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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. I can't understand why the Morlocks would want to brand anybody in their group looks human. They could send human looking mutants out to get jobs at food stores and they could siphon food back to the group.

    • Love 5
  2. 2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    I wish Shaun had gone to an animal shelter instead of a pet store.  I know the assertiveness would had to have been written differently but the parallels to Shaun himself would have been nice. And shelter pets really need homes. Maybe she would have been better with a lizard. Or a rat.

    I would hate to see the kind of fish you might get from an animal shelter, probably something like a barracuda or a moray eel.

    • Love 5
  3. 2 hours ago, ZoqFotPik said:
    21 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    Jodie's Doctor seems to hate violence of any kind and goes out of her way to make sure they don't do any.

    Except when she's not. She got mad at Ryan and NotTrump for using guns, but Prem spends most of the episode carrying a rifle, even taking a shot at the aliens, and she doesn't bat an eye. I hope they get more consistent about this.

    I can't see a scenario where she could have stopped Prem.

    Doctor: I am coming to tell you that we found your friend dead in the woods.

    Prem: How did he die?

    Doctor: I don't know. We are going to bring back the body.

    Prem; I am coming with you. (grabs gun) Whatever killed him might be still out there!

    Doctor: You don't need a gun, I hate violence. Brains beat guns everytime.

    Prem: You want me to go alone and unarmed into the woods with you and your friends to find a dead body? How do I know you didn't kill him. Is that what your planning are for me?

    • Love 5
  4. 6 hours ago, angora said:

    The Haley stuff is interesting.  I like that she's not who Alex thought she'd be and that she and Alex work well together, and while I was disappointed at the more anti-alien stuff later, I like that it's grayer than "kill all the roaches."  It makes me wonder if she actually knows Brainy is an alien and what might happen to him if she decides he's not trustworthy.

    I would say she has to know, it was never hidden, and if she read any reports about the members of the D.E.O., it would be in there.

    • Love 1
  5. I think at the end Claire should have jumped in the husband's lap and pretended she was reaching over to turn off the lady's machine. Lights out for the lady from "The Witches of Eastwick".

  6. Wrong place to put this but here you go.

    Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: A Midwinter’s Tale     Dec. 14

    As for next month’s Sabrina holiday episode, while it’s being marketed as a special, it’s technically the 11th of 20 episodes Netflix ordered when it first greenlit the series. The remaining nine episodes of season one are finishing up production now and are expected to be released sometime in 2019. 


    • Love 2
  7. Here what I seemed to notice:

    My view of The Doctor is he is like Sherlock Holmes, a little smarter than the average alien. He uses his brain to figure out what is happening and then stay one or two steps ahead of the bad guy's plan.

    Jodie's Doctor has to have the bad guy's plot Aliensplained to her before she catches on and doesn't seem to come up with clever plots to save the day. (This is how I think she diverges from the other iterations of The Doctor).

    Jodie's Doctor seems to hate violence of any kind and goes out of her way to make sure they don't do any. Ryan's Gran paid a heavy price for her act of vengeance.

    Chibnall's agenda seems to showing us that racial, political, social, religious, etc. hatred is something that should be avoided.

    The Alien's haven't really been that evil, even tooth guy was only doing what he did because that was what his people have always done. Therefore the aliens don't really have to be defeated.

    These episodes are more like The Doctor as a traveler stories, than The Doctor as a warrior stories that have happened in the past seasons. I am sure that when The Doctor and companions go to different planets 99% of the time nothing bad happens. It seems we are getting stories with a mixture of threat levels, not every story is cranked up to 11. If this is the case, I hope they do an alien planet with stunning visuals at some point.

    • Love 3
  8. 1 hour ago, thuganomics85 said:

    So, they pull some trickery by having Haley seem reasonable and supportive of Alex at first, only to reveal she's anti-alien too.  Grey is clearly not a color on this show or its characters.

    I don't know why, she seems to rely on Brainy just as much as Alex.

    • Love 3
  9. 1 hour ago, VCRTracking said:
    1 hour ago, Cthulhudrew said:

    Maybe I'm being petty, but I just can't get over the ludicrous concept of an alien who can heal all aliens, but can't heal humans. Because somehow their DNA is so completely different from that of dozens, or hundreds, or thousands of other species? Dumb.

    And the fact that he was able to have a child with another human!

    That's different, that was sexual healing!

    Did they say why the alien abandoned his child.

    • Love 4
  10. There are too many aliens and too many different types of aliens. We have gone from a world of wondering if there are any aliens, to a world where every alien species there is is living on Earth. Why are there only 2 legged sentient species arriving and why didn't they bring their weird alien pets, exotic alien flora and fauna?

    • Love 7
  11. 19 hours ago, janie jones said:

    Even if they can't do that, shouldn't she at least have her own sick time/PTO?  And are people not even allowed to call in sick (even if unpaid) if they suddenly got sick?  What if she had just come down with the flu?  Would he have still made her come to work?

    She may have already used up her sick days giving birth.

    • Love 1
  12. 3 hours ago, MissLucas said:

    But then evil torture lady was also not sporting subtle eye make-up. I was still trying to figure out if I like her look or not when Zapata rudely put an end to my beauty musings.

    Funny, when I saw a close up of her in the mask, my first thought was she should be wearing an "I Dream of Jeannie" costume.

    • Love 4
  13. 2 hours ago, Kuther2000 said:

    I understand Roz's abilities, but Susie's abilities I don't understand at all. Is she really seeing her Aunt Dorothea or is reading the journals getting to her?

    I think Susie must be talking to Dorothea, otherwise she really wouldn't have a super power. Roz has visions and Harvey is a Witch Hunter. They must work together with Sabrina to take down the Dark Lord. My money is on the Dark Lord.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Sarah 103 said:

    Bonnie had no problem with Tammy doing the work, and I imagine she would be willing to continue letting Tammy do what she is good at.

    It is LA and as far as I know Tammy doesn't have a car. I don't know how far away everybody lives, but I have never seen anybody try to walk anywhere.

    • Love 1
  15. 1 hour ago, omgsowicked said:

    I was a little sad about Keaton but they said he's in a coma, so there's a possibility he can come back. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe that's so he can explain that Zapata was undercover for the CIA.

    I was thinking the opposite, with Keaton in a coma, there is no one that can confirm that Zapata was working undercover when it is time for her to come back.

    I was thinking the EMP should have fried the electronics in the truck they were driving and the ONSTAR phone that Rich used to try to contact the FBI.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Boofish said:

    Glenn is full of shit. When Cheyenne had no leave he suspended her with pay. Which means he has the power and could have done the same for Amy. 

    Expect Amy just got back from a suspension, another so soon might have gotten her fired.

    • Love 7
  17. 6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    I liked Tammy in this episode and the solution of her living with Margie is a good one. 

    Except Bonnie is going to have to start doing all the repairs around the complex again. A better solution would have been to get her that apartment that that other girl she helped was living in. I like Marge and Tammy together as well. Tammy needs a real job so that she can pay and hang out at the coffee shop with the rest of the gang.

    • Love 2
  18. 4 hours ago, Blakeston said:

    We saw how the mirror centaur was meant to torture Tahani (it mirrored back her personality in a negative way).

    We saw how the mirror centaur was meant to torture Tahani (it mirrored back her personality in a negative way).

    4 hours ago, Blakeston said:

    Is anyone else disappointed that we didn't get to see how Jason was tortured by Blake the penguin?

    Blake turned his back to the TV while the Jaguars were playing.

    • Love 7
  19. 1 hour ago, MadyGirl1987 said:

    I know it was a throwaway gag but as I actually work at a public library here in the Phoenix, Arizona area, I feel a need to defend... We are actually pretty busy places    with tons of services and events! *End public library PSA here*

    All Day and All Night apparently.

    "Roses Are Red And So Is My Neck!"  a book by Jeff Foxworthy

    • Love 11
  20. A few points:

    The Blossom's show one son, didn't they have two, what was the relationship of that guy who moved in after Clifford died? Wouldn't everybody realized that Clifford and Penelope were brother ans sister and object to them being married, it is a small town.

    I loved FP (Jughead) wearing his coffee can crown.

    Was all the writing that Alice saw in the bathroom an hallucination because nobody could clean that up and make it seem like it wasn't there.

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