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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. 3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    So, is Nick (I mean, Nick Scratch? Was Lucy Fer taken?) actually the Dark Lord? One of his offspring? Or just a bad boy for Sabrina in contrast for nice, normal Harvey, and thats just a common name for magic families to give their sons?

    You do get to pick your witch name, so Nick is probably just fanboying.

    • Love 2
  2. On 11/19/2018 at 9:14 AM, CheezyXpressed said:

    Does this mean we won't see Galvin anymore? If so, then this was a great episode. What a waste of a character he is.

    If they keep killing off the heads of the research lab, Galvin may end up being Macy's boss.

  3. I liked that Ralph knocked everything that was on the FEMA guy's desk onto the floor when picking up the box of records.

    Cicada broke into a hospital to steal a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a bandage? Dude!

    • Love 11
  4. 2 hours ago, Eulipian 5k said:

    But really, isn't "KerBlam!" the sound (onomatopoeia) of an explosion in comic books? It's like naming a beer Barf!

    I think it is usually spelled Kablam and is usually the sound made when you slam your hand on a table like when smashing a bug.

    There is also Kaboom that is usually the sound made when there is an explosion in comic books.

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  5. 1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:
    6 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    At this point, I really would not be surprised if Agent Liberty ends up being a narcissistic billionaire named Ronald Grump, whose evil powers come from his combover...

    We already know that Agent Liberty isn't a billionaire.

    Agent Liberty is just the face/mouthpiece of the movement. We already knew this from when Mercy Graves recuited  Ben Lockwood in the back of the stretch limo. Mercy said she wasn't the head of the Sons Of Liberty and I assume whomever is, is rich and has been paying Ben Lockwood, which is why he now has a nice home to live in.

    • Love 2
  6. I am not really sure if this episode didn't make any sense or I was so hung up on my theory about what I imagined was going to happen that I missed what was really happening.

    OK, here is what I thought was going to happen Kerblamazon - 10% human workers - slogan: Kerblamazon is powered by humans - they keep having power failures - humans are disappearing - conclusion: Kerblamazon is using humans as a source of fuel to run their operations

    What really happened: I haven't got a clue! Why hire human workers to do jobs that they are horrible at. They should be hiring technicians, programmers, mechanics, productivity analysts, housing workers, food prep, janitors, doctors, etc. They definitely do not need people to put things in boxes or pull things from shelves.

    Things I didn't understand: Why the power failures, why the vat of human remains, how can one man reprogram (billions?) of lines of code to circumvent it's original purpose to serve his own agenda, why didn't the one man reprogram (billions?) of lines of code to hire everybody on the planet since that is what he actually wanted, why isn't there any programmers that notice that their computer code is being changed.

    • Love 9
  7. 42 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

    The only  thing that gives me pause is... Wouldn't her mom know that the dude she made a baby with was a demon?.. ( probably a powerful one at that) 

    Their mother had prophecy/could see the future, if it was important that Macy's father be a demon, then she might have arranged it. 

    I got a feeling that Harry is just going back to live in his Condo, rather than relinquishing his role as Whitelighter to the sisters. I think he was teary eyed because he couldn't wake-up early every morning and make them breakfast.

    • Love 3
  8. 6 hours ago, topanga said:

    Spencer found out about his mother and Coach Baker’s history and was not happy. 

    I think Spencer was most mad that his mother asked the Coach to take him to Beverly Hills rather than it being the Coach's idea.

    • Love 1
  9. 13 hours ago, Blakeston said:

    It was fun watching Janet kick some ass, but it also felt like fanservice. And I was hoping that the demons had a more interesting plan for bringing them back than just attacking them like that. It was a huge waste of Bambadjan and Vicky.

    I don't think the demons have any power of earth, they have to drag them back to the bad place if they really want to punish them.

    • Love 1
  10. 3 hours ago, catrice2 said:

    Since I fast forward through so much....has Nora mentioned Joe or any of the others place in her life in the future?  Should we assume that something happened to all of them?  Also wasn't Nora supposed to be really smart? Could she not have figured out a way to remove the chip, reverse the device, whatever. I actually missed when she said how the power dampening worked. 

    Would have been good if Nora had brought that chip with her so they could reverse engineer it and they could stop housing evil metas at StarLabs and could start releasing them back into society.

    • Love 9
  11. 1 hour ago, legaleagle53 said:


    So that would have been my question to Nora when she started ranting about Future Iris:  "What is the current legal status of metas in your time?  Are they respected and encouraged, or persecuted and hunted like animals?"

    Well The Flash does have a museum and is still on the front page after he has been missing for years.

    • Love 2
  12. 3 hours ago, mxc90 said:

    If Claudia is really MI6, I think Zapata (if she's undercover) didn't kill her.

    If Claudia is really MI6, how was she going to justify branding an FBI agent with a hot fork. Reade loses his job because an undercover MI-6 agent and an undercover CIA agent torture him and break into the FBI network.

    • Love 1
  13. Just now, companionenvy said:

    Really liked the Dean and Jack plot - fun dynamics between them, and fun villain. Though I'm not sure if I need the necromancer to come back, as I assume she will.

    If Jack's illness get worst and he dies, then you will be glad the necromancer lady is around to bring him back.

    • Love 2
  14. 1 hour ago, vavera4ka said:

    The only reference to Dash as a name I have is Queen Victoria's dog lol

    There was a Dash on "The Witches of Eastwich" the show the wife married to Dash was on. The character of Dash on "The Witches of Eastwich" was the doctor that was inappropriate to Claire that Jared threatened.

    • Love 1
  15. 3 hours ago, miasth said:

    So Grace Choi is a meta.  The problem I have is that her appearances are sporadic so it is hard to get invested in her character.  They explain it away as Anissa being flakey, but it does damage to Anissa's character. I do not like the way Anissa has been shown to treat her love interests. Grace at least calls her out a bit, but imo it is time to fish or cut bait with those two. She told Anissa not to come back, but I highly doubt she will hold fast to that request.

    She also seems to have a pill that allows her to keep her meta powers in check. I can think of a mother and a daughter that might be interested in having a sample of that pill to test.

    • Love 2
  16. 6 hours ago, miasth said:

       I have not felt that Nora was as immature as many people thought until tonight. She came across extremely childish whining to Cecile about Iris.  I am glad that Cecile checked her on it, but after Cecile's reaction at the ball game last week, it just seemed like a complete 180.


    Rag doll was extremely creepy.  Not the best episode to watch before bedtime.

    You have to remember that Nora has been staying there for 2 weeks now, all that time saying how awful Iris was, while at the same time sitting around all day on the couch, not helping out one bit. I think Joe was supposed to give the speech, but they let Cecile do it.

    The actor that played Rag Doll was recently in the 6 episode TV Series "Channel Zero: The Dream Door", there is a lot less special effects added to the performance so that you get to see more of his natural abilities.

    I think Rag Doll targeted Iris and Barry because he saw that they were working together to try and stop him. He might have been hanging around after each crime to witness how much pain the people were in after losing their prized possessions. He probably saw Iris and Barry at both crime scenes and now they are at his home.

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