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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. 56 minutes ago, Zanne said:

    My first thought was, "What? No foreplay, Roller?

    If you want foreplay, hook up with Jenn or Jenn's mother. Quiet Ann might be all foreplay all of the time.


    4 hours ago, Syndicate said:

    Any chance that Polly's twin is still alive?

    I wouldn't think so, age 13 is a little young to fake your own death. I was thinking the other way around, that Polly never had a twin sister, so she was always imaginary. The only problem seems to be that there is a photo of the two sisters together and I think that people other than Polly have seen it.

    • Love 2
  2. 9 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

    This is going to sound gross, and my apologies in advance, but when Uncle Daddy said something about a butt hole being licked, whose was it?  I haven't watched all of the episodes.

    Jenn "tossed the salad" of the Jewish stalker guy that Bryce killed. The line was used to show how close Uncle Daddy was becoming with his new Dixie Mafia crew, by telling intimate family secrets which alienated and lessened the bond that Uncle Daddy and Roller share.

    • Love 3
  3. Way to much stuff to get through with just one more episode left. They should have dumped most of Marnie's issues and had the wedding this episode and the aftermath of the wedding for the finale.

    Dean should have made enough money to rent themselves a better place, they are going to be there a while and it is not like they have lots of expenses.

    Desna claims that she is good at this criminal stuff, but really has shown it, why is she right back to trying herself to Roller. Desna needs to show that she doesn't need a man and just handle business.

    I like Dr. Ken, I hope they figure out a way to use his wire to trick the police, so he can rejoin the crew.

    • Love 1
  4. "David" come on Hitler you could have come up with a better name than that.

    Hitler was disappointing, he didn't do much. He should have worked his way up to Vice President by now. I am surprised that Hitler is still going on about the Jews when there are so many more minorities he could be hating on.

    It would have been funny if Hitler had made them each a 12 inch sub to take on their road trip or a party sub so long that all 3 on them had to carry it on their shoulders. Forced marches are hungry work.

    You have to go to Japan to get souls when there are armored trucks full of souls wandering the cities of the U.S. Don't you remember, you all ready stole one, so it shouldn't be that much harder to steal with backing of a conglomeration. Plot contrivance.

    That was what I thought the vampire was doing, but not sure what would motivate him to do it. It would be better to just start his own vampire cosplay cult and just feed off the rubes. That is what every other TV show does. Just how big is that old lady's basement? Do houses in New Orleans have basements? 

    Grandma's bloody napkin seem to hold immense power.

    • Love 2
  5. 5 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    I do know one thing I will appreciate more this season and that is that it's only ten episodes.  13, even with the wonderful Lithgow, was too many.

    Showing two episodes back to back, you wouldn't really notice a difference. It will be over before you know it.

    • Love 2
  6. 1 hour ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

    Guess I should re-phrase my statement about H!Johnny defending D'avin's life.  When it comes to others trying to kill D'avin, he will save him... but he doesn't seem to care much if his own actions put D'avin's life at risk; ie the (attempted) gunshot to the kidneys and the (attempted) strangling.  Kind of a 'he's my brother, if anyone kills him it'll be me!'.

    H!Johnny did jump on top of D'avin when he set off the explosion and was hurt pretty bad.

    • Love 2
  7. 14 minutes ago, ursula said:

    I remember her telling Tyrone she needed to find "mercy bullets" so I'm pretty sure, she wasn't murdering anyone. 

    Yes she did say that. I will take O'Reilly off of my naughty list.

    Marvel's Punisher sometimes uses rubber "mercy bullets" a form of non-lethal ammunition.

    Doc Savage (who also has an association with Marvel) sometimes uses "mercy bullets" a form of non-lethal ammunition that puts people to sleep.

    • Love 1
  8. 40 minutes ago, ramble said:

    I’m also glad they showed at least one decent cop because every single cop being evil also didn’t work for me.

    The only decent cop for me was the one that was found dead in the refrigerator. O'Reilly lost my vote when she was up on the rooftops killing people with her sniper rifle.

  9. 4 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

    I'm surprised to see so many who didn't enjoy season 1 are back for this.

    I was going to tap out but there really isn't anything new on TV right now. I have way to much free TV watching time.

    They are so grooming that kid to become the next leader of their cult.

    • Love 4
  10. 4 hours ago, Jacks-Son said:

    Did I miss an episode, when did Christine tell Eddie that she didn't want to see him anymore because he was falling for Sam?

    I may have over interpreted Christine's feelings when this exchange occurred in episode 4 "Ex's and Oh's".

    Christine: When do I get the computer with all the evidence on it?
    Eddie: You know, why don't I personally deliver it to your apartment later? To ensure the proper chain of custody?
    (Christine doesn't seem to be too interested in Eddie's advances). 

    Eddie: That's a long pause.

    Christine: Eddie, I know what was on that laptop. Who you were trying to protect. Why you go to the lengths you do. This thing we have works because we care about each other and we've always been honest.
    Eddie: Mm. It'll stay that way.
    Christine: How can you be honest with me, when you're not even being honest with yourself?
    Eddie: About what?
    Christine: You are so good at getting the big picture, except when you're in it. I was watching you with Sam today. She brings out something in you, a lightness I haven't seen in a long time.
    Eddie: Chris, there's nothing going on between Sam and me.
    Christine: Maybe there should be. All I'm saying is, don't rule it out. Hmm?
    (Not sure if Eddie and Christine have hooked up after that scene).

  11. Something I didn't hear the police mention was if they found the phone. The lady was using a smartphone as a GPS. There should be all types of information to be obtained from that.

    • Love 3
  12. I am guessing this is more of a "why done it" than a "who done it". The making of a child murderer. Let's see how many twisted things happened to this kid to turn him into a killer. I thought that season 1 could have been better, a lot of it made no sense.

    • Love 3
  13. I wasn't that impressed with what happened, everything was rubbing me the wrong way.

    Didn't like the Divine Pairing mythology, it seemed stupid. I was not convinced it was real, why didn't the others manifest any powers beforehand.

    Didn't like that every single police officer in New Orleans was corrupt.

    Didn't like that Tandy was daggering people left and right, are they still alive?

    So did Tyrone and Tandy hoover up the rest of the bizarre energy under New Orleans so that divine pair nonsense is completely over. Hopely they became even stronger.

    I am guessing that Tryone and Tandy finally got their revenge, but it seemed very unsatisfying when it happened (one placed into a coma and the other sucked into your bellybutton).

    I wasn't feeling a superhero vibe, more of a supernatural/horror vibe while watching.

    I will be watching next season, but their moral compass and mine are nowhere near aligned, maybe they will convince me they are superheroes next season.

    • Love 3
  14. I am glad they are being more sexy, maybe it will improve the ratings. I was thinking Sam was upset about the drinking because it might violate her probation, but it seems she wants to stay sober for personal growth. I thought Police Woman told Eddie that she didn't want to see him anymore because he was falling for Sam, yet that phone call seemed like they didn't break up. I wonder if the episodes are being shown out of order?

  15. 55 minutes ago, Llywela said:

    I still think Shady Bar Lady also links in with that plot strand, somehow - we haven't seen her for a couple of episodes, right? She's sure to pop up again soon.

    Didn't she get a job "working on the railgun, all the live long day". It's as good as blown up.

    • Love 5
  16. Oliver was threatening to sue Onira-Tech for the way he was treated as a patient, I wonder if he had any legal claims since he probably waived all his rights when he wrote on his chest "Deliver me to Mara Kint". He probably didn't have any other relatives/guardians to make medical decisions for him.

  17. 10 hours ago, Llywela said:
    On 7/31/2018 at 7:59 PM, AnimeMania said:

    It is probably because Grace has never killed anybody before. Us straight up killers wouldn't think twice about bustin a cap in Claire's ass, but Grace had to lie about under oath and to Claire's brother who is such a nice guy and saved her life on numerous occasions. Don't worry Grace, killing gets easier the 2nd and 3rd time that you do it.

    Grace has killed before, though - she killed that assassin who attacked her in her house last season. That one was pure self-defence, though, whereas Claire was a deliberate decision to shoot, albeit to save Harris's life. She's beginning to rack up quite the body count, for a press secretary!

    Whoops, meant to say that Grace is a straight-up killer like us. Damn Auto-correct! J.K.

    What about the guy that sabotaged the bunker, did we figure out what his end game is yet or at least who he is working for?

  18. So Mara is a psychological hitman.

    I don't see how having a flash drive with the code to Reverie would allow Oliver to gain physical access to Onira-Tech. Maybe the killing of the security officer might have given Oliver the opportunities he needed to gain access to Onira-Tech's servers, but I doubt that very much. Dylan's sensors should be able to detect Oliver's security breach, especially with the amount of materials he brought with him.

  19. On 7/30/2018 at 2:15 PM, Charlesman said:

    It's a real thing. 

    At least, it was a real law from the days of the Model T in some places, and never repealed though also never enforced. It shows up in those online "list of wacky law" articles every so often. 

    Here it's listed for both Louisiana and Virginia: https://blog.nationwide.com/weird-traffic-laws-by-state/

    Louisiana – A woman’s husband is required by law to wave a flag in front of her car before she can drive it

    Virginia – Women are prohibited from driving a car on Main Street unless her husband is walking in front of the car waving a red flag     

    I guess she has to be married to drive. Probably. I wonder if it was legal for women to own cars? Good thing the show relaxed the rules so that any man can walk in front of your car or Carole Anne wouldn't be allowed to drive and Lavinia would have had her driving privileges revoked.

    • Love 3
  20. 1 hour ago, JasmineFlower said:

    So, maybe I missed a great explanation for the constant wrong reaction to Claire's death.

    It is probably because Grace has never killed anybody before. Us straight up killers wouldn't think twice about bustin a cap in Claire's ass, but Grace had to lie about under oath and to Claire's brother who is such a nice guy and saved her life on numerous occasions. Don't worry Grace, killing gets easier the 2nd and 3rd time that you do it.

    • Love 4
  21. With the legitimate President and Vice-President both dead, Darius has no choice but to accept the position as President and continue running the country.

    At least Clarie's brother seems to accept the fact that Claire was as crooked as they come.

    I wonder if that missing materials engineer is that weirdo cult/motivational speaker.

    Darius still has a fully functional space ark that he can load up with priceless artifacts (to give it extra weight) and launch it at the asteroid. They can add the solar thingy as a cape for the space ark to make it look extra cool.


    Sorry about the double post, it popped back up when I was trying to post something new, so I thought I forgot to post it the first time. Too lazy to check. My bad.

    • Love 3
  22. I think working with the Feds would put a end to her criminal activities since she would essentially be admitting that she was guilty. I would like the story better if Desna was smarter than the Feds and the rival criminal organizations and came out on top of the crime biz using her own smarts, while being a kinder gentler "Crime Boss" to her own crew, while being ruthless to any criminals that oppose her reign.

    • Love 5
  23. 1 hour ago, Driad said:

    What do adoption agencies say about pets?  I heard something about pet turtles possibly carrying salmonella. (Not a problem for adults who can remember to wash their hands after handling an animal, but a potential problem for a small child.) The house is big enough that Clyde and a child could be kept apart if necessary, but if they can keep only one I hope it's Clyde.

    You can keep only ONE!!!!!!!!!!!    Tortoise vs. Baby THUNDERDOME!!!!!!!!!

    • LOL 1
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  24. It is kind of weird to have a Sherlock Holmes TV Series where you as the viewer don't get to use your brain to try to figure out what's going on based on the clues. I pretty much just turn my brain off and use enough of it to realize if the train has jumped the tracks with their latest revelations.

    It would have been a better story if Holmes had found the research on the new drug for cystic fibrosis and used that as leverage to make sure that the company lowered all their predatory drug prices.

    Still not interested in Joan and her baby blues.

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