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Posts posted by Kim0820

  1. On 4/28/2017 at 0:32 PM, ulkis said:

    Those things happened because of a stroke of a pen, though, and not from anything sensibly progressing from the characterization or the plot.

    You know, I'm not so sure about Sonny anymore. I think Carly thrives on it. I think Sonny thrives on his own crap - but within the relationship? I think he doesn't want to lie or get into fights anymore. I think he just wants Carly to shut up and accept him (which, at this point when it comes to his relationship with Carly, honestly, is not unreasonable of Sonny), which is why he lied about Nelle, because even though Carly would have probably forgiven him for it, she would have definitely thrown a fit for a couple of days, and Sonny just didn't feel like dealing with it.

    I don't know if I found his reaction to Carly sleeping with Jax to make much sense to his character at this point. Would he really care that much? If I fanwank it, I think Sonny was more pissed off that Carly didn't immediately act contrite instead of the actual sleeping with Jax.

    imo That was another reason I didn't buy this latest Sonny/Carly redux. Carly's still full of energy and Sonny just looks tired.



    Recalling the limo sex with Sonny when she was married to Jax, between the three of them it should almost be just a shoulder shrugger.  Sonny knows he already slept with Carly in a context where it was cheating on Jax.  

    • Love 3
  2. It is a soap opera, but it is totally unbelievable the Jax would not be a naturalized US citizen by this point.  He is a gazillionaire who long ago could have gotten an investor green card or 1st employment preference multinational manager.  And his parents ran the business in Alaska, so he could have had one as their child long ago.  

    And Sonny only discovering this now, lol.  Easier than causing a plane crash, which he has tried already.  And that he can "never" come back, even if deported for a crime of moral turpitude, just no, and that deportation proceedings would have taken years rather than happened overnight.  Jax can afford lawyers who could have turned it around.  

    • Love 6
  3. I know  I remember the doctor telling me about how you still have to be careful - don't assume just because you are in your 40s and that many women had come to her shocked they were pregnant at that age.  I know two women who got pregnant with their first child at 45.  Maybe partly it is a sort of last minute back off on the decision not to have any children, subconsciously.   

    That poor baby has no good parent options.  Leah and Zach would have been the best option, but they had their reasons for wrecking Zach I am sure.  

    And the Brody storyline is out of hand unrealistic.  It would be a while before his problem was so bad.  Further Justin should get on with his life.  Tory is still there, Mason is still there.  

  4. I could tell when Elly said Finn was OK that meant he was not OK.   So what does he want to spy on from her computer?  Or maybe it was Susan's?  He is there at Susan's house.  OK so two of your teachers are having sex in your house.  You are the principal.  Do you have some kind of conflict?  LOL.

    LOL about the deep dark secret - so true.  So that was Shane's sister in law.  Updated the credits already and Mishti the sister in law is with David and Leo, not her family.  Amusing. 

  5. Musical houses is fun - where is Toadie living?  It seems he is separated from Sonya right now, hence his wanting Steph to go back.  

    I sense some sort of scam, but Shane has the money to buy a house and a business.  That woman is perhaps not his wife but someone else?  If she is his wife, what is she doing with Leo?  And "step one" is complete, and they have money, so what could they be after?  This stuff is not coming out as intriguing or speculation-causing, so just out with it, show.  

    I may have missed something, but are we to assume that Sonya sold the garden business, or that she still has it but has someone to run it?  We have not seen that set in a long time.  Sonya doesn't seem pressured by having to work, too, on top her other problems.  Can't remember if she is still mayor, too, and that would cause her to have some duties she would have to pull herself together for.  

  6. Thanks nozycat I think I am a day behind a lot of the time or will seem to be since I tend to watch the episode in the evening here - I will see notifications from dailymotion pop up in the morning since the episode already aired in Australia and it's already late evening there.  But no problem.  Roo had the apartment that suddenly popped up over the diner right?  So I must be going to see that tonight.  No surprise she is pregnant lol I could see that coming from a mile away.  

  7. They seem to work hard to give Toadie stories regarding his past.  They just got done with Dee so now his brother shows up.  

    So now Mark loves Sonya?  LOL I guess they will be going there.  So the Dee arc was to help break up Toadie and Sonya.  

    Agreed Ben story is silly.  Karl's compromise was the only sensible way to go.  I can't think of a career so grand that you'd better get started now rather than finish the last year of school you are already partly done with.  Maybe a one time shot at becoming a star in the entertainment field?  Why get so close to the graduating certificate and then abandon it?  

  8. So James is a photographer, did his job, and that's going to get him in trouble.  

    And we have to add menopause to the drama.  Roo looks like she is in her 40s.  It's funny that it is a soap opera thing that fainting means you are pregnant.  Now it is also a symptom of menopause.  Or, Roo is pregnant.  That wouldn't surprise me as the next twist.

  9. On 4/8/2017 at 7:31 AM, rmontro said:

    I get your point, although a fresh walker should still be considered dangerous.  And there are less fresh walkers around these days.  There's a theory that the walkers are slowly going extinct as they rot away.  We see this as they have become easier to kill as the seasons go by, in fact we've seen some of them just fall apart on their own basically.  Many think that this is by design.  But a walker who has just turned should be more dangerous.

    My nephew reviewed the comics, and said that the walkers in general weaken and get slower.  In theory most people know what their danger is and how to kill them by now, and to prevent turning by shooting corpses in the head, so their numbers should go down.  Now the emphasis is on how the world is after they destroyed civilization.  Then eventual elimination of them and re-establishing civilization.  

    But I did find it more interesting when they were trying to figure out whether they retained any vestige of the person they had been or what the virus was and how to defeat it.  We saw in the first season that the CDC in Atlanta is gone, but still some doctors would have survived and tried to find out what it was and how to defeat it.  Maybe they will get to something like that in future seasons.  This Neagan thing is taking too long!

    • Love 1
  10. LOL not buying the bit about the paperwork.  Australia is a first world country.  Am I wrong to think the events are recorded contemporaneously?  Unneeded upping of the stakes.  

    Ash has been in jail and that weighs a lot more than one punch to Zack when Zack just cheated on your mother.  Ash is delusional but then this is the soap opera planet.  

    I thought John had a brain tumor, so why is anyone claiming he is a real criminal.

  11. 11 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

    Sasha should have gotten to eat Negan's face off.

    I was thinking I'd be perfectly happy for this story line to end with Neagan being bitten by Sasha and dying from it.  Wish they did not feel they had to string it out further.  

    • Love 3
  12. I don't get the writers here. Had it been Dee, Toadie could have been genuinely torn and the story would have made more sense and been more interesting. 

    Way past ready for jack to leave the church. He can't be a parent and a priest. He has a rescue complex. He slept with Paige after he had rescued her. You don't have to be a Catholic priest to rescue people. 

  13. Yes, the back and forth about Queensland is getting silly.  I hope Brad and Lauren don't go, either. 

    Indeed, Sonya was carrying the baby for Mark, and now it is as if it was her baby and not Mark's.  Still unbelievable that a guy like Mark can't become a dad without having a surrogate.  Like Nate on H&A, yeah right, a good looking man with a good career can't find a good woman.  

    And Sonya should have gotten hold of herself when Nell was asking for her.  

  14. Yes I often wonder if they think younger viewers would be bored if there was not enough conflict and drama.  They always add in more than seems necessary IMO.  

    Irene really does seem to be trying to keep Ash out of things with regard to the baby.

    The thing with the house is really overdone.  I suppose it is near Mangrove River, so there must be crime.

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