passion that she had with Jack. JMO.
  9. Well he is the first name in the credits. I give him credit for taking a supporting role in the past three seasons. How many lead actors would be that gracious.
  10. Often times when an actor breaks out from the ensemble with awards and recognition, TPTB have a tendency to highlight that actor's storyline.
  11. Miguel was mentioned in her obituary. As we saw in the last episode, Miguel was on the train and Rebecca recognized him, but she went to where her attachment was, to Jack. One can acknowledge that Rebecca had 2 very deep loves in her life and still understand that she would spend eternity with one. If that is what one believes happens after death.
  12. Again, I'm pretty much the outlier. I actually thought this was a perfect ending for this show. Simple with a message. Enjoy the small moments, live in the present. Don't forget the past, but don't be in a hurry to get to your future. If you think about it, this show has pretty much been about this white family adopting a black child and doing their best to raise him with as much love as they did their own biological children. Family is not necessarily the one you are born into, but the one you make. I wasn't at all bothered by the last scene of Jack enjoying his family and Randall looking at his Dad. I actually loved it. I haven't re-watched the episode yet, as I always do a re-watch. I will probably return with more insight. Right now, I'm satisfied and will miss this show and the Pearson family.
  13. Of course the William scenes were filmed a few years ago. The train scenes a month or so ago. RC Jones has had a double lung transplant since he left the show after the earlier seasons, so he probably is much healthier now. Thus the fuller face.
  14. I recall Gerald McRaney in his acceptance speech as Emmy winner for guest actor in TIU first season, referred to Milo and Mandy as his colleagues and his masters. Quite the praise.
  15. I do agree that there were many missteps and missed opportunities to address some of the issues that arose with this family. I think that was the point with the Randall adoption storyline. His ethnicity was an issue and it was addressed in many ways. Yes, that scene where Kevin runs to Randall's aid was a great scene.
  16. When you have a C section you usually stay in the hospital for at least a week to 10 days. My sister had her first in 1970 and that was her experience. We saw Rebecca's anguish over the course of her hospital stay. I don't think it was necessary for us to see her holding her dead baby for us to know that she mourned him. Nor was it necessary for us to see the funeral. If I recall, even though she seemed reluctant at first, Rebecca tells adult Randall that Jack "forced" a stranger on her and that stranger became her life.
  17. I don't know how it was 40 years ago, but I think they give you an option of holding the dead infant or not. Maybe Jack and Rebecca just couldn't do that. I do remember how sad they both seemed when talking to Dr K. in the "Kyle" episode. I just think the show didn't want to belabor it.
  18. I thought that Jack's hands were bandaged by the EMTs in the ambulance. When he was brought into the ER, and before he was examined, he went to get a cup of coffee. That is when he had the conversation with Marcus' dad. I thought the lemonade speech was appropriate to tell the dad, not telling him to make something good out of Marcus' injury, but the car accident itself. Just like Dr. K wasn't saying that the loss of Kyle wasn't tragic, but even in tragedy you can find some good from the experience.
  19. As was mentioned up thread, the Rebecca in the train car passing through her life was a young Rebecca. She wouldn't have related to Miguel romantically. She was glad to see him, but she ended with her love, Jack.
  20. I wish I could "heart" this 1000 times. Loving one doesn't negate love for the other.
  21. Jack and Rebecca were married for at least 4-5 years before the Big Three were born and probably together a year or two before that. Jack died when the Big Three were 17, so I think Jack & Rebecca were together (a couple) for at least 24 years. Rebecca and Miguel were celebrating their 10th anniversary when little Jack was 3. I'm guessing they were only married about 15-16 years when Miguel died. They didn't even start to reconnect until Tess was born. Jack was Rebecca's true love, Miguel was her second love.
  22. I don't think Rebecca touched anyone on the train, except William when he reached out to take her hand to lead her to the caboose. I wasn't at all bothered that her moment with Miguel was so brief. It was Jack who was the love of her life.
  23. OMG, just no. No matter how all-together Beth is, can you imagine how Kate and Kevin, and even Randall, would have reacted had Rebecca named Beth. Anyway, what decision would Beth have made that would have been different than what eventually was decided? She discouraged Randall from taking his Mom into their house. Would she have Rebecca go to a care facility? Against Rebecca's original wishes? The Big Three may have their issues, but they are Rebecca's children and thus should have the final say in how she is cared for, not an in-law.
  24. Ask Shelly what Miguel would have done.
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