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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. How does Nia Nal still have a job, she should have been fired, spending all day sleeping at her desk and when the boss wakes her up, she runs out of the office for an hour to get a cup of coffee. The break room's 2 doors down on the left, you run in their get your coffee, then spend the rest of your day typing as fast as you can hoping that might save your job.

  2. On 10/19/2018 at 2:32 PM, CletusMusashi said:

    I've done it, though, (well, two days after.. I'm not sure Archie's tme lag was shorter or longer than that,) and the tattoo healed up normally anyhow. Sometimes in life you ignore good advice and still have good luck. Also, I like to think that overall my judgement is better than Archie's, so if I can be stupid enough to say "fuck it" and jump right into the water with a hot girl I don't think it's implausible for him to.

    Did you swim in a pool or did you jump in a mud hole full of leeches?

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  3. 3 hours ago, Terrafamilia said:

    When I first heard it and how it was used I thought schway was derived from feng shui.

    I thought it might be derived from someone saying "no way" and the other person saying "yes way' which got shorten to schway.

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  4. On 10/17/2018 at 9:59 PM, phoenics said:

    Here's the thing - Barry was 100% right to tell Iris about Savitar privately.  Just like Nora was kinda right to tell Barry about his disappearance.  But it was wrong not to tell Iris privately.  Joe could have been told privately as well - but Caitlin and Cisco don't register on the same scale or level of importance.  Sorry - they simply don't.

    I don't think so, Barry has disappeared before and who worked the hardest to get him back, Cisco. This disappearance might be easily solved be Cisco putting a tracker in Barry's suit or having something of Barry's to vibe on. They change the future all the time, they have a few years to change this one. Iris could easily change the future by having an abortion, that will teach Nora to roll her eyes at Iris.

  5. I could have sworn there was some kind of ledge on the building that they would have fallen onto, rather than all the way down to the ground.

    I would have thought that Roger's hands would have been in much worse shape than Cole's were given the circumstances.

  6. 11 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    Kara learns the horrible truth that their are horrible, racist people out there!  On the internet!! 

    It would have been great if Kara saw this and said "Common on people, "Be Better"".

    • Love 1
  7. 6 hours ago, ae2 said:

    They're killing me with these on the nose public service announcements. I don't need my TV show characters to face the camera, wink, and tell me, "don't forget to brush your teeth kids!" Last week it was knives, this week it was "brains always beat guns every time", next week it will probably be the importance of using crosswalks, and after that how the illicit ivory trade is endangering Earth's biggest land mammal. It's one thing if you want to show brains beating guns, and that's worked great for DW, but you don't need to bash me over the head with it. Seaking of which, you should probably have an episode on the dangers of taking a club to the head.

    You take that back! My favorite scene this season was a PSA. Don't get drunk and throw tomatoes at random strangers! The average viewers are several decades older than the target audience, but I don't think you can get them to stop and watch something more age appropriate.

    • Love 8
  8. 25 minutes ago, Llywela said:

    As is the music - both, I feel, were inspired by the original music and title sequence, from 1963, and I am all over that, love it!

    I thought the opening visuals had a hippie vibe. Maybe that's why I couldn't relate, that was before I was born. I have never looked fondly on the older episodes, from being in B&W, having live broadcasts, and the cheap props/costumes.

  9. 3 hours ago, bettername2come said:

    Also enjoyed seeing what's her name from The Good Place. 

    Hi, Vicky from The Good Place, Bye Vicky from The Good Place.

    3 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

    It is nice to get an update on Sam/Ruby, one season characters are usually forgotten about so I'm glad they remembered them.

    Let's put Sam/Ruby in the past along with Alex's baby adopting fetish.

    Why did they subtitle the Spanish language but not what the the people of Kasnia said?

    Why would James and Kara feel the need to talk about being Supergirl when everybody around you is holding a microphone?

    Did anyone else think the Mercy villain looked like Melania Trump?

    Does anybody else see a problem with anybody being able to purchase an image inducer, where anybody can look like anybody else or look completely different than what they really look like.

    Why are the Russians sneaking into Kasnia. Wouldn't her heat vision work better and faster than SuperCommieGirl's fists.

  10. I felt The Doctor talked twice as much as she should have, and used her sonic screwdriver twice as much as she should have. Yasmin and The Doctor both have enough earrings for five people. Didn't like the new opening, I don't remember seeing a TARDIS or The Doctor's face. I didn't like the song, it's bass was too low and did not have enough of the higher notes. The TARDIS decor was interesting, but the control console wasn't distinct enough, it kind of blended into the background and should have been taller. I liked the cookie dispenser, at first I thought it gave her a key. There was also a small rotating TARDIS as part of the console, I thought it should have been smaller and semi-transparent, then it might have looked like a hologram.

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  11. On 10/11/2018 at 7:58 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

    I loved the story of the sketch artist.  Those drawing were hideous!!  I laughed out loud at the drawings, as did my hubby, who is not the biggest MF fan.

    This and when Claire rolled over the guy with the diorama.

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  12. I didn't like that the showed the fancy/numerous earrings, they could have revealed them in a later episode, since I am sure the previous doctor didn't have those before regenerating. The earrings were cute, I usually don't like excessive earrings. They made it look more like a film rather than a TV program.

  13. 10 hours ago, mxc90 said:
    10 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    They really didn't prove that the guy driving the car was actually part of Sandstorm, but he's dead now so no big whoop.

    Not the guy in the car. I meant the shop owner or someone walking the street. 

    I know, but they didn't really prove that that guy was a member of Sandstorm, or that he was doing anything wrong, but they killed him anyway and like you said almost killed two innocent people as well.

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