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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. With the legitimate President and Vice-President both dead, Darius has no choice but to accept the position as President and continue running the country.

    At least Clarie's brother seems to accept the fact that Claire was as crooked as they come.

    I wonder if that missing materials engineer is that weirdo cult/motivational speaker guy. They will never be able to stop the asteroid unless they find him. Oh why aren't there any other materials engineers in the world.

    • Love 3
  2. On that card of bank robbers to watch out for, I saw Tulip, Jody and T.C.'s picture, but I didn't see Jesse's. I am thinking because Jesse is the getaway driver, he probably never enters the bank during the heists.

    Arseface says that he is still alive, does that mean that everybody in Hell is still alive if they can escape and make it back to the surface. Does that say anything about what death actually is (like just a transportation to another realm where you live forever).

    T.C. and his new girlfriend Tilly make a clean getaway.

    I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

    Your head looks like a penis.

  3. Dean spent the entire first season, badgering Desna to get a better house, now that she finally has one, Dean is complaining about what she had to do to get it. Now that Dean has a little money, he is going to get his own place, but he doesn't realize that his money isn't as clean or stable as he thinks it is.

    Desna is still allowing other people to make the plans of what to do, but at least she is starting to negotiate some of the terms. Hopefully she will reach a point where she is thinking for herself.

    • Love 6
  4. On 7/25/2018 at 1:38 AM, Llywela said:

    Speaking of which, I enjoyed how Alycia said she was sending all the scientists down to the bunker to escape the impending nukes

    Haha, I wonder if they remembered to fix the air filtration system in the bunker. Alycia goes down to the bunker and all the scientists are dead. Now that would be a plot twist!

    Stupid question: Hasn't the space craft that Liam wants to add the solar sail to, already been launched into space? Did RE/SYST stop them from launching that space craft?

    • Love 1
  5. That was some poop, if you are going to kill off a major character, at least give a good fight scene. The camera was jumping around to all the characters, Dolls fight lasted 2 seconds, he grabs a guy and burps some fire. Ten minutes later after all the scenes are wrapped up, the pan back to Dolls and he is dead. Anticlimax much?

    • Love 3
  6. Why is Tandy taking away people's hope, it certainly doesn't make her feel better, at least not for long? Tandy made Mina kill a bee. How can 2 police officers brutally beat each other and the rest of the police officers don't even bat an eye? I can kind of understand what's motivating Tyrone, but I have no clue why Tandy is acting the way she is.

    • Love 3
  7. I guess I have to take back what I said about it being inappropriate for Mara to be sleep with her therapist, because maybe she was only getting freaky with herself? Pretty soon we won't know what really happened and what is Mara's delusions. Pretty soon Mara will be flying to work.

    • Love 1
  8. 58 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    I have never heard of Maker Faires before. I can understand the purpose of an expo for tech stuff and the like, but do they really dress up in costumes? Why? If it weren't for that, I think I would really enjoy visiting one. Probably a lot of super cool gadgets. 

    It probably intersects a lot with Steam Punk where you make retro high tech gadgets from metal, where aesthetics is way more important than function.

    • Love 4
  9. I saw a news story where they are going to allow people to post files that would let people print working guns on their 3D printers. I guess when this happens it will make the plot of this episode obsolete. I don't see why anybody would want you to 3D print your own guns, there is no money to be made there.

  10. 7 minutes ago, showme said:

    So those people who took Cassidy at the end, are they real vampires or are they vampire groupies?

    It seemed like there was at least one real vampire mixed in with a lot of vampire cosplayers.

    • Love 2
  11. What happened when Madame L'Angelle grabbed TC's dingle, was she upset that it was hard or that it wasn't (or that it was shaped like a baby crocodile)?

  12. This last episode had more laughs and a more interesting story than the 6 new direction episodes combined. I liked when they kicked him in the head, ran over the body and the music they were playing while leaving.

    • Love 1
  13. Didn't really like this episode. Desna spent all night thinking about revenge and in the morning she didn't even have a clue about she would do. The whole episode Desna was being led by the nose, following the idiotic plans that Uncle Daddy and Roller are making up on the fly. If she gets out of her problems, it will probably be due to dumb luck. I guess her ascension to "Lady Boss" will have to come at a later date. 

    • Love 1
  14. I never thought in a million years that I would be chanting "We want Hitler!, We want Hitler!" The show let me down again, maybe next week. I am no mechanical genius, but I am pretty sure what Jesse did would not make the air pump  explode and doubly wouldn't make the coffin explode. Tulip getting sliced by that old lady, in what world. I saw Tulip get thrown through a bookcase without a scratch (and that was in this episode). Tulip should have kicked God it the nads while he was bending over her, he was right there! Looks like Cassidy is about to learn some new tricks.

    • Love 2
  15. Was there somebody running in front of Lavinia's car waving a flag when she got pulling over at the start of the show? If not, I wonder why?

    I thought Lavinia's recreation of her performance at the Gala was pretty funny.

    "What about your little cocky?"

    Anne Flatch having lots of different rare ailments is more annoying than funny.

    • Love 5
  16. 3 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

    I think ty and tandy got their powers in the water... 

    Tyrone definitely wasn't in the water when the explosion happened, the explosion caused the cop to shoot his brother who then fell into the water causing Tyrone to jump in after him. It is possible that you might need to be in the water to soak up the power. Tyrone's brother and Tandy's father were also in the water and probably not dead yet, they didn't receive super powers.

  17. Is anybody upset that Tandy came to Tyrone's house to steal his mother's badge under the pretext of caring about Tyrone's dead brother. If Roxxon Corp. is as bad as Tandy thinks it is, she could have gotten Tyrone's mother killed because they think she is helping Tandy. Tandy could have easily cut her way in through a side door with her dagger without compromising innocent people. I wonder if Scarface Cop got a super power as well, he was as close as Tyrone and Tandy were to the Roxxon Rig explosion. Maybe the Voodoo Lady was talking about Tyrone and the Scarface Cop when she was talking about the fate of New Orleans and one has to die.

    • Love 5
  18. 21 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    One bit that I thought came off as insulting to the viewers' intelligence was when Sam and Eddie were using the belt and bra to snag the gun outside the cage because "leather and cloth don't conduct electricity!" Were we supposed to assume that during the commercial break they gnawed off the metal eyelets, hooks, buckles, and underwires?

    I liked the way they got out, while completely eliminating the possibility that the hitman was still trying to finish his contract. I thought they were going to do something with the coffee and all the exposed wires, but they still would have to stop the hitman. The minute I saw Niall Matter, I knew he would have an important part in the story.

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  19. I am glad that Sarah Shahi has been turning up the sexy in the last 2 episodes. I think they need it if the show is to survive. I don't like her love interest, they shouldn't have made him her therapist, it seems like he is taking advantage of her situation, when she was and still seems to be at her most vulnerable.

  20. Episode 2 is much better episode, the fight scenes were better edited to make them more exciting. In the recap, even the boring fight scenes from episode one were edited to look exciting. The CGI scenes are very good as well.

  21. On 7/17/2018 at 11:27 AM, Bruinsfan said:

    Presumably he still has a soul that she can get part of?

    If Cassidy used his soul, I wonder if he would be willing to leave it there, since everybody else seems to be willing to do anything to get their's back. Would the Angelville crew just allow Cassidy to leave.

    Expect a hitlerious arsefarce to ensue next episode.

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