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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. 13 hours ago, Camera One said:

    How did Tripp the police partner end up dead?  I was doing something else while watching, so did I miss something hitting him on the neck?  Or were we just supposed to see the aftermath of him lying there?

    I think he got bopped on the head while being laser focused, training his gun on some people cosplaying the Exorcist. He totally zone out on the fact that he was walking through a Category 5 supernatural tornado.

  2. 4 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

    Wasn't Buffy set on a Hell mound (mouth????)

    Same with Star City I guess! 

    Yes, a HellMound, surrounded by HellBush.


    "Felicity Smoak is dead, long live Overlord!"

  3. 3 hours ago, tkc said:

    Shaun... is right.  ;)

    Agreed, the cups should go on the right of the plates.

    I like the TP to go over the top. I like to smack it just hard enough to unspool the perfect length to toilet paper. It is my gift. I have practiced 3 times a day, 7 days a week for the last 10 years. I would be devastated if I was ever to lose this ability. I could so relate to this episode.

    • Love 10
  4. 3 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

    As a person who has a physical disability, I get a bit stabby when being inaccurately described

    "being a bit stabby" Funny, I would describe that more as a mental disability, rather than a physical disability.

  5. When the doctor said "This is like the iPhone version of CERN" I thought she was saying this is like taking CERN's Large Hadron Collider and shrinking it down to the size of an iPhone while still having the same power.

    • Love 8
  6. Since they seemed to have found a way to "tame" the Pting, it might have been better if they took it down to the planet so they could study it so that it would be less hazardous to fellow space travelers.

    3 hours ago, 100Proof said:

    Besides that, why would a species evolve to look like a male, an apparently without the proper genitalia to deliver a baby as well, to then need to be physically cut open... iow, perform surgery... in order to birth a child. Makes ZERO sense! lol

    Just because current technology makes performing surgery the more preferable option for giving birth doesn't mean that there isn't some hole that the baby might pop out of naturally if surgery isn't available.

    2 hours ago, Llywela said:

    It wasn't just a random place and time. It was a moment in history that they knew about, in detail, so if anything had happened to derail that moment in history, it would change the personal timeline of the three companions, over-writing the history they'd already lived and thus preventing them from returning safely to their own timeline

    From the previews of the next episode it seems like this very issue was be addressed. This is probably all we should say about it in this thread, since I think we will all have a better understanding of it next week.

  7. 3 hours ago, Snow Apple said:

    But Cooper just seems to come and go at will. 

    I hope they don't get rid of him but they need to give him storylines.

    With the wife being super duper pregnant (during filming, already had baby in real life) the boys are going to have to step up their game.

    • Love 1
  8. The girls were wearing gloves, but I saw the Harbinger touch Harry's bare hand several times while he was restraining her. The Sorority Sister has been nothing but nice and supportive of Maggie, why are they making Maggie steal her low-life boyfriend. 

    • Love 2
  9. I am always negative so I will tell you the things I didn't like. How does the creature move through space? The creature was eating his way through the ship, why wasn't more of the equipment malfunctioning. If the creature liked energy, why did it take it so long to go after the anti-matter reactor. Since the creature didn't like flesh, I thought they were going to wrap it up in synthetic skin, but instead they wrapped it up in a blanket and kicked it to the curb. This really didn't find a solution, they just made it somebody else's problem, a solution would have been to shoot it into the sun.

    • Love 3
  10. 2 hours ago, Giuseppe said:

    This has turned into a cute show, but Cooper being there just seems unnecessary now, and defeats the whole premise of the show.

    You would think they would need some kind of security with all the rabid fans and the stalker paparazzi. They wouldn't be able to see where they were going in the house with all the camera flash bulbs going off in the windows. There was only one small scene about the paparazzi and one small scene about how fans react (not including the parents).

  11. 5 hours ago, rainsmom said:

    The Satanic Temple, on the other hand, had that statue commissioned, and there are not many, many different versions of Baphomet out there (in statue form). The show CLEARLY based their statue on the one used by The Satanic Temple, probably assuming it was based on years and years of history. Not so much though.

    Yeah, but can their statue cry blood? Netflix can win easily because when they ask the Satanic Temple members to swear on a bible to tell the truth, everybody knows that is a lie and they just perjured themselves. (Do courts make Muslims swear on the Koran/Quran?)

  12. 2 hours ago, Athena said:

    I don't mind Nick. He livened up the Harvey scenes this episode and he is a bit too perfect, but in terms of teen love triangles, I have seen much worse.

    I don't think Nick is a teenager or who he claims to be. In a manner similar to how Ms. Wardwell pretended to be a teenage girl to lure the virgin football player to his death, Nick seems to be at the right place at the right time, too many times for it to be coincidence. He steals the exact journal of Sabrina's father that will open the puzzle box, he nails the feet of the mean witches so they can't interfere with Sabrina's plans, I am sure there are other instances where he supports Sabrina, pushing her in a certain direction, like continually mentioning that he studies necromancy.

    • Love 3
  13. Best scene of the evening, go back and watch it if you missed it. Blink and you will miss it.

    Glenn is in the delivery room as they cut open Dina and play with her intestines. Glenn says something like "I didn't just throw-up a little in my mouth." Later they cut to Glenn again and if you look at his mask, you can see vomit dripping out of the bottom.

    • Love 20
  14. Everybody's worried about the horse, nobody cares about the person who's head caught on fire. Why were there so many children running around, it seemed like it was an adult party.

    • Love 2
  15. On 10/31/2018 at 2:25 AM, TWP said:

    Content-wise, I want to know, if they caught the crook on the roof, who was in the helicopter? A patient, or....

    I think the crook told the pilot of the helicopter to take off so that the police would chase it. The crook then hides in the hospital until the police leave and escapes.

    • Love 1
  16. 4 hours ago, DietCokeJunkie said:

    During the exorcism, when Sabrina called on Lilith to intervene, wouldn't that have had some effect on Ms. Wardwell if she were really Lilith? 

    It would probably have a positive effect since Lilith asking all those famous Witches to help her would probably get a better response than some unknown half-witch asking for their help.

    • Love 1
  17. 3 hours ago, dkb said:

    This season is the first Doctor Who episodes I've ever seen. Liking the series a lot.

    My favorite NewWho aliens were the ones that ate all the fat off your body and left you skinny. I think everybody would welcome them on Earth.

    • Love 11
  18. I noticed I used to laugh all the time at the antics that Krystle (Nathalie Kelley) and Fallon got themselves into. I haven't really laughed at anything that has happened since she died.

    That mess with Culhane and the blackmail photos is confusing they really need to explain it better.

  19. This was probably in a previous episode, but this is the furthest I watched, so I know it is safe to post it here. Did anyone else see Sabrina's mother and father with two babies in a suitcase, one with goat legs and the other normal. This might have been a flash back scene caused by the unreliable apple she bit. This makes me wonder if there were two children born (which I doubt because I don't think Zelda would cover that up when talking to Father Blackwood) or Sabrina's father did a spell to separate the good and evil from the baby. Sabrina might be the good child and the thing in the mine might be the evil Sabrina goat monster. Let me know what episode that was.

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