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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. 7 hours ago, Kathira said:

    I agree. I'm kind of glad that they were handling it that way, to give everyone closure. Too many series go the way of cliff-hanger desperation in their final seasons leaving everyone miserable. Sleepy Hollow, Lucifer, I'm looking at you.

    That was not Lucifer's final season, it was picked up by Netflix.

    • Love 1
  2. What is up with all these single ladies on TV wanting to adopt children, it is ruining my viewing pleasure. Claws, Supergirl, Elementary, a baby wouldn't improve any of these TV shows.

    • Love 5
  3. 35 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    Wasn't that Jillian who let the detective into Grace's home (where Jillian is staying)?

    I am pretty sure Grace's daughter was in the first episode as well.

    Not sure why Jillian would be living with Grace since last time I saw her, she was living with Liam. Now that Liam has been sequestered, Jillian should have even more room. 

    PS. Introduced new love interest for Jillian. Tea Lady possible love interest for Liam.

    15 minutes ago, mertensia said:

    This show needs less earnestness. Also fewer plot twists. 

    I dunno, I'm starting to root for the asteroid.

    I like the plot twists, it is like they wrote every plot twist they could think of and tried to work them into the show. The only reason the asteroid is winning is because everybody refuses to work together to solve it. RE/SYS would have known the asteroid had an iron core if they hadn't sabotaged the EM drive's gravity tractor mission.

  4. 4 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    I was working on my computer while watching, but I don't think this show requires close attention. 

    Most interesting reveal was that Aaron Douglas's character was an imposter. Hey, maybe he really is a cylon?

    One moment I found unintentionally funny was Darious explaining in excruciating (unavoidable pun) detail about his bullet proof suit.

    Also the sly smile the detective (played by musician Bashy) gave Harris when he showed him a picture he found in his sister's apartment (which was this season's required naked torso shot of Ian Anthony Dale).

    So the woman with the excuse for knowing her way around Tanz industries campus and kitchen is really a bad guy, right? 

    And Grace's hallucinations are just PTSD?

    Where's Grace's daughter? Did she go to Africa last season?

    Darius should explain about the suit, how many people know that this suit really exists.   https://garrisonbespoke.com/custom-suits/bulletproof-suit/

    Detective Bashy should have known those photos were old, if he has the phone he should know when they where taken. Instead of trying to piece his sister's life together starting from when she was 3 years old up to the present, he should be trying to figure out what she was doing currently, like trying to overthrow the government.

    The fact that RE/SYS  was so focused on stealing TESS and targeting Tanz Industies suggests that the Tea Lady is really one of the bad guys.

    Turn off the computer while watching and pay closer attention, Grace's daughter was in two different scenes. Grace's daughter let Detective Bashy in the house where he was waiting for Grace to come home.

    Possible plot twist: What if Detective Bashy was working with his sister to overthrow the government?

  5. 6 hours ago, 12catcrazy said:

    And as a personal aside - on tv it seems to be okay to be straight/gay/bi/trans - it seems the one thing it really isn't okay to be is a person (especially a woman - gasp!) - who does not want children.  Maybe this is the last frontier?  

    They should say on the show that now abortions are so hard to get in the U.S., the adoption agency has so many unwanted babies that every gay couple can have a kid or two if they want.

    • Love 3
  6. 3 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

    I think something is up with Tyrone's girlfriend. She seems to know more then she should. How'd she know he gave up the game for the Ref? She and her aunt seem shady to me. 

    I am pretty sure that Evita (Tyrone's girlfriend) has some of those Voodoo powers that her aunt displays or at least some understanding of supernatural events.  Evita also prayed to the Voodoo priestess for "something" (we don't know exactly what her wish was), but it probably had something to do with her and Tyrone. 

    If the Ref has been "throwing the game" in your favor for the entire game and you are still losing in the final minutes, you don't deserve to win. 

    Strange they didn't cast a few "tall" characters to be on the basketball team, this is for the "State Finals" after all.

    I thought that Tandy's "hope" visions were too long and Tyrone's "fear" visions were too dark and too short (you could barely tell what was happening and why).

    Tandy can create a fake social media profile in a hour that suggests that she has millions of followers, she should be selling her talents to the highest bidders and making mad "cheddar".

    O'Reilly didn't really have to take drugs to get close to the crooked cop, Connors. She has already been approached by him when he interfered in her rape investigation. A simple drug test could ruin O'Reilly's career.

    I know that Mina Hess is really the important Roxxon employee on the show, but I was really intrigued by another employee, Louden Swift, the one armed man who job it is to (rake up leaves at the beach?).

    I didn't really like this episode, everybody's motivations seemed a little off, like nobody wanted to directly confront each other.

    • Love 2
  7. It was disappointing because Mara really failed this time. Although Mara might have found the location of the next bomb, she found no information about Silas. They are celebrating, while Silas is still out there planning his next target.

    • Love 4
  8. This episode is full of weird moments, here are a few:

     Jenn covered is Cheeto dust just like the Cheetos commercials.

    Crooked cop in the back seat feeding Uncle Daddy's boyfriend.

    Russian mobster lady holding the fisting dildo up to her nose, rubbing on her face and ultimately leaving with it.

    • Love 4
  9. I hate that commercial that Freeform shows about all the shows they have of their network. Most of the scenes they show of Siren have Mermaid Donna in them and they all look interesting. Unfortunately Mermaid Donna is dead and every time I watch the commercial it makes me mad that they killed Mermaid Donna off.

    • Love 1
  10. Is this still season 2 or technically season 3? Anyhoo, I think they should try to involve the women more in the storyline, because they are what I really enjoy watching on the show.

  11. Since the show has set them up as complete opposites of each other, I appreciate that Tandy and Tyrone require so many episodes for them to become friends. I seems like they wouldn't have given each other the time of day if they weren't constantly be shoved together. The characters haven't explored yet their own powers, the other person's powers or what is possible when their powers are combined. There is still a lot of groundwork to be fleshed out since even the villains are not clearly defined.

    • Love 2
  12. I wonder if Dean might have calmed down knowing that his abusers are dead. Possibly having Virginia accept him for who he is might also have a calming effect. No longer having financial troubles might also have a calming effect.

    • Love 5
  13. 24 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:
    52 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

    I thought Supergirl/Reign flew through the Legion's ship and it crashed in an explosion. I guess it was just "minor damage" and was ready to go again whenever Winn is ready to leave. For a second there I thought Brainy and Imra might have died in the crash since they weren't shown again for quite some time.

    The Legion's ship did crash in an explosion after Supergirl/Reign hit it -- but then Kara traveled back in time, and the 2nd time through they never even went near the Legion ship so Imra and Brainy were fine.

    That is what bothered me about the scene, in Supergirl's mind they show her rewinding time, including seeing the Legion ship explosion. But where they show time start again and diverge was after the Legion ship explosion, so that didn't necessarily convince me that that didn't happen since she ends up in exactly the same place as when it did happen. I hate when any TV show uses time travel to get out of a sticky situation. I was kinda hoping that Brainy and Imra dead, I would love to hear Kara talk her way out of that one to Mon-El.

    • Love 1
  14. I kind of liked the idea of someone randomly placing bombs on people and framing the victim, but hated the reason he was doing it. I think that would make an incredible episode or TV Series if they had a really good reason for doing so, like, blowing up criminals when they reach their criminal headquarters or to expose people you want to get revenge on by leaving confessional suicide notes after their exploding death draws lots of attention to them.

    • Love 3
  15. 7 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    The graphic gross-outs in this episode rivaled any scene from Bones.

    If you saw into a dead body recently (2 days) encased in cement shouldn't the insides leak out similar to what would happen if you cut into a "Pizza Pocket", or at least massive material splatter at the cut sites, nothing like the clean cuts that were shown.

    I wonder in they will give the corporation the boat, since they did fund the research (after they license all of the patents).

    • Love 1
  16. I thought Supergirl/Reign flew through the Legion's ship and it crashed in an explosion. I guess it was just "minor damage" and was ready to go again whenever Winn is ready to leave. For a second there I thought Brainy and Imra might have died in the crash since they weren't shown again for quite some time.

  17. It was weird that Quiet Ann, "the muscle", was the one in the pile-up getting her butt kicked. I couldn't for the the life of me figure out who was hitting her, but she was getting wailed on. 

  18. 2 hours ago, ursula said:

    I don't even know why they bothered framing it as an accidental shooting; if they were going to go this route, they might have written Billy's death as a deliberate murder.

    The shooting might have been accidental. The policeman has his gun trained on a suspect when a loud noise (explosion) occurred, startling him to fire. How easy this was to cover-up, probably started the life of corruption the policeman went down.

    • Love 2
  19. I guess they were implying that Tandy got thrown through the car windshield when she hit the tree.

    1 minute ago, Jacks-Son said:

    Thanks, that helps, although Tyrone didn't get to look into Tandy's trauma.

    Maybe Tandy's trauma was how the Roxxon Corp. treated her father after his death (waterboarding while being restained with seat belts in a car seat). Her mother seems to be more on Roxxon's side than Tandy's father's side. All Tandy could do was watch and retreat.

    • Love 1
  20. 3 hours ago, elle said:

    Did anyone see a preview for the next episode?

    Yeah, it was something about Holmes, Watson and Marcus about to arrest a fat man in the woods wearing only a towel. "Why do they always run?" Towel falls off, Marcus is in hot pursuit, Holmes and Watson just stare.

    • Love 2
  21. I liked when the they zoomed in on Polly covered in blood and she was in her happy place, singing a song about "Moonbeams".

    • Love 3
  22. Episode  14   "Carapace"     June 9, 2018

    Episode  15    "Render"     June 23, 2018

    Episode  16    "Viceroy"     June 30, 2018 

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