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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. 3 hours ago, WednesdayAddams said:

    After reading this thread, I am reminded that I don't remember what the hell happened in the Murder House season...

    The only thing I remember about the Murder House season was every scene that Alexandra Breckenridge appeared in wearing her maid uniform.

  2. I guess there is also the possibility that the asteroid is directly under human control and they can hack it and land it safely in the Tanz parking lot in space number 27. That might explain why their calculations are off.

    Just now, lora said:

    For people who are trying to save the world, the characters of this show are quite stupid.

    They have come up with several ways that would have stopped the asteroid, it's just that other people have come up with several ways to stop that from happening. The people are not stupid, it's that people don't want the same outcome. Serving yourself outweighs serving the good of humanity.

    • Love 5
  3. I am surprised that the Mosswood members were not more upset that Julian killed Bess and Adam, since they knew Bess for much longer than they knew Julian.

    I am not sure where Marin was getting all of that money she was spending from. 

    Something tells me they are going to leave a lot of loose ends (for me at least) when they wrap everything up in the next episode. I wonder if we should make a list of all the questions we want answered in the final episode and see how many they touch on.

    Is the Beacon dead and how did he die.

    What happened between Detective Ambrose and Vera in the cabin.

    What happened between Heather and Marin right after Heather's mother died.

    Why is everybody in the town acting so weird. Are they members of Mosswood.

    Who is Julian's father.

    Is there really a Purple Lake with lots of dead bodies?

    If they answer these, I will probably be satisfied.

    • Love 9
  4. What is worst for your eyes, to look directly at a nuclear explosion or to look directly at a solar eclipse?

    I hope they figure out a way to get more people into the bunker. The people who are there certainly weren't chosen to repopulate the earth.

    I can't wait for Joan Collins to die so that everybody can be given a ration of "Beef Jerky", "Snap into a Slim Joan!".

  5. I kinda liked Episode 8 "Beyond the Wall", the characters are starting to grow on me.

    I couldn't understand why the Output guards surrendered rather than fight to the death after Calkussar was killed. They had the numbers, crossbows and most of the enemy forces were still outside of the gate. Consentrated fire on the leader, his quick death and dropping the iron gate might have stopped the rest of the troops from attacking. I am guessing this happened to quickly advance the plot, anyway the Outpost guards were killed even after they surrendered and now they will kill everyone in the Outpost.

  6. The Blue Bus Cult: I was wondering if the woman sold the members of the cult to the people waiting patiently at the right corners at the right time. This is why she had a no substitutions rule. The customers must get exactly what they paid for.

    Would have loved to have seen other types of crime explored. Everything shown is from a senseless violence/murder angle which keeps the show from being truly compelling. Showing white collar, hackers, business men committing numerous crimes and exploiting the Purge Day for their benefit might provide answers to why the law was really passed.

    • Love 6
  7. 50 minutes ago, shrewd.buddha said:

    Little does the serial killer know that Joan is heading to the one room in the brownstone that he did not account for: the 'danger room' where Sherlock and Joan have been putting everything that might be hazardous to a new baby in the house ... 

    Where is that call back to the bear trap we saw Sherlock throw the book into. Stick your arm through my door will you. SNAP!

    They think Watson killed Michael after she had been released from the hospital. She went home, watched "The Karate Kid" and came back for "Round Two".

    • Love 3
  8. 15 minutes ago, Brooks said:

    That doesn't help Darius-Grace-Harris.  Maybe Darius and Grace elect for adultery (I'm assuming Grace and Harris married), but Harris happily joins up with Alonzo because bro love is more important anyway.

    Darius retakes his President position and dictates a new law that marriage now allows for there to a significant other (in order to help repopulate the Earth faster). Then later amends the law to 3 significant others to increase the chances that Grace (call me Robin Hood because I have a lot of Merry Men) will eventually select him. 

    • Love 4
  9. I love riding the crazy train.

    Did Jillian remember to turn on the GPS before making the phone call. Maybe they can triangulate her location from the cell towers. Darius being there would be the only thing keeping me from dropping a small nuke on the entire area.

    How can Nicholas Tanz not have any money other that what available in Q17. Maybe that was him lying to appear more vulnerable.

    Darius leaves Grace's (I never met a man I didn't like) bed in the morning and when he comes back in the evening for round two, he finds out she is happily married.

    Alycia reveals her love for Liam by saying "When I was threatening to shoot you with that gun, I wouldn't have aimed to kill". Liam responds "You have a hot body, but a cold heart".

    That huge asteroid should have enough "miracle mineral" to make 50 EM drives, so get busy Liam!

    Plot twist: Darius (while on his suicide mission to crash into the asteroid) finds out that the asteroid is made out of the same "miracle mineral" as the other Tanz asteroid and grabs and safely steers the asteroid back to Earth, thus ushering in the Earth's greatest era of space exploration. Making Darius Tanz a kajillionaire and President of the Solar System.

    They should let me write for the show, I can get them 50 seasons guaranteed.

    • Love 7
  10. Sherlock I thought you had the best locks money could buy, yet serial killers walk right in completely undetected.

    Sherlock why is that every time you train a female your deduction skills they use them to murder people (I know Joan is innocent, but that hasn't been proven yet).

    I think Joan needs some martial arts training.

    • Love 4
  11. 1 hour ago, johntfs said:

    Well regardless of what aspect of Lily Harlen was in love with, mind, body, soul or all three, it kind of was inappropriate  and preferential.

    This is something that I can't understand, how can you choose to mentor someone and not respect/admire the skills they bring to that job, I thought that would be the reason you choose to mentor them in the first place. You and that student will forever be linked together. A great sword maker is linked to the person who taught them the craft and the person who taught them should be proud of the success of their student/apprentice.

  12. 1 hour ago, akg said:

    I also hated how many times they had to remind us that Lily was no where near as smart as Harlan.

    I thought that was a quirk of Harlan, that he always had to rank/assure himself that he was a better mathematician than the other people in his field. Sherlock agrees or he would have gone to someone else for consulting. I think that Harlan could have been only in love with Lily's mind (the way she thinks/solves math problems) and not had a physical attraction to her and people would still think their relationship was inappropriate and preferential. That is just the way people are.

    • Love 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Llywela said:

    but I also really doubt all these dangling story strands will be wrapped up come the end.

    Unless the asteroid hits the Earth. They show several countries launch spaceships before the collision and they connect those spaceships together with the International Space Station, then launch every nuclear missile they have at the asteroid to stop it. Then they show the first episode of "The 100" TV Show.

    • Love 2
  14. 7 hours ago, Jextella said:

    They are taking him to Marin, his biological mother out of goodwill

    Maybe Bess and Adam are young psychology students that Marin paid to infiltrate Mosswood and kidnap Julian. This would explain the philosophy books, how they can resist the programming, the crappy car (or did they say that they took someone from the compound's car), the cell phone, and needing GPS to get to their location. Bess and Adam would have to stay at Mosswood for some time in order for Julian to trust them and they might have been the hooded figure Julian dreams about due to a failed abduction attempt. 

  15. 5 hours ago, johntfs said:

    Meanwhile the fact that after escaping her kidnapper/would-be murderer Lily went to Harlen first pretty effectively laid the groundwork that yeah, slightly inappropriate relation or not, Lily was into Harlen, too.

    I thought that Lily went to Harlan first because she thought that he might be kidnapped next. 

    When I was in graduate school, professors were hooking up with students, professors were hooking up with professors, and students were hooking up with students. Depending of the subject, the professors had around 3 to 5 grad students typically having different amounts of time before they graduate. Whoever was there the longest was usually the one who got the most attention and was professor's favorite student. I thought Harlan was way more honorable than the professors I knew. That kind of thing happens when you work closely together for 4 to 5 years.

    • Love 2
  16. They do have a lot of good "bad" characters, they have that super powerful "?DA?" guy in prison, the super rich military contractor serial killer and now the art loving super rich real estate developer. If they were all to get to together, that would be a very evil bunch. Sam and Eddie would have to form there own team of super heroes to combat them like super flexible catburgler lady, guy who can make any kind to electronic device, Zeus with has spy craft, Berto the super hacker, Monica criminal profiler extraordinaire, Christine Rollins super cop and her brother "car jacker".

  17. The Purge is a 12 hour period from 7pm to 7am during which all previously criminal activity is now legal. The emergency services (police, EMTs, etc.) are suspended. The only exceptions are that government officials of “rank 10 or higher” cannot be harmed and you can only use weapons below “Class 4”.

    Class IV Weapons - The last and highest class of Weapons, sometimes referred to as Class 4, covers what the NFA calls, Destructive Devices or DD's. Destructive Devices are bombs, grenades, nuclear weapons, flame throwers, dynamite, rocket launchers, tanks, Javelin Missile Launcher, Harrier Jets, and so on and so forth.

    • Love 5
  18. I didn't see anything wrong with Sam in that dress. I was kind of surprised they started the romance so early, that seems like they should have waited awhile. I wonder how it is going to change the dynamics of the show.

    • Love 2
  19. 1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:

    -Jane, in the heat of passion, killed her boss before the Purge.

    Ah the old Pre-Purge Surge! Classic Move! I would like to see them do different crimes than just hitting people over the head with a baseball bat. All crime is legal, yet everybody only wants to murder.

    If I was controlling the government, I would just shoot anybody that was outside during the Purge. I think that would put an end to most of the problem people in the society.

    • Love 7
  20. 1 hour ago, izabella said:

    Vera started lactating just from being around the baby?  What?

    And did Vera poison the Beacon's tea?  Is he dead?  Where is he, dead or alive?

    The shadow thing was in Julian's solitary confinement cell, which leads me to think it's entirely imaginary.  So what was going on at the house?  Did Julian run away or was he kidnapped?

    I watched this, but I feel like I understand very little.  

    You couldn't understand, I had the same questions with no answers. I wasn't even sure if that was Marin in Purple Lake. The episode left me without anything to post.

    Even men can start lactating around new born babies.

    • Love 5
  21. Just wanted to point out in the opening credits that right before the changing shapes reveal a human face (which I am assuming is Julian), they show something that looks like bull's horns.

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