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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. 1 hour ago, SimoneS said:

    Seriously? Amy is a scared 12 or 13 year child. Jeez. 

    1 hour ago, CheezyXpressed said:

    She was missing her book, which is the last thing that she has that belongs to her mom. Plus she's going through puberty too and the whole vampire thing so her rebellious nature seemed fine here. Kids do that sometimes and even though it's annoying it's human.

    And a couple of days before that she was showing great ingenuity getting her captors to give her the binoculars. Now she has an opportunity to study her surrounding so she can make her escape and all she can do is whine about a book that when she gets back to the compound she can have a guard bring to her. That book wasn't going anywhere.

  2. 5 hours ago, SimoneS said:

    I loved Brad acknowledging that he had not been listening to Amy. Too many parents don't listen to their kids and then wonder why they don't talk to them. Brad realized that she was grieving and missing her mother when she told him that she had to get the book back because her mother gave it to her. Amy is right to be angry at Brad. He is responsible for his role in bringing her into this disaster. It was poignant when he told her about losing his daughter and knowing that he wasn't her father, but insisted that Amy could depend on him, tell him anything. She needed that reassurance.  I can't imagine how scared Amy must be with her body reacting to the infection and Fanning and the others in her head. I really hope that Carter steps up because she is going to need him back at the facility without Brad there to protect her.

    Amy should already know how Brad feels about her and what happened to his daughter (she knew about Brad's fear of spiders).  Amy knows right where the book is in the compound and that is exactly where they are going after this trip is over. There was no need for the theatrics. Amy should be psychically able to search around her to determine who has her "back". It was like she was purposely trying to do everything that Brad told her not to do, she abandoned all of her spy training.

    • Love 1
  3. The doctors said that the baby's stomach is too small to hold the intestines because the intestines were not inside. Instead of removing most of the baby's intestines, why not insert a V-shaped balloon in the stomach cavity to expand it and just leave the guts in the jar. One thing that babies do well is grow, I am sure in less than a week the baby's stomach will be large enough for all of the intestines to fit inside. I don't know why they were trying so hard to give the baby back to the parents.

    I thought the parents would have been blaming the drug company, not the mother. 

    • Useful 4
  4. 5 hours ago, SimoneS said:

    I just saw the preview for the rest of the season during The Passage. It is very intriguing.

      Reveal spoiler

    Looks like Maddie's husband stabs Chewy. There was also a funeral for a firefighter.

    I don't think there is anybody with that name on the show 😊, but I think I might know who you are referring to.

  5. I wonder if Babcock has been mind controlling Sykes from the very beginning. Getting her to bring a movie, get the right movie, then to stay, eat pizza and watch the movie, then go to a horror movie with Richards.

    Amy was stupid to leave the sunshine and go into a dark building. I thought she could feel how Winston was feeling. Run around in the sunlight, you said you were faster than him.

    I am guessing it was Richards' group that kidnapped Lila.

    They start at night but don't reach the cabin until the sun is bright in the sky.

    • Love 3
  6. 4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I was surprised that Xander then offered to help Katrina with the sonic problem. Does he just want revenge on Levi for his father's death? He really doesn't hold a grudge against the others? Or is this just a lie/trick to get her to trust him?

    I continue to dislike Nicole. She introduced herself to Ben by saying she's been hanging out with Xander. Then when Ben introduced Nicole to Maddie by saying she's been hanging out with Xander, Nicole said, "That's one way to put it." Uh, actually that's exactly how YOU put it like five minutes ago.

    Hahaha, I loved that when Levi was attacked at the bar, despite his earlier urge to fight, he just kept ducking and avoiding the punches until the other guy fell down.

    I'm surprised the show held out this long for the Maddie/Ben/Ryn threesome. But I liked that Maddie has not been shown to be jealous of Ryn's feelings for Ben and that she has been talking to Ryn about it.

    It is strange since Xander was alone with Ryn in the woods saying how sorry he was for killing Donna. When Xander sees Levi he bursts into uncontrollable rage. Xander only has nightmares about his father being killed, not about him killing Donna.

    It wasn't until Maddie kind of heard the siren song that she forgot that she had broken up with Ben for "lusting in his heart" for Ryn. Maddie should give Ben props for just wanting to hear the song again, instead of wanting to get all freaky-deaky with Ryn, like what appears about to happen.

  7. I thought the way that Kelly broke up with Cassius was kind of wrong. I think they broke up because he might want kids someday and she didn't, anyway, if the person you are breaking up with is acting rational and non-threatening, they deserve a better explanation than "I am breaking up with you" and then you walking away and never talking to them again. I remember Isaac doing something similar and everybody thinking he was a horrible person. Kelly should at least have given Cassius a chance to change his position, attitude, behavior, physical defect that caused her to break up with him or at least clearly stated why she no longer wanted to be with Cassius. This would help with his self esteem and probably keep him from spreading rumors and dirty holograms involving a certain high ranking space captain.

    • Love 5
  8. Seems like every episode is going to have lots of hand-to-hand combat. I just hope that they have enough story so that 2 characters are not always standing behind Maddie directing the others where to go. I don't miss Jack. Get those women undercover wearing something sexy.

  9. 1 hour ago, blackwing said:

    How come then she had to wait so long to hold the portal open for Erg and Teddy Bear Girl and then had to just stand there forever just so she could eat bullets?

    To be fair Blink had been making portals all day. John should have jumped through the portal and shielded Blink with his bulletproof body.

    • Love 4
  10. I knew that West was gay from that episode where West lectures that young gay guy that tried to kill his father, then his boyfriend also tried to kill his father. I don't remember what was said, but I am sure it was said. Or maybe it was that time Nolan, Chen and West were all talking at the beach.

    • Love 3
  11. 8 hours ago, marinw said:

    If we have a Space Symphony, next I want a literal Space Opera.

    I was a little disappointed that all the instruments in the orchestra appeared to be the same and look the same as they do now. They could have added some new instruments or made them out of exotic materials like plexiglass with LED lighting. Some of the performers were in in alien costumes though.

    • Love 1
  12. I hate when a scene starts out in the daytime and by the time the character gets to where they are going, it is nighttime.

    Why did the truck blowup? Who's truck was it? I could have sworn he was pouring gasoline in the direction opposite of where the truck was.

    When Max gets shot and falls down, his head was very close to the flames.

    Not every gun holds 6 bullets, don't try this at home, especially if you did not get a look at the gun shooting at you.

    So that thing that Alex found in the wall hole, was that part of an Alien spacecraft?

    • Love 1
  13. Weird ending with Jack being left all alone in the school late at night to cleanup. Nobody seems to notice or feels they should stay to give him a ride home.

    • LOL 1
    • Love 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Jediknight said:

    Nora definitely screwed something up.  Every time except for the end, it was Ian getting something to drink, at the end it was Stefan.  She screwed something up in her Hedgehog Day loop.

    Not necessarily, Ian got his coffee when Cisco went on his date before Cisco leaves to fight Cicada. Stefan got his coffee after Cisco fights Cicada and then (extremely late) goes on his date.

    • Love 5
  15. Here are all the TV Shows listed alphabetically     https://forums.previously.tv/shows/

    When you select a TV show (I like of right click and select a new window) go to the top of the page and select the blue flag/banner like object that asks you how you want to follow the TV show.  Then I close the window and repeat the process.

    After selecting all the shows you want to follow go to     https://forums.previously.tv/

    There will be 2 buttons near the top that say "My Homepage" and "PTV Homepage"

    Clicking "My Homepage" shows all the shows you are following

    You can also go to the very top right icon (3 horizontal lines) click on Account > Settings > Default Homepage Tab (last button at bottom) select "My Homepage" and when you go to     https://forums.previously.tv/     it will always show "My Homepage" as default.

    "My Homepage" shows any of your followed TV Shows that have added new content highlighted Yellow then click on them and the new content will be placed at the top (based on how recently updated) and will be bold highlighted.

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  16. 5 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    Stanley is super creepy and I'm happy (crazy, right?) That they didn't kill him. I want him to come back and be creepy again

    Stanley is now appearing on the TV show "Siren".

    5 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

    Felicity must be off her game if her fancy new security system doesn't have a backup power generator and doesn't have some sort of automatic lockdown protocol.

    The security system said there was an unknown person at the door, when in fact there were 2 people at the door.

    • LOL 1
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