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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. 5 hours ago, AngelKitty said:

    Yes, light fun is what I want in these shows. I guess I'm not a true horror fan.

    I would take horror shock comedy like Ash vs Evil Dead only funnier.


    2 hours ago, Ivydoom said:

    Why would Ms Wardwell want to stop Sabrina from seeing her mother in the seance? Did I miss where the show told us Ms Wardwell had something to do with the death of Sabrina's parents?

    I thought when Sabrina wanted to borrow the Book of the Dead to talk to her mother. I thought Ms Wardwell said something like we can't be having that happen.

    • Love 3
  2. On 12/14/2018 at 10:44 AM, Jillybean said:

    I'm surprised the show acknowledged that the group (and the viewers) only know 3 (2) things about Wendy. And unfortunately, they don't seem to be in any rush to remedy that.

    I think we know a lot about Wendy, I remember an episode where somebody wanted to move in with Wendy, but was so grossed out by the conservation of Wendy and her (I wanna say ummm... 3 ) roommates about work they couldn't eat their dinner. Any of Wendy's roommates would have been an easy way to find out what Wendy wanted from her Secret Santa.

    I am pretty sure that person was Christy, but I can't remember why she wanted to live somewhere else.

    • Love 1
  3. I didn't really understand why the Indian grandparents were so upset that the kids were not observant of their Indian culture. In all of the episodes the grandparents claimed they were the ones raising the kids, so a lack of knowledge about Indian traditions would suggest that the grandparents were not practicing those traditions as well, or the kids would have been immersed in them.

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  4. 6 hours ago, Ivydoom said:

    Kinda got the feeling Ms Wardwell orchestrated the entire thing. She put out the yulelog, that's why the Lads showed, that's why the sisters had to summon Gryla and that led to them getting Gryla to make an end to the childsnatching demon. But ofcourse it could also be as simple as Ms Wardwell wanting to get rid of a Blackwood baby.

    I thought the reason Ms Wardwell interfered was to prevent Sabrina from talking to her mother. The seance seemed to allow Sabrina's mom to become friends with some powerful magical entities and to have a secret  conversation with Sabrina that no one else (including us) were privy to.

    • Love 7
  5. Best part about the episode was when Amy puts the Popsicles in the smoothie, sticks and all. She says something about fiber, but I don't think she meant the sticks.

    The man was drinking out of a carafe that said "MILK".

    The photo of the parking lot was surprising.

    • Love 7
  6. 5 hours ago, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

    I laughed out loud about the the Grinch line because on my tv screen I could have sworn it looked like there was a slight green tint for a second  to Claire's face as she was dragging the tree and gifts down the street. May have just been an anomaly on my tv set? 

    It was there, she passed in front of a green spotlight on the lawn right as they said it. I am surprised there wasn't a sleigh and a scruffy dog in the background to compete the scene.

    I had no laughs this episode.

    How often does anybody say the word wreath, to justify taking the time to learn to pronounce it correctly.

    The joke with Gloria and the retainer, that was supposed to make her look ...what?...

    It would have been funnier if they handed Lily the cell phone and it rings and she gets so scared she threw it in the air and it lands in the fountain. I have been holding a phone when it rings and it is terrifying if you are not used to it.

    • Love 2
  7. I wish Gavin had been pulled into Tartarus with Harry and that Gavin's mark had still been active. It would have been hilarious to see Harry providing the knowledge about Demons and Gavin blowing Demons away with his mark as they try to escape Tartarus. Gavin using the Priest's crosier as a crutch and a weapon. Roaming Tartarus learning new information and finding all kinds of magical relics to bring back to the Charmed sisters.

    • Love 4
  8. Seemed more like a Doctor Who episode then any of the other episodes, except maybe the first. (The first had better humor).

    Here are a couple of grenades, I won't give you any more instructions than that. (Don't try this at home!)

    SniperBots, more like FiringSquadBots. (Target Locked, Ready, Aim, Fire!)

    Bonus points to Graham for just trimming his toenails.

    • Love 1
  9. On 12/5/2018 at 12:00 AM, LBS said:

    Eta: friend will probably never be addressed again but hopefully the writers won’t ‘Black Nanny’ her character was because it was nice to see Bow interact with someone.

    The lady that plays her might have greatly reduced appearances on the show she is currently on "Midnight, Texas".

    • Love 2
  10. 13 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

    I dont think the whole "they only had 13 episodes" is that good of an excuse for them. It is very common for shows to start out with 13 episodes before getting picked up for more. That is no excuse to throw everything on the screen.

    That might be because many shows get cancelled after showing 1 to 3 episodes. You have to find your audience early and keep them interested. Put everything you have out there and hope you can maintain your viewers.

  11. 2 hours ago, SnarkySheep said:

    The main thing I got from the tipping scene is that Haley has tons of cash to throw around without batting an eyelid. Apparently she thinks nothing of dropping $50 for a light lunch or snack at a diner. Are we to think her wonderful job pays her that well, or Phil and Claire still give her an allowance like she's still in high school? Huh.

    I thought Dylan was the one paying and it showed that Haley was really bad at math and Dylan is even worst for not realizing it. Especially after just saying exactly that in their conversation moments before.

    • Love 3
  12. Mel freezes a ball of lightning and when she unfreezes it, we didn't see what happened to it. In that scene she is wearing the exact same outfit she was wearing the day before, but when she reaches Harry's office she is wearing a different outfit.

    Should we assume that the cicada guy shoved his proboscis down Macy's throat, should we still consider her a virgin? I wonder what that tube they pulled out of Macy was attached to?

    • Love 1
  13. I thought Graham was going to reach into his pocket as pull out another sandwich, that would make Ribbon forget all about ever wanting the sonic screwdriver. It would be selfish of Graham to only bring a sandwich for himself.

    For other universes to reject a sentient universe, wouldn't they have to be sentient as well.

    • Love 2
  14. 7 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

    She likewise got angry when one of her team used that alien weapon on the bad guy in the Rosa episode.

    Ryan didn't really kill him, just sent him to another time period.

  15. 13 hours ago, Zoe said:
    On 11/28/2018 at 7:49 PM, AnimeMania said:

    Had some clear tape covering it, a key would have sliced it easily, even a hard punch might have caused the tape is slip creating an opening to breath.

    Wasn't the box also plastic-wrapped?

    Yes and no, it was shrink wrapped to some other boxes. So boxes were on top, but how much of his box was shrink wrapped is debatable. 

  16. 3 hours ago, mmecorday said:

    This episode made me laugh out loud. Tammy spitting out all those Tylenol had me rolling. Christy's descriptions of her classmates were hilarious.

    I imagined her saying Tylenol the same way that the Cookie Monster says "Cookies Num Num Num".

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