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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. Was Andrews upset because Jared treated somebody who obviously didn't have insurance to cover his medical care? Andrews was OK with small, simple, inexpensive medical care, just nothing too expensive?

  2. Man this show has changed, they spend the first third of the show getting you to know the victims so that you feel sorry for them when the tragedy hits.  I blame "This Is Us" for all this touchy-feely BS that is invading TV shows right now. If this was the first episode, you wouldn't know who were the regulars and who were the guests as everybody was given equal time. All the 911 operators, police and firefighters are extremely competent at their jobs, no horseplay or joking around. They all sound like a cross between a Wikipedia page and an inspirational poster. They sucked all the fun out of the show, too bad the pervy CEO's robe didn't open up as he fell to his death which was caught by every news camera in the city. Here hoping the dog enjoys his new home with the little girl after Hen rescues them. At least Ryan Murphy still knows what type of people America hates with the deaths of the perverted CEO and the person who wants to be accompanied everywhere by a emotional support/service animal. They used to show 6 to 10 rescues a show and still have time for the rescuers to have more problems than the people they were saving. I think now all of the rescuers will be fine upstanding pillars of the community and this show becomes just like all the other cop/firefighter shows on TV.

  3. 1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

    The one thing that has made 9-1-1 unique is the fact that is was never a drama and never really took itself seriously. This show is a dark comedy with some drama. So this premiere felt more serious than the last season, and it felt like any other emergency response show. The cases for the premiere weren't really crazy, but more sad. I didn't find myself chuckling like cases last season. Maybe the big earthquake stuff at the end will change my mind. 

    I agree with everything you said except the last part where the earthquake might make the show better. I liked the show because stupid people were doing stupid things and paying the price, things that we know happen, but we haven't seen caught on film. The closest to the spirit of Season 1 is the microwave story. Show me idiots getting hurt and needing to be rescued, not regular people doing normal things and needing to be rescued, every other show does that. I want to laugh at your pain.

    Athena where are those kids at, that you loved so much in Season 1. Hanging out every night in some guy's apartment for 4 months. You wouldn't even let the kids meet your husband's boyfriend. 

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  4. 7 hours ago, deepthinker said:

    Why did Joan move in next door and not into 221B with Sherlock?

    Here are a list of reasons, any or all might apply.

    Sherlock owns 221A and 221B. This gives them more space to stretch out like at the Brownstone.

    Sherlock doesn't want to get into a dispute with/have to protect whomever would live in 221A. Thin walls, bad attitudes on both sides, noise complaints on both sides, odd hours, weird behavior, weird people coming and going at all hours, the worry that dangerous people might threaten the residents.

    Who is to say that 221B isn't the work space and client meeting place and 221A might be the living quarters for Joan and Sherlock. It is a bad idea to let your clients see the evidence you are collecting and theories you are formulating, so they get a dedicated client meeting area. The residences may already have connecting doorways.

    If Joan does get a child, Sherlock the drug addict doesn't have to move out, Joan can baby proof her side.

    Joan doesn't want Sherlock personally waking her up anymore.

    Clyde has moved into 221C.

    • Love 9
  5. 4 hours ago, Neurochick said:
    4 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    Not all crime, government officials of “rank 10 or higher” cannot be harmed. I think the Stantons might be immune from Purging.

    I don’t think they’re government officials.  I think Stanton is just a garden variety rich asshole guy.  

    But I do love me some Reed Diamond.

    I thought this was a party thrown by The New Founding Fathers of America (NFFA), which were the ones that created the new law.

    • Love 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    Maybe the servants of the Stantons will end up poisoning everybody at the party, hey, it's Purge night, all crime is legal!

    Not all crime, government officials of “rank 10 or higher” cannot be harmed. I think the Stantons might be immune from Purging.

  7. 4 hours ago, Simba122504 said:

    It was mentioned earlier that Ambrose had parents. Yet, we never found out who his father was and his mother's obituary didn't even mention a husband.

    I kind of remember a scene of a young Ambrose visiting his mother in the mental institution, a view from the mother's window of small boy standing next to a man in a suit, which I assumed was Ambrose's father.

  8. 2 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Did this season have the same writers as the last one?

    First season was loosely adapting what was written in a book, this season they were free to come up with whatever story they wanted.

    • Love 1
  9. 43 minutes ago, gayasfuck said:
    11 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    The show had warnings about nudity, I don't remember seeing any nudity.

    Stu and Evan were stripped naked and hosed down when Miriam falsified the radiation detection by increasing the sensitivity on the GM Detector. 

    That wasn't this episode, but maybe the warning is for the entire series or for all the series collectively.

  10. 2 hours ago, Simba122504 said:

    They still never explained why Julian chose to kill Beth and that other member instead of just running away. He knew them well. They never harmed him. His first instinct was to poison them, even though they gave him no reason to do that. It did have good suspense at the start of the season. 

    The only thing I can think of is Vera said a little bit makes you crazy and a lot makes you dead. Maybe Julian thought he only added a little bit.

    Ambrose doesn't care if Vera murdered "The Beacon" or did she?

    Vera sets fire to a rock, does the cult still exist?

    Does Purple Lake exist?

    How many of the townspeople are members of the cult, at first it seemed like there were many. now not so much.

    How did Marin get all of her money for vehicles, gambling, kidnapping and traveling? Certainly being a nun doesn't paid that well. It would have made more sense if Heather's father was paying Marin to keep her underaged trap shut about what happened that night for 14 years.

    • Love 3
  11. The show had warnings about nudity, I don't remember seeing any nudity. Anti-nudity I saw, when looking at the Victorian underwear, I couldn't have been less excited about seeing a woman in her underwear. Everybody's room is way too big and the extra space should have been used for storage. That way you might have had some food to eat. I would like to know how many people are in the bunker, there are very few Purples (and getting fewer every episode), but there appears to be a lot of Grays and Blacks (security). I would love to see how the Grays and Blacks live. I was thinking that Billie Lourd's character might be one of the ones chosen to survive.

    It startles me a little seeing sliding doors instead of swinging doors for every room.

    So next week is a Halloween party, I wonder if they will be serving "Beef Jerky".

    There are too many M-F'ing snakes in this M-F'ing bunker.

    • Love 9
  12. 2 hours ago, link417 said:
    6 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    If they film the next season in England, I am just imagining the number of guest stars they could have on the series. Most of America's most famous actors are British and would probably be lining up for small parts on Elementary. The stunt casting might be phenomenal.

    The bolded is an interesting perspective, I have not found that to be true.

    Loved this episode, but it did feel like the London scene was shoe-horned in after they found out there would be another season. Maybe it’s just because I loved the previous scene so much, it was perfectly bittersweet.

    Yeah you might be right, but there are a lot of British, Canadian and Australian actors that are very recognizable as major TV and Movie stars. Actors from the Harry Potter films, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, and Downton Abbey might be readily recognized British actors. I would love to see short cameos from Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman where they are implied to be Holmes and Watson or rival detectives. Idris Elba, Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, and John Cleese‎ might be enticed to do a small part. Being such a small tight knit country, Jonny Lee Miller probably already has all of these stars in his Rolodex. Maybe even Meghan Markle could walk out of Holmes' office and Holmes implies the Royal Family has some problem that needs solving. A lot of the Sherlock Holmes stories start by having Sherlock talking to clients, either just solving some case or considering whether a new case is worthy of his talents, this would be a great place to do a lot of stunt casting that could be really "Meta". Maybe Natalie Dormer will have enough free time to Moriarty for a few episodes.

  13. The Earth is pathetic, in all that time they couldn't come up with a single plan to save themselves. The writers knew they had to put Darius in a coma for 44 days or he would have come up with 10 plans to save the Earth and this would have required another season before they reached their dramatic reveal. Here's hoping that the Aliens know how to cure Darius' disease, because he is the only one of us worth saving. With every rich guy trying to build a rocket these days, I wonder which ones have been colluding with the Aliens.

    • Love 7
  14. 2 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

    I thought, like Mulder, he specifically didn't have one.

    Then where does he entertain all those "no strings attached" sexual encounters that Joan keeps walking in on the tail end of.

  15. I am surprised that the team don't consult Lucy for their biological problems, I thought they incorporated the Kravn computer program into Lucy's computer shouldn't Lucy now be a bioengineering genius.  Zeph never once asked Lucy if she had any solutions to Pip's spider problem or the other biological problems like the canister of liquid that kills the Green.

    • Love 1
  16. 17 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

    My memory is terrible but I thought something happened in a recent-ish episode that destroyed the case against Deacon.  Like the loss of a witness or something?  That's why he's out.

    The one with the crazy female bounty hunter, by Eddie putting the prep in prison, that prep killed the key witness.

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