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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. On 8/20/2018 at 10:39 AM, slaterain said:

    I liked Jolene and she kinda reminded me of the woman who played Halfrek on Buffy - especially with some of the nuances and the comedic timing. When I realized who it was I was kinda surprised as I really didn't like her on Lost Girl at all. Seeing that she has more skills then I'm curious if she just got better or it just wasn't the right role on Lost Girl. 

    She also had a major role in Dark Matter after leaving Lost Girl. Watching the show might help answer your question.

    • Love 2
  2. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    One thing I want to note, is that in the opening scene Sherlock has three little space heaters plugged in around him. The last time I did that I blew a fuse. Those things suck up electricity like you wouldn't believe, if more than one is on the same circuit your lights are going out pronto.

    Is Sherlock's Brownstone wired more like a house or an apartment building? That might make a difference.

    • Love 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Latverian Diplomat said:

    Salvation Deleted Scenes:

    Harris: To investigate Q17 we need an outsider who is a crack investigator who doesn't just play by the rules.

    Grace: But my father is in prison.

    Harris: Damn, your right!...     I've got nothing.

    • Love 2
  4. RIP Jillian. Please don't stop her.

    I thought they could have done more with the outside scenes where Liam and Jillian were talking. The world is supposed to be ending in a few days and everybody was walking around like normal, talking on their cellphones. I want to see some street corner prophets wearing sandwich boards taking about the end of the world and repenting. Where is the lawlessness of the previous episodes where they needed tanks in the street?

    • Love 7
  5. I don't know why they don't just get a spider, lay it on the person's chest before they go to sleep and when they wake up in the morning they would be completely wrapped in a cocoon. This way they would have complete body armor that is a custom fit. Scientists always seem to overthink their problems.

    • Love 9
  6. 52 minutes ago, Iguessnot said:

    If Marin is the mother, when did she have the opportunity to underline the name Julian in her paperback and return it to her house? I'm assuming she's been missing before any alleged pregnancy.

    I think they were pointing out that she liked the name Julian, so if she ever had a kid that would be what she would name him.

    • Love 7
  7. 1 hour ago, MerBearHou said:

    Another Dwayne-ism:  “they always told me that my mother died two months before I was born”

    Oh, how I love this show.  Truly makes me laugh like no other has in a long, long time.

    Please, someone pick up this TV gem and keep this cast together.  Love ‘em all.

    They actually elaborated on this subject in the 8th episode of the M-Towne Podcasts if you haven't already been listening to them. These podcasts are done by the cast (in character) to provide an expanded perspective of what is happening in the town and the events that happen on the show. You can find out more information about them here:


    • Love 3
  8. 50 minutes ago, Sweet Tee said:

    As for Waverly, I thought the episode concluded that her father was an angel.  At least that's what everyone on Tumblr has taken away from the episode.

    Yes her father was an angel and I think the next episode is going to go into great detail about that.

    • Love 1
  9. 4 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    So, is Waverley literally a changeling, as in some other Waverley was born and switched with her, or does she just have a different, magical dad?

    Yes it was very confusing and they did say something about a changeling, but from what I could piece together, Waverley and Jolene seemed to be the same person that had the bad parts separated out and turned into a kind of aura demon that always followed Waverley around. The demon wanted to kill Waverley but wasn't able to harm her physically, so she has to convince her to harm herself through mental manipulation. It seems that if Waverley dies the demon would die as well, but if the Demon dies Waverley would be fine (just my guess).

    I thought it was funny when Haught said that Jolene knocked her back into the closet.

    • Love 1
  10. 13 hours ago, Simba122504 said:

    "Having sex with a rock" gives me the case of the giggles.

    This probably seemed to the unenlightened layman to be extremely sexual, but to those that have mastered the "Yogi" arts these series of motions (like the martial arts for Buddhist monks or doing Tai Chi) might have caused her to release some "aura", expand her "chakra" or open her "third eye", when reaching the "Astral Plane" resulting in "Karmic" bliss, which is a very similar experience to having an orgasm.

    • Love 3
  11. 1 hour ago, snowwhyte said:

    Magic, fast aging sci fi baby! Not really a surprise after they made sure to mention how big it was in the womb last episode. Plus, narratively there is a lot more they can do with a teenager than a baby.

    Unless it ages so fast that it dies of old age before the lady can find out where it is.

  12. 8 hours ago, Cajungirl64 said:

    Oooh... Good catch on the "didn't eat the meat" thing. I didn't think about that... 

    That could possibly be a cult, "grow your own food" type of thing. Probably, if I was growing my own food, I don't think I would be raising animals to eat, maybe a few chickens, but just for the eggs. Cows seem like they would be more trouble than the milk is worth.

    • Love 1
  13. Is that what we should expect to see if they add yoga to the Olympics?

    If only there were a way to test if a mother and child were related, they might finally get the answers they seek. I hear a guy named Maury is making great inroads into this process. 

    Once Jullian gets his 2 teardrop tattoos under his eye, the kids in juvie will stop picking on him.

    Lots of people in town are secret members of the cult, I wonder how Carrie Coon was chosen as a leader. I wonder if she was a psychologist or if it had something to do with where she used to work.

    • LOL 3
    • Love 10
  14. 2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    The devil really needs to get better minions.

    I think she did pretty well, considering all the Devil gave her was a name. Imagine what would have happened if the Devil had given her a picture, or better yet, a manila folder, like he gave to the Saint of Killers.

  15. Hey! It's flashback Friday! Can somebody walk me through if there was any importance to that meteor that crashed that had a Tanz circuit board attached  to it. Did they think someone was guiding that meteor, do they think someone is guiding this asteroid?

    • Love 1
  16. Speculation:



    What if Heather was originally taken from that cult. The police chief said they raided the cult a couple of years ago and everything went horribly wrong.

    I don't think any of the people you mentioned is Marin. Heather and Marin were lovers, I think Heather would recognize Marin regardless of the time that has passed.


    • Love 4
  17. 5 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

    I enjoyed the humor and the ongoing what-Sherlock-will-do-for-his-friends development, but I don't understand in what academic universe that Marcus couldn't just raise a stink to someone up the college hierarchy that he was unfairly being kept from enrolling in a course. No way would that professor have the power to keep him out for a stupid reason like that.

    Even if you are allowed into the class, you are still being taught by someone who now has even more reason to hate you. I don't see any scenario where you would get a fair and balanced assessment of your abilities or a true reflection of your grade.

    • Love 17
  18. 1 hour ago, Dowel Jones said:

    I wonder how ReSyst was able to pick up some rent-a-goons to keep all those scientists in the room.

    Well Darius does have that wonderful bunker that might actually survive the asteroid. Room for one more?

    • Love 2
  19. Would love to hear the uncensored version of what Nicki Minaj rapped, I couldn't figure it out. 

    Found a semi-censored version:


    I might f**k Stephen after the show. 
    He gonna come back to work with a magical glow. 
    But when you see us please don’t f**king stare. 
    Just address me as Queen Nicki Colbert.

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