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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. Is nobody else worried that Japan is selling nuclear materials to anyone who has the cash. Did they every retrieve the missing nuclear material?
  2. So did Cain just quit his job and disappear off the face of the Earth? I am surprised that nobody mentioned Cain might have committed suicide.
  3. Nothing they do makes sense, there was a episode showing how hard it was to get one zombie ID printer, now they have six. Why are they filming everybody, one of their members got caught, what if it was the one with the camera, they would all be skull crushed.
  4. I liked the part where Dina pulled the same napkin trick on Mike that Jonathan did, but did it poorly.
  5. Amy's new uniform is not sexy. Worst wet T-shirt contest ever. Missed opportunity to increase those ratings. Diaz's tight pants can't carry the show.
  6. Every show does it, but I hate when it is daytime in one scene and nighttime in the next. The guy has to walk for several hours to get a resupply of his drugs and of course Cameron was following him every step of the way.
  7. I wonder why is it was taking so long to find the owner of a blue 68 mustang?
  8. Dianne was his ex-girlfriend at the time he made the reservation so he told her to pretend that was her name. I don't know why Reed didn't say that he asked Zapata out 2 years ago and she said "no", and he has thought about her since, "She had her chance".
  9. The Sheriff was just using the evidence available, he thought Ryn was weak and he knew that mermaid Donna was very strong, after watching her fight the worker at the fish market. Ryn mentioned that she knew Donna so the Sheriff assumed she might have been in the car as well, which might make what occurred (throwing somebody through a car window) seem more plausible. Even if Donna wasn't involved, the Sheriff still wants to bring Donna in for assault. All the merpeople are incredibly violent, Ryn has just been taught not to make that her first reaction when encountering humans.
  10. Not until Fitz figures out how many Gods there are.
  11. Not even one that has bacon? It's Bacon!!!!!
  12. How can you just hand him a handful of loose Skittles, she could have at least put them in a Ziplock bag.
  13. What about Seg and Nyssa's baby, do they incubate the babies of traitors to term? How will Superman be born now?
  14. Why did they film a movie in B&W? Where would they find a hi-res B&W camera? Who would watch a B&W movie?
  15. The female Russian spy tried to kill Hannah, Hannah told her she better not miss the next time she tried. Hannah will now show her how it is done.
  16. In the comic book. So Lenny and Farouk live inside Oliver's brain. The use the device on Lenny to test whether it works. They don't need Lenny any more so they dump her. Now they heading to Farouk's body. I think this is what happened. Or there are two Lennys, the blue-eyed one is David's sister and the one riding in the desert on a horse with no name is the real Lenny.
  17. I thought in the previews they showed Lenny and Oliver break into the good guys compound, kill a bunch of people and steal the device.
  18. I wonder if it is important that Amy said she dreamed she had a moustache and worked with somebody who had an upside-down basket on their head. Did anybody else think the face of the creature with the upside-down basket on their head looked like the creature that crawled into Ptonomy's ear.
  19. What is wrong with Maze, why did she "cock-block" (what would be the female equivalent "cunt-block", I'm not sure) Linda first with Amenadiel and now with the water polo guy. I am not sure why Chloe and Linda weren't upset that Maze was even involved in the bachelorette party.
  20. I don't see what the big deal is, if they have an antidote to Blight and an antidote to Pestilence, why are the people from the future so scared. Just mass produce the antidote and the deaths will be kept to a minimum. You should be trying to figure out how Blight/Pestilence can live so long.
  21. If this was me, it would make me closer to my brother. We would practice all the tasks together and be equally skilled at them. There really isn't anyone else to hangout with, but each other and nothing to do, but to practice .
  22. And the dog barking at the high frequency sound and the machines turning on by themselves to administer the wrong dosage. Lizzie's lawyer used to worked at a super prestigious law firm and used one of the business cards. The personal trainer had pulled this scam a few times so they could show he was a scam artist.
  23. In the preview Ronnie and Colin kiss, I wonder if this is before or after Ronnie moves in with the Chef.
  24. Showing the episodes out of order makes Lizzie seem like the psychopath, one episode she is nice Reinhart and the next she is very mean/rude. First, I think Reinhart is working with Lizzie because she has to have a partner and she refuses to work with anybody else. They have a great success rate at closing cases. Second, I am not sure that what Reinhart said to that hospital murderer was the truth, but possibly just something that he said to keep her from killing the hospital director. I don't see how you could blame hospital negligence for the high ER mortality rate if there is somebody not associated with the hospital, framing the hospital for those deaths. The hospital really wasn't to blame, even though they might be releasing people early to increase the number of patients they treat, overworking the staff, and providing shoddy medical treatment to people with little or no medical insurance. If they did want to use the illegally obtained data, they should leak it to a journalist and pretend it was part of the information collected by the murderer so she could write her article. The murderer had mad computer skills, she could have hacked her way into the place that had those files.
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